Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2686 The Rules of Thunder

Chapter 2686 The Rules of Thunder!

"Time, time"

A flash of light flashed in Elder Han Yuan's eyes, and he roared: "No wonder he wants to swallow me. My rules are related to space, and his are related to time. Time and space are one and inseparable."

"If he swallows my space rules, it will definitely be of great benefit to him!"

Ye Xinghe nodded, quite cheerfully.

Because, through this incident, he has a deeper understanding of the rules.

Ye Xinghe probably knew that his rules were derived from the Small Universe Art.

That's some prediction for the future.

Precognition is also a rule related to time.

Therefore, he could judge that the rules of the Holy Son were probably related to time.

As for the specifics, Ye Xinghe has a guess in his mind, but it still needs to be confirmed.


Elder Han Yun frowned and said: "I have stepped from the Martial God Realm to the Nascent Soul Realm many years ago. I have realized the power of rules myself, and I have also seen many people realize the power of rules."

"This power of rules is basically connected with one's own nature and is naturally understood. How can it be swallowed?"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but I guess this person must have some special methods!"

"Fifth-grade divine pharmacist, boy, you gave me a lot of surprises!"

Elder Han Yun sighed: "Even in Lieyang Imperial City, there are very few fifth-grade divine pharmacists!"

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him would give him countless surprises.

Not only does he have such a strong talent, he is also a fifth-grade divine pharmacist.

With this identity alone, he went to Lieyang Imperial City.

It is enough to become a guest of many big family forces!

After returning to his residence, Ye Xinghe immediately entered his dantian.

He almost couldn't wait to look into the Heaven-Devouring Divine Cauldron.

At this moment, a rune was suspended in the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

About half the size of a palm, it looks very desolate and ancient.

This feeling is similar to that of an ancient treasure that seems to have been handed down from the ancient wilderness.

It feels different.

The moment he saw the runes, Ye Xinghe seemed to see the world.

That’s right, this is the world!

This rune appeared when heaven and earth were born!

Ye Xinghe's eyes were instantly attracted to it.

This rune is shaped like a small curved lightning bolt and looks extremely simple.

But Ye Xinghe could feel the extremely terrifying pressure from it.

Facing this thing is like facing the endless thunder and thunder between heaven and earth!

Ye Xinghe was suddenly shaken, feeling as if his spirit was trapped.

He saw in a trance that he had entered a strange world.

It's dark here and nothing else.

Suddenly, in the sky, an extremely huge thunder and lightning pierced the sky.

Then, countless thunderbolts fell suddenly.

In an instant, the place turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Everywhere you looked, there was thunder and lightning.

The next moment, those thunder and lightning seemed to have spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, he locked his breath on Ye Xinghe and struck him fiercely.

Ye Xinghe let out a low roar, his whole body was shaken violently, and he exited this world.

He saw that he was still beside the Heaven-Devouring Divine Cauldron.

The small rune was still floating in front of him.

But his face was pale, he was breathing heavily, and his spirit was severely damaged.

Ye Xinghe's heart palpitated.

"This rune has such great power!"

He asked softly: "What is this?"

Almost at the same time he asked.

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt blessed, and he immediately understood what this thing was.

"These are the rules!"

"It's a rule!"

Sure enough, the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron gave him the answer.

Concise and concise, only two words.


This is actually a rule!

This rule should be separated from Jie Heliang.

Ye Xinghe quickly figured out all this.

Ji Heliang has such strength and has been practicing for so many years.

How could there be no rules in him.

However, he underestimated the enemy too much and did not have time to use the rules.

He had already been killed by himself.

And don't know how.

The Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron peeled off his rules and absorbed them here.

Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and then endless ecstasy surged in his heart.

He was so happy that he almost yelled.

Only in this way can he express his joy.

What he was happy about was not just because he got this rule.

But because of the heaven-defying effect of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron!

Ye Xinghe had known before that the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron was unbelievable.

It can crush the hardest spiritual stone and turn it into its original power for itself to absorb.

But later, as his cultivation level became higher and higher, he gained more and more magic weapons.

This ability has gradually become useless and of little use.

But who would have thought that the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron would evolve after an evolution.

He actually showed it again, an even more terrifying ability that defied the heavens.

It can actually strip away the rules!

Ye Xinghe knew very well that Jie Heliang was stripped of his rules after he was killed by him.

Doesn't this mean that in the future, I will only kill those who have the rules?

Just peel off his rules!

Of course, this is just a guess by Ye Xinghe, and it needs to be verified later.

If it is what he thinks, then in the future...

Thinking of this, Ye Xinghe's heart was burning.

Then, he calmed down and looked at the cyan rune carefully.

This cum and good rules.

Ye Xinghe deduced that it should be a thunder rule.

The scenes in the world he just entered also verified his guess.

Ye Xinghe felt happy in his heart.

"Fortunately, Ji Heliang didn't use the rules, otherwise, I would definitely not be his opponent!"

"Who knows how powerful his rules are."

"The most urgent task is how to make this rule work for me."

"Can the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron refine this rule?"

Ye Xinghe waited here for a long time, but there was no movement at all.

The cyan rune was still floating there quietly.

Ye Xinghe tried to communicate with the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

As a result, his expression soon froze in place.

Then, a wry smile appeared on his lips.

The Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron quickly gave him the answer.

It turns out that if you want to refine and obtain the rules, it is not impossible, but it is extremely harsh.

First, it needs to be refined with Bi Fang's fire.

Second, it requires fuel.

And this fuel is a magic weapon.

That’s right, it’s a magic weapon!

The higher the level of magic weapon, the better the effect.

Ye Xinghe took a breath of cold air.

Using magic weapons as firewood and refining rules is such an evil thing!

Unheard of, unthinkable!

Ye Xinghe thought carefully in his heart.

"Speaking of which, I don't have a rule yet."

"My Little Universe Art has some ability to predict the future, and it seems to be related to the rules of time."

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