Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1377: King of openness!

It took three days to upgrade the original villagers of Digou Village, and their lowest strength reached the Heavenly Martial Realm. The important personnel in Sanmangzi Xiaosi and other villages broke through to the Divine Master Realm, and self-protection was enough. In addition, there are also teleportation formations that can be used, and the protection of the gossip formation, with everyone's strength to maintain the gossip formation against foreign enemies, as long as the opponent is not a master above the gods, no one can break this formation, even if the gods are strong. Now, the teleportation array can also keep everyone safe to leave.

As for the people in the outer village, he didn't help to improve their strength, so as to avoid accidents.

After that, he went back to Shuangfeng County and met Feng Zhongshi, Yun Wanli, and Mr. Liu. Gu Fang also hurried to get news.

Qin Fei decided to increase their strengths, and if Digou Village needed it in the future, they could help.

They have a good foundation, and Qin Fei's idea is to help them raise their strength above Shenzong. ,

The four of them had no objection, and he couldn’t wait to start quickly. He was full of trust in them. Qin Fei didn’t say much. It took two days to promote them to the Ninth Layer of Shenzong and teach them how to The mysterious skills are more powerful after practice. These mysterious skills are naturally provided by the white tiger, and are most suitable for them to practice. The four people display them, and the power is comparable to the gods.

After leaving Shuangfeng County, Qin Fei did not return to Xinghaihou City, but left the territory of the Liaoyuan Royal Capital and entered the territory of the Qingfeng Royal Capital.

Here, he fully released the power of the Divine King's Second Layer, came to the gate of the royal capital city, and saw the white tiger statue towering into the clouds. After the incense was put on, the power of faith poured into his body like a spring, and his strength instantly Restored to the king of gods triple.

Without hesitation, he turned and left, and headed for another king's capital. He decided to walk all the kings, so that his strength would be restored to Shenming.

Reach the realm of Shenming, and then go to the imperial capital.

The White Tiger Region is very vast, even with his strength, it would not be possible for him to travel all over the king in a short time.

However, his behavior has attracted the attention of interested people.

The next goal is a place called Wangyue King Capital. On the way, we passed through a forest. When we came to the sky above the forest, the breath of the Divine King Realm came from the four directions. Eight Divine King Realm masters stepped from the void. Out, surrounded Qin Fei.

Qin Fei's expression changed, so powerful aura, the lowest of these eight people reached the Seventh Layer of the God King, and the strongest was the Ninth Layer of the God King.

"What do you mean?" Qin Fei swept through the crowd coldly, and the profound energy in his body began to rotate rapidly.

The head was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face, his eyes flashed with mockery, and he said coldly: "We are here to keep you! You must have some means to absorb the holy beast at the icon outside the king's capital. Power, right? When you came, you only had the fourfold of the **** king, and after offering incense to worship the holy image, you have reached the fivefold. This king thinks there must be a reason for this. I hope you can honestly say it, maybe we can make friends!"

Qin Fei said coldly: "There is no reason and no secret. Of course it is okay for us to be friends, but since we want to be friends, is it wrong for you to stop a real friend?"

"Haha, real friends? We are not yet! You tell your secret first, and it's not too late for us to make friends!" The man laughed, as if he thought Qin Fei's words were too ridiculous.

"Get out of the way, or die!" Qin Fei sullen his face, but smiled bitterly in his heart. It seems that he still underestimated the people here and was noticed.

"Death? If you want to die, this king won't make you perfect. If you don't tell the secret, this king wants you to die!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, winking at the other seven.


The seven attacked Qin Fei together, and the dazzling golden light exploded in the void, sweeping the sky with unparalleled power.

Qin Fei secretly said that it is not good, these seven people, any one of them is not something he can deal with now, the only choice is to escape!

He didn't hesitate to turn around and fled, not wanting to be in love with the war, I'm afraid he will be left behind.

But the other party obviously expected his choice, the seven changed their positions and surrounded him again, and the seven attacks came together, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Seeing this, Qin Fei could only grit his teeth!


He caught the attack of the seven opponents, but his body fell into the forest like a broken kite.

"Chasing!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and rushed to Qin Fei who fell first.

Qin Fei threw a green light in his hand, cut through the void in an instant, and shot at eight people.

The middle-aged man turned sideways to avoid, but the seven people who followed behind him reacted slowly. Three of them were shot and screamed. The blood in his body instantly solidified, his heart stopped suddenly, and he died of the poison of chaos.

The three corpses fell into the forest like huge boulders, fell to the ground and exploded. The blood shot and the smell of blood dispersed.

The middle-aged man’s eyes burned with anger. He never thought that Qin Fei was so powerful and killed three of him in an instant. He never thought of this situation. He believed that he could easily force Qin Fei to tell the secret. I will lose three men first.

The powerhouses of the Divine King Realm are like treasures everywhere, and they feel distressed for the loss of half of them. Three of them died, the middle-aged man’s eyes were red, and he rushed towards Qin Fei at a faster speed and brought a bunch of them. Afterimages, a terrifying wave of air fell from the sky and pounced on Qin Fei.

Qin Fei was suddenly enveloped, unable to move, and with a deep cry, the golden profound energy in his body rose to the sky, broke through the opponent's restraint in an instant, and hurriedly flew towards the forest.


The middle-aged man shouted angrily and raised his palm to shoot out. Suddenly, a huge golden palm appeared in the void, which rumblingly pressed down and patted the forest where Qin Fei had fallen.


The sky shook and the earth shook, and the terrifying aura swept across the earth. Where the giant palm fell, the towering giant trees shattered one after another, and a giant palm pit the size of ten meters appeared on the ground. Qin Fei lay in the palm pit, blood flowing from his mouth. Watching these people fall in horror.

"Boy, do you dare to kill my king's man! Tell the secret, or you will be broken into pieces!" The middle-aged man hovered above the palm pit, looking at Qin Fei condescendingly, murderously.

The other four people also surrounded him, staring at him bitterly. The death of their companions made them very angry.

Qin Fei endured the severe pain coming from his body, smiled and spouted a mouthful of blood, coldly looked at the man who claimed to be the King of Open-mindedness, and slammed a punch.

Folding waves of palms, palms and wind layer upon layer, instantly descended on the six-layered person on the left.


The man screamed and fell out, and the encircling circle suddenly revealed a gap. Qin Fei shot up, broke through forcibly, and flew out of the palm pit.

King Huida was furious. He did not expect that Qin Fei still had the power to resist. He screamed and fell to the ground. He called the back seven orifices bleeding, his breath fell sharply, and he would lose half his life without death.

After losing one after another, Wang Huoda's heart was overwhelmed. This kid is so difficult and beyond imagination, he will not give up unless he catches this person.

Everyone chased Qin Fei together, blocked all his way, stopped at the edge of the palm pit, and waited.

Qin Fei frowned, looked at King Hou Da, and then at the other people. He felt a little sad. He couldn't escape after trying his best. Although he killed three people and injured one, it was of no avail. The other party had four others. All of them are the strongest. The four people he solves are the weakest and best dealt with. There is no way he can do the remaining four.

He really couldn't figure out that the matter of absorbing the power of faith would actually be noticed by this open-minded king. He was too careless and caused such a big trouble.

The other party wanted to obtain the secret of absorbing faith, which was really ridiculous. This method was not something that everyone could have. To put it bluntly, only Qin Fei could do it. No matter who it was, it could not be done by someone else.

But the other party won't believe this. Who can hear such a big temptation?

Boy, speak up quickly, otherwise you will die! "Huida Wang said coldly.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't want to say it. You see, I can't resist at all now. If I can say it, of course I will say it, but you will not believe it if you say it. You want to kill it, anyway. I can’t say anything about it."

King Huida's eyes widened and said angrily: "Boy, do you still want to play tricks? Believe it or not that this king really killed you?"

Qin Fei curled his lips, "You try to kill me? I'm dead and you will never know this secret. Let me live, maybe I have a chance to tell you."

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