Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2886: Beat you until you are convinced

"I feel the same. Tens of thousands of black and yellow divine powers, which should be extremely rare among the strong ones in the Martial God Realm!"

"That's right, I'm afraid not many people can do it!"

Everyone was amazed that this man's mysterious power was so abundant and powerful!

Ye Xinghe fell down, looked down at Shen Nanchen, and stepped on his face.

Press his face forcefully into the dirt and dust.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "How about me, a pariah from the wild world?"


Humiliation to the extreme!

The wanton pain bloomed on his face, pouring into his heart and brain.

Shen Nanchen felt extremely painful.

However, compared with the humiliation, this pain is nothing at all.

He could feel that everyone's eyes were on his face.

It made him feel so humiliated that he almost exploded.

He is the son of the head of the Xuanming Sect from a first-class family.

Even in Lieyang Imperial City, he always walks sideways, and few people dare to provoke him.

Today, he was defeated by this pariah from the wild world with one blow.

His head was stepped on and he was trampled into the dust.

This kind of humiliation almost made his whole body explode!

His heart was beating wildly and blood was gushing out.

The body suddenly turned red.

The next moment, he roared crazily.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, my Yuan Ying has not been used yet, my true strength has not been exerted yet, I don't accept it!"

"If you can, let me go and let's compete again!"

He roared wildly.

When the people around him heard this, their faces became a little hot, feeling embarrassed for him.

It was obvious that he was the one who made trouble first by taunting her, and then he acted almost like a sneak attack.

As a result, he was knocked down by others.

But he still had the nerve to say he was not convinced and continue to compete.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Okay, if you don't accept it, then I will give you another chance."

Shen Nanchen suddenly stood up and shouted crazily: "You will regret it!"

"This time I use Nascent Soul, I will give it my all, let's see what you can compare with me!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "If you don't accept it, I will beat you until you accept it!"

Everyone couldn't help but be in an uproar.

"This Ye Xinghe is too trusting!"

"Yes, he was lucky. The other party didn't use Yuanying, and he won directly. He just gave up when he was good, and he actually wanted to fight again."

"This is the young master of the Xuanming Sect. He has many trump cards and the Nascent Soul is powerful. Is Ye Xinghe sure of winning if he fights him again?"

"I don't think so. I think Ye Xinghe will lose this time!"

"Yes, it doesn't matter if his Xuanhuang divine power is strong enough. Shen Nanchen is a strong person in the Nascent Soul realm. If he really wants to sacrifice the Nascent Soul, Ye Xinghe is no match for him!"

Behind the crowd, there was a middle-aged man in plain Tsing Yi with an unshaven face, who seemed to be quite down and out.

He held a long rag package in his arms and looked at the scene in front of him leisurely.

Suddenly, he shook his head and whispered: "Killing people is heart-breaking. This Shen Nanchen's cultivation in this life will be ruined!"

"The shadow of Ye Xinghe's invincibility will forever be etched in his heart, and there will be no hope of breakthrough in the future!"

But at this time, it was far away, in the void, where no one could see it.

Several people were standing there, looking down at the situation below.

They are right above this battlefield.

But no one noticed them.

They are in a separate space.

Looking down, his eyes were cold, as if he were looking at ants.

A man with three long beards, an elegant appearance, and a white-gold robe smiled and said: "Chu Xiaoming, your sister, who was born a concubine, doesn't seem to be very troublesome!"

The slender man with a stern face next to him had a slightly gloomy expression.

It turns out that this person is none other than Chu Xiaoming, who is known as the number one genius in the God of War Palace.

He looked calmly and said: "She's just a concubine, what does she have to do with my God of War Mansion?"

The man in the platinum robe smiled and said: "But when she is outside, she represents the face of your God of War Palace. If she is embarrassed, your God of War Palace will be embarrassed as well."

It turned out that, in their opinion, what Chu Qingqiu had done had already disgraced the God of War Mansion.

Chu Xiaoming slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"Everything is over. After Shen Nanchen uses Yuanying, he will directly kill this kid."

"As long as he dies, no matter how worried Chu Qingqiu is, it will be useless."

Chu Xiaoming said in a cold voice: "She can only accept her fate!"

The man in the platinum robe smiled and said: "But the reputation of your God of War Palace has been greatly affected."

Chu Xiaoming said coldly: "I will take care of the affairs of our God of War Mansion after I return. When I return to the manor, there will be many ways to deal with her!"

"Because she damaged the reputation of my God of War Mansion, I have to let her know what family rules are!"

There was an extremely cold tone in his voice.

Behind him were two little book boys, one holding a sword and the other holding a harp.

There was a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "Miss Qingqiu will be in bad luck when she returns to the family!"

"Who doesn't know that this young master Xiaoming is not only powerful, but also cold-tempered and never shows mercy!"

The man in the platinum robe chuckled and wanted to say more.

Chu Xiaoming's stern eyes were already fixed on him, and he said in a cold voice: "Lin Xianfeng, if you don't want to die, just shut up!"

Lin Xianfeng laughed, and really didn't dare to say anything anymore.

At this time, Shen Nanchen was trembling slightly and slowly raised his hands.

And in the palm of his hand, a Nascent Soul appeared quietly.

It is surrounded by powerful rules.

Its Nascent Soul is like a candle, with a faint light.

Everyone quickly backed away.

"If I remember correctly, Shen Nanchen's Nascent Soul, his candlelight is extremely lethal!"

"Yes, if illuminated by this candlelight, no matter how hard the body is or how strong the strength is, the body will instantly become as fragile as sand and then collapse!"

Shen Nanchen roared and rushed forward.

Above the Nascent Soul, faint candlelight flashed out instantly.

It will cover Ye Xinghe.

There was a sense of triumph and revenge in his eyes.

As long as this light envelopes Ye Xinghe.

He could see that Ye Xinghe instantly turned into sand, with no bones left!

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

"The power of this kind of rules is quite special."

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed.

"Just in time to give it a try on you, I just refined the latest nameless broken sword!"

Ye Xinghe slowly pressed his hand on the Wuming Broken Sword.

At this time, Wuming Broken Sword seemed to feel the opponent's aura and feel Ye Xinghe's thoughts.

He immediately became slightly buzzing, as if he couldn't wait to go out to fight.

Ye Xinghe stood motionless.

Shen Nanchen is getting closer and closer.

In an instant, the faint candlelight was about to shine on Ye Xinghe.

The pride on his face grew stronger.

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