Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2694 Lotus Conference

Chapter 2694 Lotus Conference!

Ye Xinghe glanced at it and saw that there were over a thousand people.

Elder Han Yun frowned and said in surprise: "The entry threshold for the Lotus Conference is really loose. Why are there so many people here?"

Ye Xinghe looked a little surprised.

Ji Feiyu explained from the side: "That's true."

"I don't have many disciples in Yuehua Holy Land. The number of disciples from various major sects who are training in Yuehua Holy Land is only about a hundred."

"Look, there are so many people participating here."

"Everyone from our Yuehua Holy Land who has some qualifications and some strength is here."

"It seems that there are no restrictions for the headmaster and others. Anyone who wants to participate can participate."

"That shouldn't be the case. Shouldn't this be a layer-by-layer selection process where only the best can be admitted?"

"Why can anyone come?"


He frowned and glanced at them and said: "I also saw many people who are neither from my Yuehua Holy Land nor the major sects who come to study. Why do they look a bit like evil heretics?"

"The entry threshold is very loose" and "a lot of people come to participate."

These two pieces of information made Ye Xinghe think a little.

He also looked towards the area Ji Feiyu mentioned.

Sure enough, it was seen.

Directly west of this site, many people gathered, hundreds in number.

Many of them were definitely not from big sect families, and they were clearly casual cultivators at a glance.

But the aura on his body is also very scary.

And some are demons, and the aura of the powerful demon gods on their bodies cannot be concealed at all!

At this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt something.

A look was cast towards him.

Ye Xinghe's perception is very keen.

After realizing that someone was spying on him, he immediately looked at it intently.

The moment he saw this person, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Ye Xinghe's face.

Then, it turned into a touch of joy.

It turned out that he knew this person and was very familiar with it.

It turned out to be Chu Zhenyang.

The two have been separated for years and haven't seen each other for a long time.

Unexpectedly, we met here.

The old friends reunited, and the two of them had fought bloody battles, so they were in tune with each other, so they were naturally quite happy.

The moment Chu Zhenyang saw Ye Xinghe, his eyes were full of surprise.

Then, he lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, hiding his aura.

As if he didn't know Ye Xinghe at all, he lowered his eyes and stayed there honestly.

Ye Xinghe discovered that he should have followed others.

There were about three or four people in their team, which was not a large number.

But everyone's aura is very fierce and terrifying.

Although there are men and women, they all look humanoid.

But obviously, it was transformed by a monster.

The leader was an old man in green robe.

Thick eyebrows and eagle eyes, fierce eyes.

He sat carelessly on his seat, but there were many people next to him, all trying to fawn over him and moving closer to him.

Obviously, this person is very powerful and his status should be very high.

Chu Zhenyang followed the old man in green robe obediently.

Ye Xinghe glanced there with interest.

He thought to himself: "Who is this old man in green robe?"

"How can someone like Chu Zhenyang, who is unruly and cruel, be able to surrender so willingly and follow him obediently?"

Ever since Chu Zhenyang was resurrected.

This was the first time Ye Xinghe saw his low-brow look.

Soon, the sun was high in the sky and the time had come.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Then I saw several figures appearing on the small hill.

It was the leader of Yuehua Holy Land, Liang Zizhen and others.

A group of top experts from Yuehua Holy Land have appeared.

Everyone held their breath and watched them quietly.

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land glanced at everyone, and the silence in the place was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Only his voice echoed.

"Everyone, I won't say anything unnecessary."

"This time the leader of the Lotus Conference will receive half a drop of supreme nectar!"

Although everyone already knew about this reward before.

But I heard this from his mouth personally.

Many people were still breathing heavily and their eyes were burning.

Since I can come to the Moonlight Holy Land.

Under the influence of their ears and eyes here, they naturally know the historical origin of Yuehua Holy Land.

It is even more clear how terrifying this supreme nectar is!

What does it mean to Yuehua Holy Land!

Many people are thinking secretly in their hearts.

"If I can get half a drop of Supreme Nectar, my strength will be so powerful, and the future will be limitless!"

Most of these human cultivators are just thinking about it in their hearts.

As for those powerful demon gods in the south, they could no longer hold back and started shouting and roaring.

"Damn it, I've got this half drop of supreme nectar!"

"After swallowing half a drop of the Supreme Nectar, I will be able to completely transform and become a fairy!"

The old man in green robe even laughed strangely and said: "Back then, Jin Lingzi relied on this supreme nectar to step into the realm of almighty power, suppress the south with one sword, and create a huge foundation for the Yuehua Holy Land."

"I swallowed half a drop of the Supreme Nectar today, so I may not be able to be like him!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent

Even those arrogant demon gods were stunned.

They are crazy enough, but they are not crazy enough for this person's words!

Many Yuehua Holy Land disciples glared angrily, feeling offended.

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land looked at them calmly, glanced at them, and said nothing more.

Some of these people were staying in Yuehua Holy Land before.

He is a powerful demon god raised by Yuehua Holy Land.

People used to act as thugs, housekeepers, and so on.

Some powerful demon gods live not too far from Yuehua Holy Land.

The leader of Yuehua Holy Land attaches great importance to this matter and is afraid of missing any clue.

So, I called them all over.

At this time, he didn't take their attitude seriously either.

For him, as long as he can find that person, everything is bearable!

At this time, a leisurely voice came.

"As long as I am here today, none of you can even think of taking half of this drop of supreme nectar!"

The voice was calm and gentle, with a bit of a smile.

It makes people feel good after listening to it.

But what he said was extremely arrogant and powerful.

Those demon gods were not used to him, and they immediately retorted and cursed.

The old man in green robe even sneered and said: "Fuck you, where did this bullshit come from, talking nonsense here!"

But before he finished speaking, his expression changed.

The ferocious arrogance on his face disappeared in an instant and turned into a deep fear.

There was even a bit of fear hidden in his eyes.

He took two steps back, shut up and stopped talking.

Although each of those demon gods has a rough appearance, they are not fools for being able to survive until now.

Naturally, he guessed something and immediately shut up.

The next moment, a figure appeared out of thin air.

There are lines lingering around, full of the power of rules.

As soon as he appeared, the scene suddenly became quiet.

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