Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2003 The Beast Tide Arrives

Ten thousand Great Heaven and Earth Pills!

Ye Xinghe also didn't expect that the sect would be so willing to shed blood and have such a big hand.

You must know that the price of each Great Heavenly Emperor's order is very high, and it will be competed for when placed outside.

These ten thousand Great Heaven and Earth Pills are worth at least tens of millions of Xuanhuang coins!

He nodded and took it.

These Great Heaven and Earth Pills are even enough for me to break through to the ninth level of the outer world realm!

He already had a plan in his mind.

All these elixirs must be used within the outer world.

When you reach the Martial God Realm, you won't care about elixirs like the Great Heaven and Earth Pill.

For this kind of gap, other people have nothing to do with it.

After all, they all know how much role Ye Xinghe played.

To put it bluntly, without Ye Xinghe, I'm afraid they would all be dead now.

At this moment, an elder in green robe suddenly flew over quickly.

He staggered into the main hall, regardless of his manners, and said loudly: "Sir, Sect Master, something is going wrong. There are faint traces of a beast tide near the Great Sumeru Mountains!"

"A beast tide? How could there be a beast tide?"

Chu Qingqiu frowned when he arrived.

There are often some warning signs before an animal tide.

Or, there is a strange phenomenon in the heaven and earth in the Great Sumeru Mountains.

Or, there will be continuous huge earthquakes, destroying the city and disturbing the monsters.

During the last beast wave, she read about it in the classics.

According to the book, there were dark clouds and no sunlight for three months, and then there were earthquakes for seven days.

Countless peaks in the Great Sumeru Mountains were directly shattered and collapsed.

Large tracts of forest were destroyed by wildfires. The fire covered the sky and could be seen thousands of miles away, and then the beasts came.

This time, there was no warning.

The beast tide has already left the sect, only a few days away!

She stood up suddenly: "I'll go take a look!"

In a flash, he left the Divine Sword Sect and headed straight to the depths of the Great Sumeru Mountains!

Ye Xinghe and others also left.

The others all left together, preparing to go to the Divine Ability Tower now.

However, Ye Xinghe is not planning to go now, he still has something to do.

Soon, Ye Xinghe came to the mission hall next to the square.

If you find Zou Jinxin, you might be able to find out something.

However, when Ye Xinghe came to the mission hall, he saw several disciples running out of the mission hall.

While running, he shouted in panic: "Who has the best antidote pill in their hands? It's urgent, it's urgent. Brother Zou has taken the poison!"

When Ye Xinghe heard this, his heart suddenly sank.

When he arrived at the mission hall, he saw that the place was in chaos.

A corpse was lying in the center of the hall.

The body was black and obviously poisoned.

At this moment, all the orifices were bleeding and there was no breath. He was already dead.

Ye Xinghe shook his head.

However, this result was also within his expectation.

Killing and silencing is undoubtedly the best way.

He no longer pursued the matter, just thinking about how to deal with Zhu Qingtan.

Then he went to the Shen Teng Tower.

Soon, they arrived in front of the tower.

The Shentong Tower is in the northwest of the square, in a hidden corner.

The tower is built on the mountain, with a height of one thousand meters and a total of nine floors.

The corresponding grading is also very simple.

On the first floor are the first-grade magical powers, and on the ninth floor are the ninth-grade magical powers.

But even for a sect like the Divine Sword Sect, eighth- and ninth-grade magical powers are extremely rare.

How many articles are included in it is unknown.

More, it was circulated among the elders and powerful men and kept secretly.

This is one of the most important areas of the Divine Sword Sect, so it is heavily guarded along the way, with more than a dozen defenses in front and behind.

You need to show your waistband and the guard can check it before you can enter.

Soon, Ye Xinghe arrived at the foot of the tower.

There are several disciples guarding here. After checking the token, Ye Xinghe is ready to go in.

As a result, the disciple reached out and stopped him.

Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment.

"What does it mean?"

The disciple said with a sly smile: "You just went in, don't you know what to say?"

He looked around and looked arrogantly at the other disciples.

"I, Zhou Yifan, have been here for a few years, and this is the first time I have seen someone so unruly!"

"Are you asking for a favor from me?"

Ye Xinghe frowned.


Zhou Yifan said with a smile: "You must be one of the new disciples who have made meritorious deeds. There are a few people who came before you, and they have all received the benefits honestly."

"Why, you still want to go in without giving me some benefits, why are you so ignorant of the rules!"

In his words, there were also a lot of accusations and scoldings.

They did not know what Ye Xinghe and others had done, nor did they know the specific situation in the misty illusion.

Little did he know that Ye Xinghe almost killed a green-robed elder with a sword in the sect's main hall!

These matters are kept strictly confidential by the sect.

So to them, Ye Xinghe is just an ordinary new disciple.

It was just a little merit, so the sect was rewarded.

To them, Ye Xinghe and others are just fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

You can blackmail as much as you want, no one dares to resist.

Ye Xinghe didn't want to cause trouble at this time.

However, he took a look at his withered vine bracelet and found that there was not a single Xuanhuang coin in it.

He shook his head and said, "I have no money now."

Seeing him like this, Zhou Yifan's face instantly turned ugly.

"The little boy turns out to be a poor man. He still wants to go in even though he has no money. Let's have your big dream!"

After saying that, he waved his hand impatiently.

"Get out now and come back when you have enough money!"

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "I am qualified to enter it. If I don't give you money, will I not be able to enter?"

"That's right!"

Zhou Yifan said proudly: "As long as I'm here, you can't get in!"

He looked at the people next to him and shouted: "Recognize his face, remember his name, and pass on my order. No one is allowed to enter when he is in office!"

The other disciples all responded with smiles.

They looked at Ye Xinghe with mocking and teasing expressions on their faces.

"Boy, you've caused trouble. If you offend Senior Brother Zhou, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the Divine Power Tower in the future!"

"Oh, it's pitiful. He spent so much money and worked so hard to achieve great results, but in the end, it was all in vain because he offended Senior Brother Zhou!" "He deserves it. Who told him to be disrespectful to Senior Brother Zhou!"

It seems that Zhou Yifan is still quite powerful among them and is in charge of things.

Seeing Ye Xinghe didn't speak, Zhou Yifan thought he was afraid.

He smiled smugly and said, "Did you see that, kid, you've offended me and you can't move even an inch!"

He held out his hand.

"Now obediently hand over the benefits!"

Ye Xinghe sneered and said: "I want benefits, right? I want to give you a slap in the face!"

Zhou Yifan's expression changed instantly.

"I'm tired of living!" He waved his hand and said sternly: "If this kid dares to cause trouble in front of the Shen Tong Tower, arrest him first and send him to the Law Enforcement Hall Prison!"

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