Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 222 Two Dumbledore

Chapter 222 Two Dumbledore

"Lin Xiao, what are you talking about?" Harry looked at Lin Xiao like a lunatic.

"Listen to me, Harry, 35 Lin Xiao held Harry tightly, "From now on, we're going to do two things. "9

"The first thing, we're going to collect as much information on Director Lin as possible and find all the people we can find."

"The second thing, Dumbledore reminded me, you just asked me, what would he do if it were Dumbledore." Lin Xiao shook his head, "In fact, it's the opposite, it should be, what would he do if we were Dumbledore Do?"

"What's the difference? Lin Xiao." Harry was almost dazed by Lin Xiao.

"It's a big difference, think about it, if we were Dumbledore, and now, we had to fight an enemy that was many times stronger than us, what would happen to Dumbledore?

Harry still didn't understand.

"I don't have time to explain now, so let's do the first thing first. I want as much information as possible, Director Lin's information."

Harry didn't fully understand what Lin Xiao said, but now he knew what he should do.


He nodded, "I'll go now, I believe that the administrator and Director Li will definitely have information from Director Lin.

Just as Harry was about to get up, he heard a knock on the door, Harry and Lin Xiao looked at each other, then got up to open the door.

Very few people come to them.


Sure enough, after opening the door, what Harry saw was Director Lin, who was as always with a smile on his face and narrowed eyes. He held a thick stack of notebooks in his hand.

"I have to admit, Director Lin, the way you came to fight is much more civilized than that of the Specter." Harry said to Director Lin outside the door.

When Lin Xiao heard Harry's words, he immediately walked over and looked at Director Lin outside the door without saying a word.

Director Lin smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I won't take the initiative to come to you for a trial, I will always wait for you to come to me. I came to find you because I think you need these.

Director Lin lifted the book in his hand, Lin Xiao could feel the weight.

"What is this?" Lin Xiao asked.

Director Lin didn't know whether it was disappointment or regret, he glanced at Lin Xiao and Harry, and then said, "It seems that you didn't take my previous words to heart.

"When you left the trial room, didn't I tell you, I'm a person who is good at analysis, I have all the information I have collected here, I'll bring it to you, I think you need them more than me ."

Lin Xiao and Harry looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

They did not expect that Director Lin would actually give them these materials.

Lin Xiao was silent for a while, staring at Director Lin, "Does all this director's information also include yours? 35

"Lin Xiao!" Harry interrupted him in horror.

Director Lin smiled lightly, and then said, "Of course, including, after all, I am also your director, isn't it?"

Harry looked at Director Lin in surprise, he heard his own voice, "Director Lin, did you really give us your information?

Director Lin narrowed his eyes as always, "It turns out that the second one you chose, no, to be exact, the first trial content you chose was me.

"That's my honor.

Lin Xiao looked at Director Lin and the documents in his hands.

Director Lin handed over the information in his hand, "Then you need this information even more." Director Lin looked at Lin Xiao and said, "In my notes, I have recorded every match of mine and of my opponent. I have a record of the battle situation, the characteristics and reflections of each game, you can take a look.

After handing the information to Lin Xiao, he was about to turn around and leave, just took a step forward, then came back, looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Can I know, why did you guys choose me in the first place? Because I am the youngest director, do you think I will be weaker?"

"How do you say that sentence, persimmons should be soft first?

Lin Xiao shook his head and looked at him seriously, "Because you are the most familiar of all the directors so far. So, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you will be safe in a hundred battles.

Director Lin seemed to be relieved and patted his chest, "Fortunately, it's not because I'm the weakest.

"Then I won't disturb you. I'll be waiting for you in the office. I hope you won't make me wait too long." After speaking, Director Lin turned around and left.

After closing the door, Harry looked at the thick document in front of him and asked, "Lin Xiao, do we really want to see this document?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Look, we have to look at everything, look at Director Lin first.

Harry stopped him, "Lin Xiao, think about it again, there won't be any problems in the middle? How can someone give all their training manuals to the enemy who is about to fight?"

Lin Xiao shook his head and flipped through the materials, "Not the enemy. Harry, Director Lin is not our enemy."

"Okay, even if it's not an enemy, it's an opponent, Lin Xiao, these..." It wasn't that Harry didn't believe in Director Lin's conduct, but that Director Lin's current approach was beyond the scope of normal people's thinking.

"What if he didn't regard us as an opponent?" Lin Xiao casually flipped through the materials in his hand, "Don't you see that he gave us these things in the hope that we could find a way to defeat him from these materials? ?""

"Why? Lin Xiao, I don't understand." Harry313 couldn't understand why Director Lin did this.

"There are many reasons for this," Lin Xiao thought to himself. "It is possible that he is actually looking forward to it. There are different people who can come to beat him. Look at the record above,"

Lin Xiao showed Harry the page he saw

"Every time he fails, it is a sign that he has reached a new stage." Lin Xiao quickly turned back, "Look here, after he lost to the administrator, he was in this battle with the administrator, There was a lot of improvement, so next time, he won and became the director.

"Almost, every time he passes a stage, there will be an opponent who defeats him, and then, the next time he appears in front of everyone, he will look completely different."

"But since he became the director, he has never met such a person, and he has never improved significantly, so he might want us to beat him."

Lin Xiao looked at it and felt that there might be such a possibility.

"Will it be? Harry asked suspiciously, "Does anyone really want others to beat them?"

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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