Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2822 I have a way

Chapter 2822 I have a way!

Ye Xinghe stared at him and said word by word: "I know your ultimate purpose of coming to this world!"

Qian Renxiao's heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank, and he felt like his heart skipped a beat.

But he soon returned to normal, calmly, and gave instructions to the people next to him.

"You all retreat, retreat ten miles away!"

These people nodded.

Soon, only Ren Xiao, Ye Xinghe and Qin Zhichang were left here.

Ye Xinghe knocked Qin Zhichang unconscious and said with a smile: "Don't worry, he doesn't know your plan either."

Qian Renxiao said coldly: "What on earth do you know?"

Ye Xinghe said: "There are more than you think."

Qian Renxiao sneered: "Blow me up!"

Ye Xinghe didn't talk nonsense and said coldly: "The rules of blood!"

As soon as these four words were spoken, Qian Renxiao's heart jumped hard and she was extremely shocked.

"He actually really knows!"

"With his strength, how do you know?"

Qian Renxiao asked: "What do you know?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I know that Princess Pingliang is related to the Rule of Blood."

"I know what's special about the rules of blood."

"I also know that the Blood God Conference in ten days will be a bloody storm."

"When the time comes, who will take away the Rules of Blood will be completely settled, and you will never have any chance again!"

Qian Renxiao's eyes were full of fear.

He didn't expect that Ye Xinghe didn't blow himself up.

He actually knows so much!

He continued: "Keep talking."

Ye Xinghe stopped talking.

"Since it is cooperation, you must show sincerity. I have said enough. Show your sincerity."

"Tell me what you know."

At this time, Qian Renxiao vaguely felt that the other party was already on the same level as himself.

He pondered for a moment and said: "I have been doing something big during this time."

"In fact, I left the Ice and Snow Dynasty and went to the Gaochang Empire in the west!"

"Ten days later, at the Blood God Conference, Tantai Changye, the eldest son of the first family of the Gaochang Empire, will come here with the blood god inheritance that the Gaochang Empire has received."

"The young hero Tantai Changye is extremely talented. Looking at the three major empires in the north, he is the best, even better than Princess Pingliang!"

"With his arrival, the chances of winning the Blood God's inheritance are extremely high."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and said: "So, you should have established a good relationship with him during this period and gained his trust. Then you will be waiting for an opportunity to seize it, right?"

"That's right."

Qian Renxiao nodded reservedly.

"Now, I am the most important guest around him. He always asks me for advice on everything."

"When the time comes, seizing the blood god's inheritance will be a piece of cake!"


With a bit of arrogance, he stared at Ye Xinghe and said: "To me, you have no value!"

"Your cooperation will not bring me any help!"

Ye Xinghe knew that the most critical moment had come.

Now, it’s time to show your worth.

He also knows very well that his own value is the basis for cooperation between the two parties!

He smiled and said, "Would you like to make a bet?"

"I bet you and Tantai Changye can't get the Blood God inheritance at all!"

"What's the meaning?"

Qian Renxiao frowned and said, "You don't have to talk nonsense here just to highlight your own value!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Whether what I said is true, you can verify it yourself!"

He stared at Qian Renxiao and lowered his voice: "You have no idea what a terrifying existence there is next to Princess Pingliang!"

"With that person here, Tantai Changye won't be able to get the Blood God inheritance at all. Naturally, you will be in vain!"

Qian Renxiao was stunned for a moment, his expression a little ugly.

"I need to verify whether what you said is true."

"Okay, you can verify it as you wish!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Now, we can go near the City Lord's Mansion for verification!"

The two chatted for a few words and made a plan.

Ye Xinghe immediately took Qin Zhichang into the Manyindra Tower.

Then, Manyindra Tower quickly fled towards the direction of the Zhenbei City Lord's Mansion.

About an hour later, he had returned to the vicinity of the Zhenbei City Lord's Mansion.

We found a restaurant with bright lights and a lot of people to wait.

Qian Renxiao, on the other hand, went to the area near the City Lord's Mansion in person to feel it carefully.

About half an hour later, he arrived at the meeting place agreed with Ye Xinghe with an ugly expression on his face.

In a restaurant private room.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Qian Renxiao's expression was already uncontrollably ugly.

He never expected that there would be a being with such terrifying strength in the city lord's mansion!

This completely disrupted his plans.

Just now, even though it was just a glimpse.

But he also felt the depth and terror of that existence.

He has a very clear understanding of his and Tantai Changye's strengths.

Suppressing the masters of Princess Pingliang is no problem.

But to deal with that strong man, he was still unable to do so.

In this way, all plans were ruined.

He doesn't know what to do now.

Suddenly he thought of something, stared at Ye Xinghe and said: "You have a way!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "If I had no choice, how could I be here now?"

Then, Ye Xinghe whispered something.

And after hearing his words.

Even people like Qian Renxiao had a look of astonishment on their faces.

He was silent for a long time, seemingly digesting Ye Xinghe's plan.

After a while, he high-fived and praised: "Awesome, your method is very powerful!"

He looked straight at Ye Xinghe: "Now, you are qualified to cooperate with me!"

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I want to get the Blood God inheritance!"

This is Ye Xinghe’s true purpose!

It is also the ultimate goal of his mission!

After hearing this.

People like Qian Renxiao, a veteran who has experienced ten mission worlds, are all shocked and shocked.

He shouted: "Are you crazy!"

"Do you know how difficult this is?"

"Do you know what level this mission is?"

"You alone want to get the Blood God inheritance?"

He originally thought that Ye Xinghe wanted to get some benefits from it.

Or you want to get some spiritual treasure pills and the like from yourself.

But I didn't expect that what Ye Xinghe wanted was this!

Ye Xinghe asked back: "You can think about it, why can't I think about it?"

Qian Renxiao was suffocated and couldn't say a word.

After a long time, he managed to squeeze out a smile.

"Heroes are born in youth, and their offspring are formidable!"

But in his heart, he was extremely afraid of Ye Xinghe.

He immediately made up his mind that once the Blood God inheritance was obtained, his goal would be achieved.

Kill Ye Xinghe immediately without leaving any future trouble!

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