Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1354: Town service!

Sect Master walked up to Qin Fei excitedly, grabbed his hand with emotion, and said excitedly: "Sect Master Qin, I didn't expect you to bring such a big surprise to Fei Ling Sect. The dual-line fellow practitioners had done so many, many years ago. There are legends that the four domains are fighting and wars are raging. The only way to solve the problem is the emergence of fellow practitioners from all departments. He will lead us to unity and let the people of the four domains live in peace with each other! Become the most powerful world in the primordial universe! You! Since you can cultivate the two elements of Earth and Gold, you must also be able to cultivate the four elements, you are the legendary lord of the holy beast!"


Qin Fei did not expect such a thing.

Regardless of the doubts in his heart, the Feiling Sect and others have completely changed their attitude towards him. Previously, it was because he saved the sect and saved everyone. Now he is the legendary person, the lord of the holy beasts. Therefore, everyone's attitude towards him has completely become respectful and pious, and the attitude and worship of the holy beast is even more solemn.

Sect Master Ling Feiyan announced on the spot that Drunk Fruit Mountain was given to Qin Fei, and Fei Lingzong's entire clan would follow his orders and follow him anywhere! Even if you give your life, you can do it.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly. If he knew this, he should have revealed the details earlier. How could it be so troublesome? So long wasted for nothing.

However, he has a doubt. This legend can't hold your feet. Each domain can only cultivate the power of each domain, and you can't cross the boundary. What's the point?

Or Xuanwu and Baihu gave him the answer, saying that there is a difference, otherwise, why are the four domains constantly fighting? As long as a certain icon is erected in the occupied area, the power there will become a suitable attribute.

In other words, if the people of the White Tiger Territory occupy a part of the Xuanwu territory, remove the Xuanwu icon there and re-establish the White Tiger icon, then they can cultivate the gold element profound energy. It's that simple.

Also, like Qin Fei’s situation, there are four sacred beasts in his body coexisting, so as long as he wants to build the stone statues of the four sacred beasts in the same place, there will be no conflict, so everyone can cultivate each other’s strength. This is called the four-line fellow practitioners, and this is a miracle that has completely changed the pattern of the Four Saint Continents.

To put it another way, even if you don't build a stone statue, you can actually practice, but for the sake of faith, this stone statue is still needed.

Drunk Fruit Mountain is in hand, but it does not mean that it is insured, because although Drunk Fruit Mountain is the site of Feiling Sect, but now Feiling Sect’s vitality is severely injured, I am afraid it can’t be protected. Other sects are also looking forward to it. It is not allowed when they will come and rob, and the villagers will be at risk when picking the drunk fruit, so if you want to truly master it, you have to deal with the sects that have the idea of ​​drunk fruit mountain.

Ling Feiyan said that there are a total of ten major sects nearby, and their strength is about the same as that of Feilingzong. Of course, they are now stronger than Feilingzong. It may not be easy to negotiate this with them. In many cases, you have to draw a fist. .

But now with Feilingzong’s half-handed strength to fight against other sects, he will undoubtedly lose, and the demons may also counterattack at any time. In this case, they dare not move. The top priority is what Feilingzong must do. It is to grow up quickly, first have the ability to protect yourself.

Feiling Sect also has a handful of alchemists. There are eight of the Supreme Elders and six of the enshrined ones. Ling Feiyan himself is also an alchemist, but they cannot produce a large number of elixir that can improve the strength of disciples in a short time. , The failure rate is too high.

Qin Fei smiled, isn't it easy to make alchemy?

He told everyone about his situation, saying that there was no problem with the pill. As long as the materials were sufficient, he could restore the strength of the sect to its peak within a month. As long as there were enough talents, it could even be increased by one to two times.

Ling Feiyan was overjoyed when he heard that, saying that the talent pool was not a problem, nor was the material a problem. Once the Feiling Sect's strength doubled, he could challenge other sects.

Talents are recruited from the territory under the Feiling Sect. This time, new recruits are recruited. As long as they are in the Human Martial Realm, they can join the Feiling Sect. More than 20,000 new people have been recruited in ten days.

Qin Fei also seized the time to refine alchemy. When the master of alchemy saw his miraculous alchemy, especially the 100% success rate, he opened his eyes and opened his eyes.

One month later, Feilingzong’s masters increased, and his strength doubled. Qin Fei also took the time to sneak a trip to other sects, quietly absorbed the faith power of these sect stone statues, and restored his strength to Divine Emperor Nine Layers, he helped the elders of the Supreme Lord to worship all the alchemy, so that their strength and confidence greatly increased.

Within a month, the demons did not come, Ling Feiyan sent out invitation letters to the other nine sects, inviting the sect masters to come to Feilingzong for a description, and directly stated that they were discussing the issue of Drunken Fruit Mountain.

Each case had long been stunned by Zuiguoshan, and when they received the invitation letter they promised to come to the appointment.

When the spring came, the sect masters of the ten major sects gathered in the Feiling Sect. They were not worried about what the Feiling Sect would do. Everyone had the same strength before. Unless the Feiling Sect did not want to exist, they would never dare to deceive them.

Ling Feiyan had no courtesy. He directly talked about what the Demon Race had committed more than a month ago. There was no surprise in the various sects. In fact, they all knew about it and knew that the previous Feiling Sect was badly injured. They were just scrupulous about each other. First, I was afraid that other sects would take advantage, and then I forbeared it.

It's just that they are a little puzzled at the moment, why Ling Feiyan wants to speak so clearly, people are eager to conceal it, he is better, he called all the giants to make this matter open? Is this too silly?

Won't be stupid!

Everyone knows that Ling Feiyan is a person and will never do things that are uncertain. There must be some capital that dares to speak like this.

Everyone looked at him quietly and motioned for him to continue.

Ling Feiyan went on to say that although the Feiling Sect was invaded by the Demon Clan and suffered a great loss, he was fortunate that the Deputy Sect Master Qin Fei came out of the sect. He is a master of alchemy, relying on the pill to double the strength of the Feiling Sect. Now, even if the demons come again, they must be unable to come and go.

Everyone was shocked, and only then did they carefully observe the people who took off Lingzong. The elders and worshippers of Feilingzong present on the spot actually increased in strength. Although Ling Feiyan's strength has not changed, his momentum has also grown a lot. What kind of alchemy can actually create Such a miracle?

Ling Feiyan was very satisfied with everyone's attitude, and signaled Qin Fei to come out, stood in front of everyone, and introduced that this is our new deputy sovereign, Qin Fei, who is a master alchemist.

Everyone looked at Qin Fei carefully, remembering him in their hearts.

There was a suzerain who was very displeased, yin and yang said that Sect Master Ling was weird, so don't show it off, just say what you have.

Ling Feiyan smiled and said that the meaning of inviting everyone here today is very simple. Everyone in Drunken Fruit Mountain will not fight. From then on, it will belong to the Feiling Sect. I hope that everyone will now take an oath and not have the idea of ​​fighting against Drunken Fruit Mountain.

As soon as he said this, the group's anger that he expected broke out suddenly, and the nine Sect Masters were unable to do so, and Zuiguoshan had to get it. There was no discussion about this matter.

Ling Feiyan sneered. Since there is no way to talk, then he doesn't mind launching a war, destroying all the nine major sects, and returning to Feilingzong from now on.

The nine sect masters laughed wildly, saying that he was overpowered.

Ling Feiyan didn't say much, let everyone go out of the hall to take a closer look at Feilingzong's strength.

When everyone walked out of the main hall, their spiritual consciousness quickly swept across the Feiling Sect, and their expressions became serious.

This look suffocated them. The current masters of Feiling Sect seemed to have jumped out of thin air. It would be like playing to smooth their sect. There was no comparison at all, and resistance would only be a dead end.

Seeing that the deterrence had reached them, Ling Feiyan immediately threw a bait again, saying that Qin Fei was a dual-line fellow practitioner. As the master of a sect, everyone should understand what his appearance means?

Everyone looked at Qin Fei in shock. Qin Fei didn't say much, and immediately showed his strength. One piece of gold, one earth and two elements of profound energy rose into the sky, making everyone understand his strength, and they changed their colors.

The masters of six sects bowed their heads, and felt that the Feiling Sect at this time was indeed unmatched. What's more, people who have the legendary master of holy beasts backed up, it is even more unprovoking, and you can get huge amounts by following the chaos benefit.

The remaining three suzerains were beaten to death and refused to follow. They had a strong desire for power and hope, and they did not want to be controlled by others. They all said that there was still something to leave.

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