Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1032: Yasli is in distress!

"Twenty-four-winged angels are gifted by God and created directly by God. They have secrets in their bodies. I don’t know exactly what they are! But it seems that they can be obtained. Whoever obtains it? With it, you will become the new twenty-four-winged angel, and become the Holy Lord!" Harry lowered his voice, looking very mysterious.

Qin Fei became more and more confused by what he said. After the twelve wings, there were fourteen, sixteen and so on. He actually went to serve God. In this way, the strength of the twelve wings and the twenty-four wings were different by tens of thousands of miles. Who can take the place of the Holy Lord? Isn't this bullshit?

"Hey, are you confused? I tell you quietly, don't tell others! Although the strength of the twelve-winged angel is far from that of the Holy Lord, the twelve-winged angel is second only to the Holy Lord in the Holy City. Existence, so it is also the person closest to the Holy Lord, if the method is right, you can get what you want without fighting!" Harry lowered his voice.

"You've said that I'm confused, let's drink!" Qin Fei looked blank and stopped asking, as if he was completely uninterested.

However, there was a turbulent wave in his heart. Maybe he should make some changes. Now that the twenty-four-winged angel crying was replaced, then he had another way to approach God...

There is no clear distinction between day and night in heaven. It is only calculated by time. Even at night, the light shines. For angels, being able to bathe in the holy light every day is a supreme glory.

The angels have become accustomed to such an environment, and sleeping is optional for them.

After the banquet, Qin Fei was stayed by Tom to tell him something.

Harry and the others got drunk and were helped by the angels to rest. Qin Fei followed Tom to a luxurious room. Tom let him sit for a while, saying that he was going to deal with something first.

Tom came to another room, Nicole was waiting for him quietly.

"Nicole, Qin Fei will be here with me for an hour, do whatever you want to do! No news will come here within this time!" Tom's eyes flashed murderously.

Nicole nodded calmly, turned and left. Of course she could understand what Tom was referring to.

Tom sneered looking at her back, clapping his hands, and a golden shadow appeared in front of him.

"Shadow! Go, record everything she did with the mirror crystal!" He said coldly.

The group of shadows shook, and said: "My lord, today I always feel that there is a familiar force around Qin Fei fluctuating! I wonder if there is an existence like me watching him!"

"Is there such a thing?" Tom frowned, and said coldly: "It seems that our opponent is not going to stop here! Do you think you can kill Qin Fei?"

Shadow was silent for a while, and said: "No! He is very strong! Although I can approach him silently, it would be extremely difficult to kill him!"

"That's right! Since you can't kill him, others will never want to kill him! Don't care! You go and monitor Nicole's actions first!" Tom said.

"Yes!" The shadow flickered and disappeared.

In the other room, Qin Fei withdrew his consciousness, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then flicked at the void with his fingers.


The figure of Meisha emerged from the void in embarrassment, looked at Qin Fei in horror, and said in a trembled voice: "How did you find me?"

"Idiot! Dare to show off in front of me! Come on, Gasol sent you?"

Meisha condensed his eyes and said, "You are looking for death!"

Before the words were over, he took the initiative to rush towards Qin Fei, and a cold dagger appeared in Jin Ying, murderous.

Qin Fei raised his brows and waved his hand faintly. An overwhelming wave of air instantly swept out, enveloping the charm brake, and then restrained it on the wall, unable to move.

Just about to ask to understand, suddenly there was Tom's voice outside, Qin Fei's expression moved, and Meisha suddenly felt that he had loosened his restraints. He was overjoyed and disappeared in a hurry.

Qin Fei curled his lips and looked at Tom who opened the door and walked in. It was all such a bad thing.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to be exposed, in fact, the charm can't escape, but now it can only be forgotten.

"Qin Fei, let you wait a long time! Are you used to it here? Tell me what you need, Tom will never treat someone who has done meritorious works!" Tom smiled as soon as he came in.

Qin Fei sneered in his heart, pretending to be a bit like, this guy secretly asked Nicole to do something, he had just overheard it, but didn't think much about it, it shouldn't be for him, so he didn't bother to take care of it.

Although Tom said that he would hold himself here for an hour, let Nicole hurry up to do it, and said that no news would come here, but he thought it was possible that Tom asked Nicole to deal with Lengyue Street. This guy obviously didn't believe in himself and wanted to keep his rights under control. He didn't care. These weren't his goals, so it didn't matter.

"I recently selected a group of female angels to form a dance team! They dance very well, let you enjoy them today!" Tom laughed and clapped his hands.

A fascinating fragrance wafted from outside the door, and ten beautiful and **** angels walked in, stood neatly in a row, and saluted Qin Fei and Tom respectfully.

When they bowed their bows, they bowed their heads, causing the spring and glory of their open chests to vent, and the deep and charming gullies were bottomless. On both sides of each gully, two snowy white hills stood upright.

Qin Fei sneered inwardly, this Tom is really vulgar, and he actually used a beauty trick.

Well, just do what he wants. Anyway, it's boring. Look at the noble and holy female angels in the eyes of Western mortals, how windy and turbulent they are.

After receiving Tom’s instruction, the female angels danced, their **** bodies twisted into a dancing posture that made the man’s nosebleeds spurt, and the mysterious parts were sometimes looming. Qin Fei was not fascinated by them, but Tom had already See it with gusto.

In a narrow alley north of the holy city, Yasli appeared in a house in the alley. There were nearly twenty angels in the house, with six wings and eight wings. Everyone looked at her.

Next to her, stood Daisy, who Qin Fei had once met.

"I've made it clear, please make your own decision! Follow me to Lengyue Street, and you won't have to worry about cultivation resources anymore! Master Qin Fei will give you everything you want, as long as we follow him faithfully !" Yasili looked at everyone.

Everyone discussed each other for a while, and finally the representative said: "Yasily, we listen to you. You have always been our best friend. Since you believe in us, we naturally believe in you! Just listen to you and follow You go to see Master Qin Fei and do things for him in the future!"

Yasili nodded happily and said, "Thank you for your support! I guarantee Master Qin Fei is different from the other ten-winged angels. He will care about each of us! He regards us as friends, not subordinates! "

Daisy also nodded at this time: "I can also prove that, Master Qin Fei, I have seen a life, and he saved my life! I'm worried that I can't find a chance to repay my gratitude. Now Yasli will bring it. The good news!"

"Let's go, let's see the adults now!" Yasili said happily.

"You can't go anywhere!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded, and then dozens of ten-winged angels rushed in from everywhere, surrounding everyone.

Yasli and others were extremely nervous. These people are all ten-winged angels, and nearly forty people appeared suddenly. Whose person is this? What do you mean by coming here?

There was a sound of light footsteps, and the ten-winged angels separated and walked out a graceful and **** female angel, but she was wearing a mask, so that people could not see what she looked like, only from the five pairs of wings behind her I can tell that she is a powerful ten-winged angel.

Yasili's pretty face is pale, and any enemy here is enough to kill all of her people. Who is going to deal with herself?

"Who are you?" she trembled.

"You are not qualified to know! Do it!" Nicole under the mask indifferently gave an offensive order.

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