Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2871 The Avenue of Gods and Demons

Chapter 2871 The Great Way of Gods and Demons!

Ye Xinghe never looked at Zhou Hongyu again from beginning to end.

He just lay there like a dead dog.

At this time, on the mysterious flying boat in the distance.

The middle-aged elegant scholar glanced at the red-skirted woman next to him.

The red-skirted woman shook her head repeatedly.

"This boy is really extraordinary, as the head of Yuehua Holy Land pays so much attention to him!"

"Dad, you have a sharp eye!"

The middle-aged elegant scholar laughed.

He waved his hand, and the two flew towards the depths of Yuehua Holy Land.

"Let's go, we're done watching the excitement, and it's time to do serious things."

"I didn't expect that I could meet such a young talent when I came to this wild world this time. I'll get to know him well!"

The red-skirted woman also nodded.

Suddenly, the middle-aged elegant scholar seemed to realize something.

He smiled mischievously and said, "It seems that my daughter's lifelong event can also be settled!"

The red-skirted woman blushed when she heard this.

She stamped her feet fiercely, rolled her eyes at him, and ignored him.

After arriving at Yuehua Holy Land, Ye Xinghe first went to the forbidden area.

He used the Black Lotus of Nirvana to replenish the nutrients for the Qinghua True Lotus.

However, Ye Xinghe's strength is no longer what it used to be.

The Black Lotus of Nirvana is also at least two or three times stronger than before.

With one move, the Qinghua True Lotus instantly gained a lot of vitality.

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land and others were very happy.

They thanked him again and again.

Then, Ye Xinghe told them about Nangong Lu'e and Si Qingchen.

When the headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land heard it, he immediately patted his chest and agreed.

He immediately asked someone to accept Nangong Lu'e and Si Qingchen as disciples and practice in Yuehua Holy Land.

With Ye Xinghe's relationship, naturally no one would dare to bully them.

As for Jiang Xiaomi, there is also a school of this kind in the Holy Land.

It is specially provided for the children of the elders and other high-level figures to practice.

Jiang Xiaomi entered it as a matter of course.

In the near future, Ye Xinghe might go to Lieyang Imperial City.

He did not plan to take the three people with him.

After all, this trip was dangerous and there might be great danger.

Taking them with him would be a disaster rather than a blessing.

They would be safe in Yuehua Holy Land.

Then, Ye Xinghe went directly to where Elder Han Yun was.

He was a little impatient.

He had many questions to ask Elder Han Yun.

Feeling Ye Xinghe's breath.

With a bang, the door of the Bamboo Forest Quiet House was opened.

Elder Han Yun's voice came.

"You are finally here, kid, tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"I do have something to ask you!"

Then, he roughly described the situation of the blood rule.

After listening to him, Elder Han Yuan exclaimed: "You, did you get this opportunity?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Elder Han Yun clapped his hands and laughed.

"Good boy, you are really good!"

He seemed to be in a trance, and then sighed and said: "You know, above the Martial God Realm is the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators cultivate the Nascent Soul, which is actually the rules at the root."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

That's right.

The power of the Nascent Soul, and even the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, all come from the rules they control.

The higher the quality and level of the rules themselves, the stronger the power!

Elder Han Yun said: "The power of rules is mysterious and infinite. Following this path, practicing all the way up, the future is limitless!"

"Even in the future, you can say the law, and a word can make the world collapse and the universe die!"

Ye Xinghe's heart was filled with longing.

What a terrible power!

Elder Han Yun changed the subject.

"However, in fact, in addition to practicing the rules, there is another way to practice, that is the Great Way of Gods and Demons!"

"The Great Way of Gods and Demons?"

Finally, when it came to this point, Ye Xinghe listened attentively.

Elder Han Yun continued, "You take the cultivation rules for granted, and everyone in the world takes them for granted, but in fact, it is not so."

"This is just the cultivation path for human cultivators."

A glimmer of light surged in Ye Xinghe's heart, and he said in a lost voice, "Could it be that this Great Way of Gods and Demons is the method of cultivation of the ancient gods and demons?"

Elder Han Yun looked at him approvingly.

"That's right!"

"In ancient times, between heaven and earth, not only did humans have the talent and beauty to rise up and rise between heaven and earth."

"At the same time, there are countless gods and demons in this world!"

"These gods and demons are terrible beings born from the chaos when the universe was first created. They are neither human nor monster, and they are born with great supernatural powers!"

Ye Xinghe was surprised and said, "Then their upper limit is much higher than that of human cultivators?"

Elder Han Yun nodded, "That's natural."

"The human race is a race that walked out of the wilderness, fought with monsters, cut through thorns and walked out of the blood road."

"In terms of talent, it is indeed much worse than them."


There was a hint of determination in his eyes.

"The human race is still the most powerful race in this world, and even in this universe!"

"The ancestors of the human race braved the frost and dew, cut through thorns, and blazed a trail from scratch."

"To this day, the human race is prosperous and there are countless geniuses!"

"More importantly, the human race always has an unyielding heart and wants to fight against this world!"

Ye Xinghe nodded heavily.

Elder Han Yun waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's far away."

"The avenues on which these ancient gods and demons cultivated are called the avenues of gods and demons."

"It's completely different from those cultivated by the human race."

"Their core is only one thing, and that is to temper the body!"

Ye Xinghe said: "The rule of blood is to absorb other bloodlines, not just humans, including monsters, including other terrifying and powerful creatures!"

"What I'm talking about here should be those gods and demons, absorbing blood, integrating into the body, and using them for their own use."

"Could this be created by an extremely talented human cultivator who imitated the method of the Great Way of Gods and Demons?"

Elder Han Yuan nodded: "Yes, I don't know what kind of genius it is that can create such a rule."

"Skillfully use blood as a medium to refine bloodline. Instead of following the conventional path of cultivation rules, you choose to strengthen your body and become an ancient god and demon!"

He sighed: "I have only heard of this kind of method."

"Some of the methods of cultivating gods and demons passed down from ancient times have long since disappeared and are rarely known."

"I didn't expect that I would see it with my own eyes today!"

He stared at Ye Xinghe, with a burning look in his eyes.

"Ye Xinghe, you are extremely talented, and you are also the best among human cultivators, and you have mastered several rules."

"If we continue on the human race's path of cultivation, our future achievements will be limitless!"

"However, you have mastered the cultivation methods of the Great Way of Gods and Demons. You use human methods to refine the Nascent Soul, control the rules, and use the Great Way of Gods and Demons to cultivate your physical body. Your physical body is invincible!"

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