Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2668: Killed one of his dogs

Chapter 2668: Killed one of his dogs!

"It went through quite complicated changes and took millions of years to transform into something green like stalactites, which is the Tears of the Soil."

"The function of the soil is to grow infinitely, so the tears of the soil also inherit some of its abilities."

"Although it has been diluted, I don't know how many billions of times, the power is still terrifying, and it has very high-level rules."

"It has extremely surging vitality and growth characteristics, which are enough to temporarily grow your head and limbs. At the same time, it looks no different from before."


He said in a deep voice: "Although the rules of Tears of Breathing Earth are of a high level, the rules of cutting off your head are not of a low level either."

"While you can temporarily suppress it, you can't eliminate it."

"So, soon your head will be broken and you will die directly. The death will be miserable!"

Ye Xinghe asked: "How long will this time last?"

Elder Han Yun made a gesture.

"Six hours"

"Boy, I can only temporarily keep you alive, but I haven't actually cured you."

Elder Han Yun had a profound meaning.

"You have to get back the face you have lost yourself!"

Ye Xinghe also understood what he said.

Because Ye Xinghe can also feel it very clearly.

His body seemed to have returned to normal.

But in fact, the head and limbs are actually just embedded in the torso.

It seems that the surface has been stitched, but in fact, it has not been restored to its previous state at all.

"If you want to break this rule, you have to kill him yourself!"

Ye Xinghe asked coldly: "Who to kill?"

Elder Han Yun said: "Kill the person who casts this magic rule!"

Ye Xinghe asked: "Who did it?"

Elder Han Yun sighed and said, "There are some things that I should let you know."

He said softly: "In the entire Yuehua Holy Land, there is only one person who has the ability to do this, and that is the Holy Son!"


Ye Xinghe felt blessed and suddenly thought of what Wu Gengxiao said before.

"Is this person the backer behind Wu Gengxiao?"

Elder Han Yun nodded.

"Yes, it's him."

Ye Xinghe asked: "He is very strong, how strong is he?"

"Not only is he strong, he is simply ridiculously strong!"

Elder Han Yun sighed softly.

"This person's origin is extremely mysterious. He came here from the Lieyang Dynasty. He was immediately regarded as a distinguished guest by the owner of Yuehua Holy Land. He was highly respected and even a little afraid of him."

"He has been here for hundreds of years and doesn't know what to do every day."

"But I know he must have something up his sleeve!"

He whispered: "This person's true strength is probably stronger than me!"

"However, he has not personally taken action for a hundred years, so naturally no one can see his true background. Everything is just speculation."

"Maybe he can crush me to death as soon as he takes action!"

Ye Xinghe took a breath of cold air.

Only then did he realize how powerful the so-called Holy Son was.

However, he did not panic.

Elder Han Yun is not a person who likes to talk nonsense.

If he couldn't handle it, he wouldn't say those words to himself.

Sure enough, Elder Han Yun changed the subject and said, "But it's not him you have to deal with."

Elder Han Yun laughed.

"I know that bullshit Son."

"He looks fierce and cold, and doesn't value other people's lives at all. In fact, he is a person who cherishes his life the most!"

"If you want to use the power of the gate rules, in addition to a very high-level magic weapon, you also need to sacrifice your own soul, flesh and blood, which is equivalent to exchanging one life for another!"

"He is not stupid, and he cherishes his life very much. How could he be willing to trade his life with you?"

"Presumably, he handed the treasure to one of his subordinates and asked him to do it."

"If nothing unexpected happens, this person should be Wu Gengxiao."

Elder Han Yun said: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Xinghe looked at him and said lazily: "Don't ask me about this."

"Whatever you want to do, we will do it."

"I'm so useful to you, is it possible that you can still watch me die?"

Elder Han Yun was stunned for a moment, then pointed at him.

"You boy, you are really a wonderful person!"

His face turned cold: "Then kill Wu Gengxiao and break this curse!"

Ye Xinghe said with a smile: "Okay, then the Holy Son treats me like a pig or a dog and kills me at will, so I'll teach him a harsh lesson!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "If you can't kill him, then break off his arm and kill his dog!"

"If we feel bad, it will make him feel bad too!"

Elder Han Yun grabbed Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, he was brought outside the temple guard's location.

He spoke slowly.

"Wu Gengxiao, get out!"

The voice seemed calm, but it made the ground shake violently.

Even the courtyard of the temple guards, those tall halls specially reinforced by the magic circle, were shaking violently.

It seemed like it would collapse the next moment.

His understatement caused such a violent earthquake.

At this time, deep inside the Temple Guard Hall.

Wu Gengxiao was startled, with a look of fear on his face.

He had thought about the consequences before.

After he killed Ye Xinghe, Elder Han Yun would never give up.

However, he still didn't expect it.

This revenge will come so quickly!

But at this time, a gentle, rich and soft voice came.

"Wu Gengxiao, Elder Han Yun is looking for you, why don't you go?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything!"

When Wu Gengxiao heard Lord Shengzi's voice, he was immediately filled with courage.

He didn't hesitate anymore and immediately flew up and came to where the temple guards were.

He saw Elder Han Yun and the man next to Elder Han Yun.

I was immediately stunned and couldn't believe it.

He shouted out loud: "You, why aren't you dead yet?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly: "Did you feel disappointed?"

"Don't worry, since I'm not dead, you will be the one who dies!"

Wu Gengxiao came back to his senses and said viciously: "Is it that easy to kill me?"

Before he finished speaking, a figure appeared next to him.

When this person appeared, there was a flash of rays of light, and a lotus flower fell quietly in the sky.

Just the arrival of people is so magical, which shows that it is absolutely extraordinary.

Ye Xinghe asked softly: "Is that the Holy Son here?"

Elder Han Yun sneered.

"Things that pretend to be gods and ghosts!"

"it's him."

This was also Ye Xinghe's first time to truly see the Holy Son.

But it made him slightly stunned.

This legendary holy son was said to be ferocious, holding supreme authority, and killed countless people in the Moonlight Holy Land.

His appearance is extremely handsome, and he even looks like a boy or a girl.

He is tall, thin and tall, dressed in white.

There is always a smile like a flower on his extremely handsome face, which looks gentle and peaceful.

He has a bald head, and his head is a standard circle, like an inverted sky.

He just stood there, giving people the impression that he was like a fairy.

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