Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2632 Seven Star Tower

Chapter 2632 Seven Star Tower!

"Such an important occasion, but he was late and didn't come. He deserves to be killed!"


He changed the subject and continued: "The most important thing for us now is to set off quickly. We can't delay the important events of Yuehua Holy Land, so as not to affect Yuehua Holy Land's impression of our Qingyang Holy Land."

"So, we should put the overall situation first and set off first!"

The Lord nodded. This made sense.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The Lord of the Third Peak has always been narrow-minded and difficult to tolerate.

Now he has caught Ye Xinghe's handle.

How can he be so easy to talk to? He still puts the overall situation first!

The next moment, the leader of the third peak said with a smile: "However, we reported to Yuehua Holy Land that there were ten people, but now there are only nine."

"It would be embarrassing to have one person missing, and Yuehua Holy Land might also blame us."


He smiled and said: "Why don't we add another one?"

The Lord glanced at him and said lightly: "Do you have a suitable candidate in the third peak?"

The leader of the third peak laughed and pointed at the person next to him.

"Yan Fan just broke through the barrier. He has a high level of cultivation and his age meets the requirements of Yuehua Holy Land. How about letting him go?"

The Lord sneered and shook his head.

The others had different expressions.

"No wonder the leader of the third peak is so active this time. It turns out that he is paving the way for his son!"

"But it's no wonder. Parents all over the world are kind!"

Everyone understood the intention of the leader of the third peak.

But they didn't expose it.

The Lord nodded and said: "Okay, let him go."

Now everyone knew.

It turned out that Yan Zhengxiu had been waiting for this opportunity.

Letting them speak before was actually to make them cannon fodder!

He was waiting here!

Everyone curled their lips and secretly despised.

"It's not just to give your son a chance!"

At this time, naturally no one would speak out against it and offend him for no reason.

It seemed that Yan Fan's replacement of Ye Xinghe was a foregone conclusion.

But at this moment, suddenly a clear voice came from outside the hall: "Who said I can't come?"

Then, a figure walked into the hall.

Everyone was shocked.

This person was Ye Xinghe!

Yan Zhengxiu was even more stunned and couldn't believe it. He roared in his heart: "How could he come back safely?"

Ye Xinghe looked at the many senior officials of Qingyang Holy Land.

His eyes were sharp, like a sword.

Many senior officials of Qingyang Holy Land felt that they couldn't help but feel a little scared when facing the eyes of this young man.

Then, Ye Xinghe suddenly smiled. He said calmly: "Everyone, I would not miss the departure time. I should arrive two hours ago."

"But, some of you don't want me to arrive on time!"

After that, he threw three bloody waist cards in front of everyone.

On the waist card, three big characters were written: Seven Stars Tower.

Below was a bloody skull.

It was still stained with blood that had not dried.

A bloody murderous intention rushed over.

Seeing the three big characters "Seven Stars Tower".

Everyone immediately let out a low cry, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

The Seven Stars Tower is very famous here.

It is said that it is the top killer organization of the Lieyang Dynasty.

Looking at the entire Lieyang Dynasty, it is extremely powerful.

Its power is definitely not inferior to some large sects.

However, they act in secret and are rarely known to outsiders.

They do not set up a mountain gate, do not accept disciples, and only seek wealth.

It is said that as long as you give enough chips.

Even the top dignitaries in Lieyang Imperial City, they dare to kill.

As long as the chips are enough, there is no one they dare not kill.

The people in the Seven Stars Tower are all a bunch of lunatics!

But this group of lunatics has extremely strong combat power and extremely secretive style.

It is said that the killers of the Seven Stars Tower may not be at a particularly high level.

But for poison, assassination, hiding, etc., the use of various means is extremely strong.

Sometimes, they can even cross two levels and kill the opponent.

And the person who was killed didn't even know how he died.

The Lord said in a deep voice: "Ye Xinghe, where did you get these three waist cards?"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "On the way here, I met three killers from the Seven Stars Tower, and I killed them."

"This waist card fell from their bodies after they turned into blood."

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other.

Everyone's eyes fell on the face of an old elder.

This old elder had dealt with people from the Seven Stars Tower before.

The elder waved his hand, and three waist badges flew in front of him.

He looked at them carefully, and sensed the essence and blood on them.

Then he nodded and said, "Yes, it's the waist badge of the Seven Stars Tower!"

"And this young man didn't lie."

"After being killed or seriously injured, the people of the Seven Stars Tower basically stimulated the strange poison in their bodies, turning into pus and blood in an instant, and only had a waist badge on their bodies."

"If you haven't seen this scene with your own eyes, you can't say this."

When everyone heard this, their faces suddenly showed a bit of solemnity.

There was also some inexplicable meaning in their eyes looking at Ye Xinghe.

This proves two things.

First, Ye Xinghe did not lie.

Secondly, he killed three assassins from the Seven Star Tower with one person!

This is enough to show how powerful he is!

Push back the time by two hours.

The flying boat has approached Qingyang Holy Land.

And just when passing by a mountain range

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He is refining a magical medicine.

It turned out that at this moment, in the palm of his hand, the red demonic fire suddenly rose naturally and swirled rapidly in the air.

It seems to be chasing something.

Ye Xinghe's eyes narrowed.

This red demon fire was passed down from Master Dan and is his natal demon fire.

Used to refine magic medicine.

I have always been interested in various magical medicines and magical herbs.

At this time, it appeared naturally.

"Is it possible that there is some kind of elixir in the sky?"

But he immediately thought of a possibility, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

There may not be magic medicine in the air, it may also be the most poisonous thing!

Ye Xinghe immediately held his breath and concentrated, and the red demonic fire in his hand flew up slightly but sharply.

In the blink of an eye, the shape was outlined in the air.

Sure enough, it was a piece of gas rising like clouds.

Colorless and odorless, it is extremely difficult to detect.

But it has quietly spread into the cabin.

Ye Xinghe was secretly shocked: "What kind of poison is this?"

"Who released it again?"

Wang Feng also suddenly moved at this time.

He closed his eyes, ears, mouth and nose tightly, and even the pores on his body shrank sharply.

Make your whole body smooth and transparent, without any loopholes.

There is no gap through which the outside world can invade.

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