Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2012: Siege and Kill Ye Xinghe

She said softly: "Except for these three, there are others."

"These three are the most precious and rare, you just need to find these three!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"Thank you very much!"

"By the way, once you leave the sect, you don't have to abide by the rules, right?"

"What are you going to do?"

Chu Qingqiu's heart suddenly tightened.

Ye Xinghe laughed and walked out casually.

"I said, you are the sect leader, you worry too much, but I am different."

A look of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

"Since someone wants to deal with me, he would do such harm to the person I like!"

"I will kill until they are afraid, and kill until they regret it!"

Watching his figure go away, Chu Qingqiu felt a pain in his heart.

It feels like there are many more identities between the two of them.

She shouted: "What can I do?"

"You don't need to do anything, just be fair!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you, you are the leader of the sect after all!"

On the second day, after Ye Xinghe returned to his peak condition, he quietly left the sect.

When Ye Xinghe left the sect, he felt something strange on the dock and glanced to the side.

However, nothing was seen.

He turned around with a sneer on his lips and left quickly.

About a cup of tea.

From the residence of Zhu Qingtan of the Divine Sword Sect, a wisp of fragrance curled up, making him concentrate with peace of mind.

But at this time, the two people sitting here were a little restless.

It was Zhu Qingtan and Xie Yuanqiao.

The two looked at each other in silence.

Suddenly, a palm-sized yellow bird flew in quietly.

With a 'plop', it turned into flames and burned in front of the two people.

The flames outlined a few lines of words in the air.

Zhu Qingtan was slightly stunned.

"He doesn't stay in the sect, but he dares to leave the sect. How brave he is!"

Xie Yuanqiao did high-five excitedly and laughed.

"Chief Sir, this is it. As long as he dares to leave the Divine Sword Sect, it will be his death!"

"Quickly send Zhao Zhichun and Sun Fengliang to take action!"

Zhu Qingtan also suppressed the doubts in her heart and nodded solemnly.

"Not only are they going, but you are going too."

"This time, we must use all our strength to kill Ye Xinghe in one fell swoop without leaving any further trouble!"

"Let me go too?"

Xie Yuanqiao was stunned.

"is it necessary?"

He felt that this was killing a chicken with a knife.

Sun Fenlang and Zhao Zhichun were both ninth-level powerhouses in the outer world.

It's enough for the two of them to join forces to kill this kid.

What's more, they will also bring with them seven disciples who are at the eighth level of the outer world.

Under such a dragnet, how could Ye Xinghe escape for his life!

He was quite disapproving.

Zhu Qingtan said calmly: "I said, let you go."

Xie Yuanqiao didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "Even if they can't kill him this time, six months later, during the duel between me and Ye Xinghe, I can kill him openly!"

Zhu Qingtan finally broke out and slapped the ground hard.

"I told you to go!"

"You have no idea how terrifying Ye Xinghe is. Do you think you can kill him in six months?"

"Do you know that six months ago, not long after he entered the sect, he was only a low-strength first-level expert from the outer world!"

"How can you guarantee what will happen to him in six months?"

Xie Yuanqiao was shocked and stood up, clasping his fists.

"Thank you, Chief, for your teachings. I understand. Don't worry, I will take them there myself!"

After that, he got up and left.

But just as he was about to leave the mountain gate of Shenjian Sect, he found that the mountain guarding formation made a slight roar.

A ray of light appeared in front of him in an instant.

The power was extremely powerful, gentle and heavy, but it bounced him back without being able to refuse.

Xie Yuanqiao was stunned for a moment.

How is this going?

A moment later, a loud voice suddenly came from within the magic circle.

"Elder Xie, by the order of the sect leader, the threat of the beast tide has not subsided. All disciples and elders above the ninth level of the outer world are not allowed to leave the sect. After the beast tide recedes, normalcy can be restored!"

Xie Yuanqiao was shocked when he heard this, with a fierce expression on his face.

"Damn it, this bitch ruined my good deeds!"

He said loudly: "I am Xie Yuanqiao. I have to go out to attend some special matters. Please let me go immediately!"

After that, he walked out again, but this time he was still bounced back.

The voice in the magic circle was calm but firm.

"Sorry, no one can get out. This is the order of the sect master!"

Xie Yuanqiao had no choice but to do anything.

This sect's protective formation can not only defend against external enemies, but also prevent insiders from leaving.

How could he possibly break this magic circle?

Soon, Zhu Qingtan got the news.

"What is the relationship between Chu Qingqiu and Ye Xinghe?"

"No matter what their relationship is, this matter is a foregone conclusion. If we force our way out, I'm afraid it will arouse Chu Qingqiu's suspicion and cause endless troubles."

"Our current sect leader cannot be offended!"


Xie Yuanqiao said: "And the sect leader is already keeping an eye on us!"

"Chief Sir, when you were fighting against the beast tide, you designed He Zhihai."

Before he could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Zhu Qingtan.

"What did you say? I didn't understand!"

"He Zhihai fell into the beast tide because of his own bravery, what does it have to do with me!"

Xie Yuanqiao quickly apologized and said, "Yes, yes, I made a mistake!"

Zhu Qingtan said lightly: "It should be enough for Zhao Zhichun and Sun Fengliang to go."

He thought about it.

"Let them bring more people. Ten people will be enough now!"

This is what Ye Xinghe calls fairness.

This is the only thing she can do for Ye Xinghe now!

After Ye Xinghe left the Divine Sword Sect, he did not go directly into the mountain. Instead, he came to Sword Qi City first.

He came all the way outside the Sihai Auction House.

After arriving at the door of the auction house, he stepped inside, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

Two Chamber of Commerce guards at the door stretched out their hands to block him.

One person said lazily: "What are you doing!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

"Go to the auction house and sell some things."

The tall and thin guard on the left looked him up and down.

There was a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"As poor as you are, you don't have much strength, so what good can you do!"

He waved his hands impatiently and said: "Get out of here!"

It turned out that Ye Xinghe was not wearing the clothes of a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect.

Just wearing a green shirt also hides his aura.

This guard couldn't see his depth, and had no idea how terrifying his strength was.

I just thought that this was a low-strength casual cultivator, and he immediately started attacking people.

Ye Xinghe thought to himself: "What's going on with Qian Zehai? Why is this Sihai Auction House in such a bad state now?" He said lightly: "Is this how your Sihai Auction House treats its guests? Just drive them away without asking anything. ?”

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