Supreme Magus

2702 A Warrior's Spirit (Part 2)

2702 A Warrior's Spirit (Part 2)

Their lost father was alive and he seemed to have made up with Shya. That was the only thing that mattered to Varegrave's children.

"My babies! Damn, look how much you guys have grown. Is the house still standing or did you eat that too?" The joke about their

gluttonousness was something only the real Varegrave could know and it made them break into tears.

They joined the family hug, bawling their eyes out and calling out their dad over and over.

"Thank you, Lady Verhen." Varegrave said, having a hard time holding back the tears.

"You are welcome." A snap of Kamila's fingers activated a Warping array that moved the Varegrave family inside the Mansion.

There, away from prying eyes, the Demon let himself go, expressing all the joy of the reunion with sweet words and salty tears.


Blood Desert, Blood Plains, near the borders with the free countries, two days after Lith's birthday.

Contrary to its name, the Blood Plains were made of common yellow sand. There was no grass nor water in the surroundings, just a peculiar wind pattern that kept dunes from forming and left the Desert's sands leveled for a few kilometers.

Salaark had scheduled the meeting near high noon so that the Suneater could employ his best spells to their maximum efficacy. As promised, she had brought along a small crowd of spectators and left her Praetorian Guards to patrol the area.

For the occasion and to ensure that nothing bad happened to her guests, the Overlord had invited both Sinmara the Phoenix of Darkness and Surtr the Dragon of Light.

"I've arranged our transportation to a neutral ground." Salaark said. "It's an uninhabited island outside of my turf. There we can fight on equal terms with only our own strength.

"My guards will make sure that no one will disturb our fight and that our spells won't force my cartographers to redraw the maps of half the continent."

"That's very thoughtful of you, little sparrow, but I'd like for us to fight here." Tezka gave her a small nod of the head as thank you.

"Are you sure?" Salaark furrowed her brow. "I'm stronger in the Desert. It would be an unfair advantage."

"It also means that other Guardians will be weaker and that your Nest is at its strongest." The Suneater tutted. "We both know that outside your turf means inside someone else's. I trust you and no one else."

"Fine!" Salaark was pissed off at the idea of having an edge on her rival. "Then you cast your best spells before we start. That will even things out."

"Not a chance." Tezka shrugged. "Where's the fun in that?"

His words pissed the Overlord even more, giving her the impression that the Suneater was either underestimating her or overestimating himself.

"Uncle Tezka, why are you doing this? This is unfair!" Filia asked, a bit pale from fear.

No reassurance could convince her that something bad wouldn't happen to her beloved friend. The Divine Beasts assembled there only made her feel more scared that Salaark might go back on her word.

"Because life is unfair, my sweet child." Tezka replied while caressing her cheek. "If the mean lady and I are going to fight in the future, it won't happen on my terms. Did the bullies give you notice before ambushing you?

"Did Fallmug give you a chance before doing what he did? Did any of those mean people who attempted on your and your brother's life play by any rule?"

Both Filia and Frey shook their heads. Also, they appreciated Tezka calling Fallmug by his name instead of father. To them, Zogar was the only dad they had ever had while the Suneater was their best friend.

"Remember my words while you grow up. Always prepare for the worst and train under the most unfair conditions because that's how life usually plays out."

Salaark nodded in agreement, feeling her pride restored and admiring Tezka's new attitude.

'He isn't disrespecting me. Quite the contrary. The old fox trusts me so much that he's putting his life in my hands. He wants to fight here because he knows that even if he comes one inch from death, I'll protect Zinya and the kids.

'He's actually doing it for us. For me to show my true power and for him to fight without any worry. The old fox is going to give the performance of his life.' The Overlord thought.

"Before we start, there's a spell I have prepared for our guests." She actually said. "This fight is meant to be a lesson, but at the speed you and I move it would be a lot even if our spectators just see a couple of flashes before we are done."

Salaark revealed the spell matrix to Tezka before using it on Zinya and the others.

"Interesting. They will use our senses as a live feed, to experience everything we do as if they were on our level." The Eldritch-Warg hybrid rubbed his chin. "I agree with this and I thank you for your kindness."

This time Tezka gave her a real bow, leaving everyone flabbergasted.

Salaark used the Battle Sense spell to connect herself with Tezka and both of them with Lith, Solus, Friya, Kamila, Zinya, Filia, and Frey.

"Shields up!" On the Overlord's mark, the entire Blood Plains were surrounded by a twenty-meter (66') thick Spirit Barrier, and the spectators were brought on the other side since thanks to her spell distance didn't matter anymore.

"Before starting, I have one suggestion and one more offer." Salaark said. "I suggest we keep our forms compressed to human size. It's just you and me here. Being big is just pointless and would increase the number of times we hit the barrier.

"Once we go all-out, even with my children fueling the barrier, there's only so many hits it can take so we have to make them count or we'll have to suspend the match to allow for repairs. I hate being interrupted."

Tezka nodded in agreement and for her to continue.

"If you want, you can use your equipment whereas I'll fight bare-handed. Deal?"

"No." Tezka replied. "I want to fight you at your best, just like it might happen in the future. I'm not interested in 10% of your power or any arbitrary number. You, me, 100%. Anything less and I'm out of here."

"Gods, Zagran would love you." Salaark laughed heartily, clapping at his warrior spirit.

"I have a few final words before we start as well." Tezka said and Salaark waited without weaving a single spell nor assuming a guard stance. "Filia, Frey. Every time I had to fight, I asked you to close your eyes.

"Not today. Today, I want you to watch my back and never to avert your gaze. Don't even blink if you can. I'm going to show you the pride of the Suneater and I don't want you to miss a single moment of it.

"I want you to be proud of me. It's been a long time since someone has been proud of me."

He looked back at Zinya at the children, raising his closed fist in a salute that also showed his determination. Filia and Frey returned it, but Tezka had already turned around.

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