Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1089: Lessons from Beishan!

It was defeated, and Bo Jijie, praised by the people, suffered a disastrous defeat in an instant. There was no resistance at all, and it appeared to be attacked by backlash and severely injured.

The people of the wild tribe were all in shock. The powerful Bo Sacrificial Ritual was defeated by one move. This was simply unacceptable and the blow was too great.

The most horrified thing was Bo Yong, who trembled: "Who are you? Why do we call the Beast Soul?"

What Qin Fei used just now was almost exactly the same as his method. He actually called out the beast soul, which made him feel extremely shocked. This "beast soul call" was the head of the wild tribe, Beishan, from outside the mountain three hundred years ago. It took so many years of hard work to finally achieve it. Originally, he thought that only the wild tribes can use this spell. From now on, the wild mountains will be unified and there will be no opponents. However, at this moment, Qin has appeared. Fei's anomalous number also mastered the "Beast Soul Call", and looked stronger and more powerful than him.

His advantage is completely gone, which makes him feel terrified.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "I am not'Beast Soul Call'! Now you still want to stop me?"

Bo Yong swayed up, stopped in front of him, and said firmly: "Although I can't beat you, I won't give up. I am the sacrifice of the wild tribe, even if for the safety of the wild tribe, I will die in your hands. Here, never give up! If you want to pass, you will step on my corpse!"

Qin Fei looked at him, this is a responsible person, knowing that he can't do anything, but would rather take his life.

"I'm not interested in your life, get out of here!" He continued to grasp the stupid Bei Kun who had not recovered from the defeat of Bo Sacrificial Ceremony, and walked towards Bo Yong.

Boyong only felt an invisible force sweeping over the mountains and the sea, forcing him to retreat involuntarily, unable to move his legs, and could only stare at Qin Fei as he walked away. People don't dare to keep following up, and even the powerful sacrifices have been defeated. It doesn't work for them to keep up.

Before taking two hundred steps, several men and women dressed for sacrifices appeared in front of him. They surrounded Qin Fei and launched an attack without saying a word.

Qin Fei sneered. These people really didn't cry without seeing the coffin.

His body shook slightly, the flying-winged lion rushed out, swallowing the beast souls released by these people directly, and proceeded without hindrance.

The people of the wild tribe followed tremblingly.

"This foreigner is so powerful! Even sacrificial offerings are not his opponents. Isn't the heaven going to destroy our wild tribe?"

"This is the first time I have seen such a powerful person. The patriarch doesn't know if it is his opponent?"

"What a terrible guy, if the patriarch can't beat him by that time, we have to find a way to leave first!"

Facing the invincible Qin Fei, everyone had already retreated.

In front of a large stone house to the east, Qin Fei stopped. A large group of people stood before the gate of the stone house. Most of them were sacrifices. At this time, they were praying to the sky and summoning the beast soul.

There were roars of beasts everywhere in the entire tribe, and beasts from all over the place rushed to surround Qin Fei and Bei Kun Tuan Tuan. On the surface, the situation seemed very unfavorable for Qin Fei.

The head of a middle-aged burly man with a rugged face, his eyes full of fierceness, is unforgettable, this man also has a necklace of animal bones hanging on his neck, and his upper body is as red as a hill Normal muscles, I saw that his body was covered with shocking scars. These scars had to be left after a cruel battle. Every scar seemed to indicate that he was a warrior with many battles.

"Leave my son free, I can keep you a whole body!" The strong man said murderously, his eyes becoming more and more fierce.

Qin Fei looked at each other faintly, and said, "You are Beishan, right? You don't need a brain to speak? I have to die if you let your son go, why not let him be buried?"

Beishan snorted, "Boy, don't try your tongue! Today, whether you let it go or not, it will be a dead end! Attack! Kill without mercy!"

He gave an order. Those prepared sacrifices were all shocked. How to attack? Pei Kun is still in the opponent's hands. Didn't this attack involve the young patriarch as well?

Everyone did not move, Beishan was furious, and slapped a sacrificial priest beside him. With a bang, the sacrificial priest was smashed to pieces by his palm, and he died in anger.

"Do you need me to say it a second time?" He glanced at everyone, and everyone shuddered. The powerful sacrifice in front of him didn't even dare to say anything, and released the beast souls in his hand.

Qin Fei's eyelids twitched, this Beishan is indeed ferocious and overbearing, and he killed one of his own priests first, because everyone did not listen to his orders.

Moreover, this guy's son is still in his own hands, and he is going to forcibly wipe out his son's life, which is too vicious.

"Beishan, I finally understand why everyone's evaluation of you is cruel! Tiger poison still doesn't eat children, but you don't even care about Beikun's life. It's really awesome!" Qin Fei sighed, shaking his head. In a flash, dozens of beast souls rushed out and swallowed all the beast souls released by the sacrifices one by one.

The sacrificial priests of the wild tribe all screamed backwards and fell down, looking at him in horror.

Qin Fei did not idle, and continued to rush out of the beast soul, and did not enter the body of the most powerful beasts around, controlling all the beasts to change the direction of attack, and in turn surrounded the people of the wild tribe.

Beishan's eyes were murderous, and he looked at his sacrifices one by one. He was furious. He raised his hand and smashed the heads of the two closest sacrifices to him, cursing, "A bunch of useless things!"

The other priests were so scared that they gritted their teeth and retreated, for fear that they would be killed in his anger.

Beishan will carry through the brutality to the end, glaring at the people who retreat. These sacrifices that are worshipped as gods in other tribes are like ants in his eyes, and they are not worth anything at all.

"Do you still dare to hide? Get up for me, kill him, and continue to attack!" He roared, stepped out, and then killed the two priests, full of madness.

Qin Fei looked at it and sighed, and said, "You are not a human! I made a mistake, so I shouldn't have a good talk with you! Lie down!"

When the words fell, he abandoned Beikun, a stride appeared in front of Beishan, a palm shot out, Beishan snorted coldly, murderous intent burst into his eyes, and he greeted him with a kick.


The sound of broken bones spread into everyone's ears, and I saw Beishan fell and fell. The kicked right foot was soft and weak and pulled under him, and it was broken by Qin Fei.

Beishan raised the beast bone necklace to gain divine power. How could Qin Fei give him a chance to step on Beishan with a flash, crush the beast bone in his hand with one foot, and then grabbed his neck and lifted it. Get up and said coldly: "It's time to end, now answer me a question, where does the'Beast Soul Call' come from?"

"Huh! Dreaming! I won't tell you when I die! If I don't die today, I will cut you a thousand swords!" Beishan said savagely. Even if the cultivation base is restrained at this time, he has no fear at all, but a vicious threat. With Qin Fei.

"Don't say it? Taste the torture of pain and want to live!" Qin Fei sneered, spitting out in his palm, and instantly got into Beishan's body. Beishan was so painful that he was rolling on the ground, but he even hummed. There was no grunt, but the violent color in his eyes was more intense, and he gritted his teeth and stared at Qin Fei with murderous aura.

The wild tribesmen around were stunned. Beishan is the number one master of the tribe. He was tortured like this, and he couldn't even fight back.

The tribesmen who were supposed to be angry showed various looks at this time, and most of them were happy.

I don't know who took the lead first, and shouted: "Okay, he has finally been punished! It's so happy!"

Together with these shouts, they immediately caused a tsunami-like echo.

"Good fight! He should have been punished like this long ago!"

"It's so happy, I have always imagined this day coming, and now I finally saw it!"

"That foreigner is really good. He did what we always wanted to do but didn't dare to do!"

"The wicked have their own rewards! Now it is finally here!"

Everyone was celebrating the torment of Beishan, no one was pleading for him, and there was no one who helped him.

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