Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 169 Luna Lovegood, Lin Xiao get angry

Chapter 169 Luna Lovegood, Lin Xiao get angry

"But no one will blame you for this, Harry," Sirius looked at him worriedly, "Harry, you've put too many things on your shoulders, you know, we never need to Apologize for something you didn't do.39

"It wasn't you who kicked Dumbledore out of school, it was Umbridge, and he's been punished now.35

"Harry, cheer up, don't punish yourself for the past full of remorse, those are over." Sirius's eyes were full of concern, "We all need you to cheer up, you should let go of your own. Heart, look around, you will find that this world is not bad.

"Not bad?" Harry repeated murmured.

"Harry, you are too pessimistic now, and you think too bad about everything. What an optimistic and aggressive person you were before, Harry." Sirius said sadly, "Harry, you are losing yourself. Own."

Harry knew that since Dumbledore had told him those things, his whole being was full of negativity. He felt that his whole life seemed to be defined by others, and he could only move within this framework, and he could not find himself.

He resisted such a mission, and he didn't want to accept it, so he sealed himself up as he was 280 years ago, and he didn't want to contact anyone anymore.

"Harry, go to the window.

Harry walked to the window and looked down at the celebratory dinner party. The atmosphere of joy was spreading upwards. Upstairs, he was alone.

"You should have some confidence in you, Harry," said Sirius, "everyone knows that Voldemort has been resurrected, but everyone is still celebrating. It's because they're confident, because they beat Voldemort once, So they firmly believe that they can beat the second time. More importantly, they have confidence in you.

"And they have confidence in you because you've been doing well, Harry, you have to admit, you've been doing well over the years."

Sirius said, "And all you need to do now is keep going. Just keep doing it. It's not that hard for you. Harry."9

Harry looked at Sirius, and the string that had been tensing in his mind suddenly snapped.

He felt as if something had opened up in front of him. The scar on the forehead that has been aching for the past two days is no longer painful.

Yeah, it's not like he didn't beat Voldemort, like Dumbledore said, he beat Voldemort four times, and it wasn't him this time, but they won too.

Voldemort is not a completely invincible existence, it has always been his fear of Voldemort, which intensified his strength in his heart, Voldemort also has weaknesses, doesn't it?

So, he can do it.

Harry's eyes gradually became clearer. He looked at Sirius and said excitedly, "Thank you so much, Sirius, I have to say, I'm so glad that you are still alive. I can still talk to you."

"Oh, what's the matter." Sirius waved his hand.

"Sirius, I'll go back to you when the dinner is over. I think I might need to go down now and be with my mates, and I want to celebrate this dinner with them. You know, I don't want to miss it. 55

"Go on, Harry. I think they'll be glad you showed up. Years

After speaking, Harry put down the mirror and ran downstairs.

Harry rushed out of the dormitory and ran down the spiral staircase. The portrait on the stairs saw his eager figure and asked strangely, "Harry, why are you in such a hurry?

Harry replied as he ran, "I'm going to the dinner party, now that the dinner party has started, I can't be late.

The fat lady shook her head, "It's really a child, I'm so excited to attend the dinner party. It seems that I'm really old.

in the banquet hall

Lin Xiao, as always, felt everyone's attention, sat in the seat, looked at the food in front of him, and had no appetite at all.

This kind of dinner is really boring.

"Lin Xiao, did you see Luna?" Ronald asked, "She just sat here for a while and then left. Do you (ahbd) know where she went?35

Lin Xiao raised his head, but he didn't see Luna anywhere, "I don't know, did you see which direction she was heading?"

"I don't know." Ronald shook his head.

It just so happened that Lin Xiao didn't want to stay here anymore, so he got up and said, "I'll go find her. She doesn't want to be alone now."

Hermione watched Lin Xiao get up and asked, "The dinner is about to start, where are you going?

Lin Xiao was just about to say go to Luna, but after seeing her expression, he swallowed his words and said, "I want to walk by myself, and I will be back in a while. 95

Hermione looked at the back of Lin Xiao leaving and hesitated.

Lin Xiao walked in the direction of the dormitory, he turned the corner, and was about to ask Mrs. Fat if Luna was here, Mrs. Fat would definitely know where she was.

He walked to Mrs. Fatty's side and saw a person in front of him who was nailing something on the wall, Lin Xiao walked over, and Luna the old tomato.

Luna saw the person in the dark, it was too late to hide, she followed the footsteps and looked over, it was Lin Xiao.

"Lin Xiao, why are you here?" Luna looked at him nervously and walked over.

"Why didn't you attend the dinner below, what are you doing here?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Well, I came here to find my things, and many of my things are gone." Luna said calmly, "You know they always like to hide all my things, today is the last day, I want to put They're all found. I know where they're hiding, and I've marked them all.

Luna took out a piece of paper on which she recorded what she lost and where it was hidden, but some were ticked.

Looking at Luna like this, Lin Xiao was inexplicably angry, he frowned and asked, "Have they always treated you like this?

"Oh," Luna shrugged, "you know, they call me Luna Luna, they think I'm weird, so just use this method to stimulate me."

The anger in Lin Xiao's heart was even stronger, he felt that it shouldn't be like this, Luna was just a little simple, she shouldn't be treated like this.

"This is not the reason why they can treat you like this," Lin Xiao said, looking at Luna, "I'll help you find it together first.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was angry, Luna said soothingly, "Actually, there is no need to look for it. When I go home tomorrow, they will definitely bring it back. It's just that I wanted to pack up tonight, so I came to find it myself."

Luna looked at Lin Xiao, "By the way, why didn't you attend the dinner party?"

Lin Xiao shrugged like she did, "Like you, I don't want to participate."

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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