Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2829 Rule Source Stone

Chapter 2829: Rule Source Stone!

Those who have reached at least half a step to the Nascent Soul realm.

Their reaction is the most critical.

Sure enough, just as Ye Xinghe expected.

After seeing these ice and snow guards.

Those who originally had greed in their eyes and were ready to snatch the Blood God Token.

All hesitated for a moment.

But in the end, he sat back and didn't do anything again.

First of all, these ice and snow guards are definitely not weak.

If you want to take care of them, you probably need these top experts to come together.

But the problem is, they also have their own agendas.

How can we fight side by side without any doubt?

Moreover, the most important thing is, even if you kill these ice and snow guards, what if you grab the Blood God Token?

These Blood God Orders were issued by Princess Pingliang.

These ice and snow guards are the people of Princess Pingliang.

Kill them and offend Princess Pingliang to death.

The Blood God Token in hand is undoubtedly a piece of scrap metal, so what is its use?

After several people sized up the situation, they finally restrained their greed.

Situations are stronger than people.

The action of the ice and snow guards immediately suppressed everyone!

From beginning to end, Ye Xinghe didn't even say a word.

Just stood there and looked at them indifferently.

But it has already convinced everyone.

Let everyone become honest.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Okay, everyone, now the auction will officially begin!"

He was very straightforward and no nonsense.

He directly took out a Blood God Token and said in a deep voice: "The auction for the first Blood God Token begins!"

"You can also trade it directly with Taixu Jade Slips, or you can trade it with Lingbao elixirs or various magic weapons. The one with the highest price will get it!"

A trial immortal disciple raised his voice and said: "How to calculate this value?"

"You can't be as high as you want, and as low as you want, we won't be convinced!"

An ice and snow guard stood up and said in a calm voice: "I studied under the strongest appraisal master of the Ice and Snow Dynasty and inherited 70% of his skills. Am I qualified?"

Everyone was silent now.

Everyone can trust the eldest princess.

There is no need for them to be biased or make things up.

Moreover, everyone is also knowledgeable.

After Ye Xinghe took out the first Blood God Token, he announced the start of the auction.


Everyone is thinking that they want others to bid first while they wait and see.

Ye Xinghe is not in a hurry.

At this time, Zhang Chenzheng looked at him invisibly

Suddenly, Jane! "

He looked around and grinned.

"If you don't bid, then I will!"

He also muttered: "Are you stupid? The higher the Blood God Order is, the lower the price will be!"

"As we get further back, the number of Blood God Tokens becomes less and less. Everyone is competing fiercely for them, and the prices are also going up!"

Although the words were spoken in a low voice, many people heard them.

Everyone suddenly became alert and suddenly realized this problem.

"Yes, there are enough Blood God Tokens in front of us, and the competition is not so fierce. We may be able to get them at a lower price."

"When the competition gets heated later, you might even have to sell your own life to make up for it!"

Some people also laughed in a low voice: "This silly boy just knows it in his heart, but he has to say it out. Isn't this causing trouble for himself?" Sure enough, the young man in colorful clothes had just finished bidding.

There was an old man next to him who said calmly: "Fifteen hundred Taixu jade slips."

The young man in fine clothes frowned and glared at him, and said harshly: "Old man, are you causing trouble for me?"

The old man looked indifferent: "You can bid, why can't I?"

The young man in colorful clothes gritted his teeth and said: "Two thousand Taixu jade slips!"

The old man refused to give in.

"Two thousand five hundred Taixu jade slips!"

The two of you fight for it.

In a short time, the price climbed to four thousand Taixu Jade Slips.

This is already a pretty high price.

A trial immortal who has gone through several mission worlds has only this little net worth!

After the young man in rich clothes saw the old man quoted the price of four thousand Taixu Jade Slips.

He gritted his teeth, but sat down beside him slumped and did not follow.

Obviously, it is already weak.

The old man looked at him mockingly, with disdain on his face.

And although this young man in gorgeous clothes withdrew from the competition.

But the two of them had already stirred up the atmosphere.

Someone immediately said: "Four, five hundred Taixu Jade Slips!"

Everyone made quotes one after another, and it was very lively for a while.

An invisible smile flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

He thought to himself: "The two people Zhang Chenzheng is looking for are quite qualified!"

It turns out that this young man and the old man in fine clothes are actually Zhang Chenzheng's shills.

Ye Xinghe had already made arrangements for him.

He is also very aware that there may be situations such as a cold start at the auction.

So, be prepared.

These two people are quite talented in acting, and their performances are flawless.

As they scrambled all the way, the old man also withdrew from the competition.

Finally, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face, thin figure and fair skin emerged.

He stood up and said calmly: "I won't talk about vulgar things like Taixu Jade Slips. Anyone can get this thing."

"I have a treasure, Ye Yunshen, you ask the ice and snow guard to estimate the price and see how much it is worth."

After all, he took out something.

Ye Xinghe perked up.

The treasures taken out at this time are all quite impressive.

The thing in the hand of the thin middle-aged man was a gemstone half the size of a fist.

This gemstone is that clear white color.

It is completely white, without any impurities, and is very pure.

And there is a strong power of rules lingering on it.

The power of this rule is also extremely pure.

Ye Xinghe felt it clearly.

The power of rules above seems to be a pure power of rules.

It has no attributes, no characteristics, and does not belong to a certain rule.

But it seems to fall under any kind of rules.

Just like crystal clear water, ordinary spiritual energy can be seen everywhere.

Seeing this thing, there was an exclamation in the crowd.

And Ye Xinghe suddenly realized something, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"Could it be that this thing is..."

The thin middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "This thing is the source stone of rules!"

Hearing the words "Rule Origin Stone", many people showed excitement on their faces.

There was a bit of greed in his eyes.

Even Ye Xinghe was instantly moved.

The source stone of rules is for those strong men who have mastered the power of rules.

It can be said that it exists like an artifact and is very precious.

The source stone of rules, as the name suggests, contains the power of rules.

But its power of rules does not belong to any one.

It is the most original, pure and clean rule.

That means that it can be used in any kind of rule power.

And the effect of regular source stones is indeed the same.

The effect of the Rule Source Stone is to enhance the level of the rules in hand.

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