Supreme Magus

2706 Gods of War (Part 2)

2706 Gods of War (Part 2)

Chaos Dimension made Tezka the ruler of the area but the Immortal Flames ignored his decrees.

They only had one goddess and one purpose. The emerald flames spread outward, burning at Chaos Dimension's runes and weakening its grip on the Guardian.

Tezka cursed under his breath and rearranged the spell in order to save as much of it as he could.

A flick of his fingers turned the sand into stone and made it into a mountain that struck at the Overlord. A shift of his feet lowered the air pressure to the point where there was barely any oxygen left.

A wave of his tail made it so that the temperature dropped by 200 degrees. Such was the power of Chaos Dimension.

By controlling gravity and space, Tezka could control the whole Mogar. Or rather, the fraction of Mogar that his Eldritch tier spell encompassed.

To do that, he needed massive amounts of mana that only the Suneater spell could provide and he had to fill the area with his own power in order to make up for the lack of Domination.

All of that was useless against a being who was the source of her own power by emitting Spirit Magic. A Guardian who possessed true Domination and had mastered it over the millennia.

Salaark's body flared up, dispelling the mountain, restoring the air, and making the Desert warm again. Her Immortal Flames burned through space, Blinking her behind Tezka and assaulting him with a flurry of hits from her tail's feathers.

"Damn it, if only I too had Spirit Magic!" He roared.

"And if wishes were horses beggars would ride!" Salaark roared back, following him everywhere he Blinked, leaving no safe space in the entire Blood Plains for the Suneater.

"Indeed!" Tezka replied, activating the power of his tenth tail.

An incredibly complex array appeared out of thin air, the Master's very own Chaos Annihilation, a version of the anti-Guardian spell that had no need for Spirit Magic.

The Chaos replaced the darkness and made up for the lack of the seventh element, bringing Vastor's variation of Silverwing's Annihilation on par with the original.

A six-pointed star appeared around Tezka with him as the seventh. Five elemental pillars and a Chaos pillar burst in front of him and he fuelled them with spells from both his Gravity and Dimensional tails, bringing the spell to the next level.

"What the farm?" The Overlord and everyone else said in unison but for entirely different reasons.

Dimensional magic accelerated the spell and bounced it everywhere, making it impossible to dodge. Gravity magic hindered Salaark's movements while also making her the center of gravity of the entire Blood Plains.

Everything fell towards her including the Chaos Annihilation that was now homing into its target. Tezka bellowed as he put into the anti-Guardian spell every ounce of power from Suneater that his body couldn't take.

As for the others, Phoenixes, humans, and everything in between, they were simply stunned.

'Are they really going to keep one-upping each other like this?' Every time the match seemed over, Either Tezka or Salaark pulled a new trick out of their hat.

Can you really mix Gravity and Dimensional spells even with arrays?'Friya coughed out a bunch of impurities but her eyes didn't blink as she stared at the Suneater.

Salaark took the Annihilation in full and her Immortal Flames went out. The Guardian was sent flying back, allowing Tezka to restore his might via the Suneater spell.

He was panting heavily, having put everything he had into the Chaos Annihilation.

"Well, good to know." Salaark stood up, with half of her body missing and spurting blood. "That thing hurts like a bitch but I doubt you can do that again."

Rebirth Flames healed the White Phoenix, regrowing the missing organs and limbs in an instant.

"I, instead, have Immortal Flames for days!" Emerald fire burst out of her body again, accompanied by a shortness of breath.

Even a Guardian knew fatigue and purging the Chaos that was plaguing her mana core and body required further effort.

"You really don't want to let me go home today!" Tezka pulled the Endless Night blade and his Suneater armor from his pocket dimension. "I thought you were into Dragons."

"I sure am!" Salaark replied by wielding her black blade, Tyrant Sun, in her tail's feathers and wearing her white armor, Conqueror Moon.

Both sets of equipment were made from the purest Davross and studded solely with elemental crystals.

Salaark's set was a Guardian-crafted artifact that she only used against a fellow Guardian and only after they both agreed to put their life on the line. That day, she wore it for an Eldritch.

Tezka's set, instead, was made by Bytra, the Fourth Ruler of the Flames.

She had used the Absolution, splitting the hammer among her hybrid siblings to craft her masterpiece. Eycos the Garuda and Nelia the Griffon had used Life Maelstrom during the whole process.

Cyare the Fenrir and Hushar the Leviathan had employed Doom Tide passive effect, Elemental Flow, to change the arrays every time an enchantment could be bettered, ensuring that each spell would be imbued in the best condition possible.

Xenagrosh the Dragon and Kigan the Phoenix had purified the Davross and removed any flaw from the employed materials. Nandi the Minotaur had conjured an amount of world energy on par with a mage tower.

Last, but not least, the Master had wielded the ninth hammer, using his own Spirit Magic to make up for what the Eldritches lacked. As for Bytra, she had poured everything she knew into her creation to achieve perfection.

Lith and the rest of the spectators swallowed a lump of saliva noticing that both Tezka's blade the armor bore seven elemental crystals each. One for each element plus a violet crystal holding the power of Dimensional Magic.

It was something that Lith had only seen on the Saefel and Arthan Sets. Something exclusive to Dimensional Mages that even Fyrwal had no idea how to craft.

Tezka kicked things up a notch by using his own mastery over Dimensional Magic to boost the mass of his Davross equipment.

A mass of Chaos-infused molecules wrapped around Endless Night and the Suneater armor. The Chaos molecules used the equipment as a scaffold to rearrange their atomic bonds in the same form as the legendary metal, mimicking the Davross' properties and forming a blade and an armor of the same size as the Overlord's.

You can do that with Dimensional Magic? How?' Friya asked and everybody shrugged.

"All I know is that this is going to be over soon!' Lith replied.

The mere presence of the weapons was filling the Spirit Barrier put up by hundreds of Phoenixes with cracks.

The Lord of War and the Suneater needed but a split second to go back to their peak strength before putting everything in a single strike.

The moment they moved, the power they emitted was enough to blind everyone present despite the Battle Sense spell.

The moment the blades connected, a gigantic explosion shattered the Spirit Barrier, sending the first line of Phoenixes flying and forcing those in the second line to shield the spectators with their bodies.

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