Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2154 It’s you

Chapter 2154 It’s you!

Its power is truly terrifying!

Zong Yangwen was overjoyed: "Brother, it's done!"

Changsun Xiuneng laughed loudly, pedaling the wooden fish and flying quickly towards the sitting Taoist.

That is the Qinglian Sword Immortal.

But when he was still three feet away from the Qinglian Sword Immortal, a light barrier stopped him.

Changsun Xiuneng did not hesitate and struck again.

Directly smash this light mask into pieces.

But a few feet later, another light barrier appeared in front of him.

After being broken six times, a third one appeared in front of him.

Three consecutive light masks and three taps in this way.

Not only was time wasted, but it also made Changsun Xiuneng look very tired.

But he finally came to Qinglian Sword Immortal, stretched out his hand, and took the jade box in his hand.

But at this moment, the Qinglian Sword Immortal suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Changsun Xiuneng was so frightened that he trembled violently.

Qinglian Sword Immortal is alive!

But then he discovered that the Qinglian Sword Immortal's face was still numb, and there was no luster in his eyes.

Obviously, he was not really resurrected.

It's just that I don't know why, but I suddenly opened my eyes at this time.

Changsun Xiuneng seemed to have thought of something, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he secretly screamed that something was not good.

I wanted to stop it, but it was too late!

Qinglian Sword Immortal raised his head slightly at this moment, and two yellow lights in his eyes suddenly shot forward and landed on the cave wall.

Suddenly, the dried blood stains around this huge space began to change in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge wave, and blood was rushing here crazily.

And the wall of the cave where they were now began to twitch regularly.

Even the entire huge space is jumping slightly.

There was a "swishing" sound in everyone's ears, as well as a huge banging and beating sound.

And in the cosmic space very far away, or to be precise, around their bodies.

Everywhere in this world, there is a breath of life resurrecting.

It was as if they were in the body of a giant beast at this moment.

And their location is the heart of this giant beast!

Shocked by the rushing blood, everyone was almost unsteady on their feet.

Changsun Xiuneng roared with horror on his face: "It's broken, this angry sea mad master is about to wake up!"

When Zong Yangwen heard this, his face was full of despair and fear.

Obviously, the angry sea lion they talked about was very terrifying.

At this time, Changsun Xiuneng showed a look of determination on his face and suddenly threw the jade box to Zong Yangwen.

He said sternly: "Leave quickly!"

Zong Yangwen gritted his teeth and said, "Where are you!"

Changsun Xiuneng was extremely furious: "Hurry up and stop talking nonsense. You know I have a way to save my life. It's important to take your things and leave here first!"


Zong Yangwen was also a very decisive person. He picked up Healing and turned around and left without any hesitation.

He was extremely fast and soon left this huge spherical space.

That is the heart of the angry sea lion.

At this time, the heart was beating crazily, indicating that the Raging Sea Lion was about to be resurrected.

But it needs to resuscitate its own heart first.

So visible to the naked eye, all the dried blood stains everywhere turned into fresh blood.

The blood shining with golden light flows towards the heart.

For a while, other places were still very safe.

The recovery of the Raging Sea Lion will obviously take time.

Zong Yangwen quickly rushed towards the road he came from, and soon he came to the fifth level.

Seeing that this place is no different from when I first arrived, I felt a little relieved.

But when he glanced at the battlefield, he felt something strange.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

At a glance, it was clear that it was the human corpse, and the corpses of two golden-armored guards lay there.

He remembered that three people died here.

Zong Yangwen thought this and felt much more at ease.

There was no time to think about it at this time, as escape was the most important thing, so he still flew forward.

But just as he flew through the center of the magic circle and passed over the head of a dead golden-armored guard, a sudden change occurred!

It turned out that at this moment, the golden-armored guard who was originally lying on the ground should have been completely dead.

But he stood up suddenly, and a sword appeared in his hand.

A broken sword that looked a bit tattered.

This sword had an extremely ferocious attack power, and it slashed towards him.

The sword light flashed and turned into a blue lotus in the air.

Zong Yangwen had no defense at all and was directly struck by the sword.

Even though he was extremely powerful and had reached the fourth level of the Martial God Realm, he still reacted at this moment.

Madly dodged outwards and moved his body abruptly.

But he just blocked the attack that originally landed at his heart with his left arm.

The power of one sword is extremely terrifying. Even an ordinary third-level warrior in the Martial God Realm can be killed with one sword!

Even with Zong Yangwen's strength, he used his physical body to block, so his left arm was severed.

Blood spurted out wildly, and an arm flew out.

Zong Yangwen screamed.

At this time, he finally realized what he had found wrong before.

Because the golden-armored guard who was supposed to be on the other side has now moved to the middle!

But at that moment, he had no time to make such a judgment.

Facing this blow, his reaction speed and his dodge were already fast enough!

But who would have thought that the dead golden armored guard would suddenly attack him!

But the attacker did not stop at all, and the golden armored guard who stood up attacked again.

Zong Yangwen was forced to take several steps back.

But after all, he is a fourth-level warrior in the Martial God Realm, with terrifying strength, possessing eighteen rays of mysterious power.

After he regained his composure, he let out a wild roar and punched out his right arm.

Eighteen rays of mysterious and yellow divine power are densely distributed on the palm of the hand.

With a "boom", the man was pushed back.

Then he rushed forward and punched the extremely hard golden armor.

There was a 'bang' sound, although this magical golden armor is extremely hard.

But it was directly torn into pieces by this punch, revealing

After seeing him, Zong Yangwen exclaimed.

"Ye Beichen, it's you!"

Ye Xinghe took a few steps back, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously injured.

Although the golden armor resisted, he was still injured.

He smiled.

Of course he was the one responsible for the sneak attack. He had been waiting here for a long time!

Yes, this is the Ye Xinghe plan.

He did not go in to mix it up.

Because he knew very well that with the strength of Changsun Xiuneng and others, if they could get the final treasure.

And I am waiting here.

Taking advantage of their serious injuries and when their strength is at their weakest, launching a sudden attack to snatch this thing is the best plan.

If they don't have the ability to get it, they won't be able to get it themselves.

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