Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 161 The dusty past revealed in advance, relieved Dumbledore

Chapter 161 The dusty past revealed in advance, relieved Dumbledore

"But she doesn't love me," Harry Potter said immediately, "she doesn't love me at all..."

"But she raised you anyway," said Dumbledore, "although she may have been reluctant, reluctant, and even resentful, but he still allowed you to survive, and it was a blessing in disguise.

"Harry, you have to admit that your mother's sacrifice made your blood your strongest backing."

"But that's not me..."

Lin Xiao interrupted impatiently, "Harry, no matter what, there is a fact that you must admit. That is, up to now, you can still go back to that house. Although you don't want to call it that, but you I have to admit that Voldemort can't hurt you anytime you go back there."

"Two-eight zero" Voldemort killed your mother, but also made you her sister's only blood relative, your blood is your refuge. You can go back once a year, although you don't want to admit it , but that's your home. A Buddha's top palace can never hurt your home.""

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, and your aunt knows all this. When I put you at her door, I left her a letter explaining everything here in detail. So she I know, and in these ten years, I have given you a place to live.

"Does she know?" Harry Potter couldn't believe it. "Then why..."

"And I've reminded her more than once of the truth about raising you and the dangers of raising you like a son, but she never mentioned letting you go," 35 Dumbledore said.

"Wait a minute, but what does all this have to do with Voldemort?"

Harry stood up, not sure why he started talking at that point.

Dumbledore glanced at him and continued, "Five years ago, you came to Hogwarts, not as happy or as gentleman as I thought, but I'm glad that at least you came here safely and intact, this ten In the past few years, you have been alive and healthy. And you did not grow up like the stars and the moon, and you have your own self-restraint. I am very happy that you have grown up like this."

"You are what I hoped to be, an ordinary child growing up in a peaceful environment, and when you came here, I was sure that all my plans were not bad."

What happened after that, Lin Xiao also became clear.

"After that, I still remember clearly what happened in the first year after you came to school. You soon faced your own challenges, faster than I thought. And you were faster than I thought. Discover your potential and face Voldemort's potential alone. Although that time you survived, and delayed his return and gained magical powers, you fought exactly like a warrior, that time, you know? I... How proud I am.

"But I made a mistake at the time, and it's a mistake I've been making in the past few years, that is, because of your age, I underestimate your ability. However, if it wasn't for Lin Xiao, he reminded me that you have your mission , I have no right to make any decisions for you without your knowledge, and maybe even now, I will not decide to tell you these things."

Harry remembered how he had asked Dumbledore, when he was a baby, in the hospital, in his first year, why Voldemort would murder him.

Dumbledore said nothing at the time.

Harry looked Dumbledore in the eyes, "You mean, you thought I was too young to know the truth?"

"I'm sorry, Harry, that I treated you with this mentality. I should have realized at the time that as long as you're still looking for the truth, you're going to be asking me these questions, and I'll have to give you these horrible answers one day. .But I'm always at a loss as to when to tell you.35

Dumbledore sighed softly, "Maybe it was also because I was too conceited at the time, and I was happy every time you asked me, before it was time to tell you. This kind of makes me feel that all Everything is still in my plan.35

Lin Xiao looked at Harry," Dumbledore said, in your second year at Hogwarts, you had discussed the scar on your forehead in depth, but at the time, he still didn't tell you.

"Yes, it was my fault. Harry Potter, I fell into my own trap first.

Dumbledore, always apologetic. It was he who underestimated Harry's ability to accept. After talking with Lin Xiao, he thought more than once that if he had told Harry all the truth earlier, would everything be much better than now......

Harry Potter was always expressionless, Lin Xiao looked at the guilty Dumbledore, and couldn't help but said, "It's not your fault, Dumbledore. It's not really a mistake at all. 95

He looked at Harry coldly, "For Dumbledore, he would rather you be like the rest of the school and simply enjoy being at Hogwarts than being unhappy after letting you know the truth. Of all his plans, what he values ​​most is your peaceful life. He values ​​your peace of mind, even more so than how many deaths it will cause if the plan fails. Harry Potter, this is not a mistake, you have no qualifications , and there is no position to blame him.

"Lin Xiao, don't do this." Dumbledore stopped him, "It was indeed my fault, because Voldemort pre-judged my pre-judgment, and I was dealing with the problem as he hoped.""

"I'm sorry, but that's what I did. I'm looking at you so closely, watching you, and I hope you're happy at Hogwarts. Don't have to go through the pain you've been through, I even think In the future, how many ordinary people will be killed because my plan fails.

"I'm even at a loss as to what if my plan doesn't keep you alive, or doesn't keep you alive and happy? Harry, I have to admit, I've never treated anyone like this."

Dumbledore looked at Harry lovingly, like a rare treasure.

"I can tell you many times, that year you killed 1.3 Death Eaters, found Sirius, knew who he was, and rescued him. I had a chance to tell you at that time, but I didn't. It was just that when my heart started to panic, I felt that, maybe soon, I had to tell you all this.

"I knew last year that Voldemort had returned," said 35 Dumbledore, "but at the time, I still didn't tell you. "

Dumbledore walked to Lin Xiao's side, "Thank you for keeping me from making any mistakes. Today I finally say all this. 99

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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