Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2893 Clues to Bloodline

Chapter 2893 Clues to bloodline!

He lowered his head and looked down at Ye Xinghe, and said with a serious smile: "In three months, I will wait for you at the God of War Mansion to see if you have the courage!"

But he still wanted to stimulate Ye Xinghe, lest he dare not go to the God of War Mansion.

After that, he took everyone from the God of War Mansion and left.

He was in a very happy mood.

Such an upright conspiracy trap has been laid for Ye Xinghe.

Just waiting for Ye Xinghe to come and die.

After they left, everyone also dispersed.

Elder Han Yun walked to Ye Xinghe and sighed.

"What's the trouble?"

Ye Xinghe turned around and smiled: "Elder, don't you have confidence in me either?"

Han Yun shook his head.

"This is three months. Three months, what can you do?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly

"There are some things that I know I can't do but I still have to do them, even though there are thousands of people going there!"

Elder Han Yun couldn't help but be moved and looked at him solemnly.

He suddenly said: "This is where I am inferior to you, and this is why I value you so much."

"The energy in you is so sharp!"

His heart agitated.

"Well said, I will do my best to improve your strength!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Elder Han Yun suddenly showed joy on his face.

"I have good news for you. I found some clues about your bloodline!"


Hearing this, Ye Xinghe's heart immediately started pounding.

There was an unspeakable excitement.

Regarding his own bloodline, it has always been one of the things that Ye Xinghe is most concerned about.

He didn't know it until he came to this big Xuanhuang world.

My bloodline is not as simple as imagined.

That day, he was attacked by a powerful enemy in the Cang Ning Realm, in order to plunder his bloodline.

And his mother seemed to have some backup plans back then and sent her directly to the Xuanhuang World.

Ye Xinghe has countless questions in his mind.

"Who is my mother?"

"What kind of cultivation level did she reach back then? She was able to predict what would happen to me and planned a backup plan early."

"What preparations has she made in the Xuanhuang World?"

These Ye Xinghe have always been at a loss, including about their own bloodline.

After the last blood rule, he was directly surrendered by himself.

He knew that his bloodline was very strong.

But how strong it is and what the specific details are, I still don’t know.

He asked eagerly: "What clue?"

Elder Han Yun stroked his beard and smiled.

"Old man, why are you so anxious to come back? It's not because you mentioned before that your bloodline is special and mysterious."

"So, the old man sent a message to his old friends in Lieyang Imperial City and asked them to help keep an eye on it."

"They got some clues before, so I rushed back in a hurry. After spending some time, I found a place and a person."

With that said, he handed Ye Xinghe a note.

There was an address written on it, and a name.

After Ye Xinghe remembers it clearly.

With a wave of his hand, he burned the note.

"This person should be related to your bloodline. You can go find him."

"I didn't have any contact with him for fear of alerting him."

Ye Xinghe felt grateful, knowing Elder Han Yun's affection for him.

He suddenly thought of something and said softly: "No one else knows about this, right?"

Elder Han Yun nodded and said: "Don't worry, my friend calculated this using the art of Zhoutian stars. No one was asked to check it. No one can know the connection. It is very hidden."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

He was relieved.

If it could lead to the exposure of his bloodline, Ye Xinghe would rather not look for this clue.

Without further ado, after Ye Xinghe got the clues, he said goodbye to Elder Han Yun.

He quietly entered an alley.

And when he reappeared at the end of the alley, he was already covered by a black cloak.

The breath is completely different from before.

When it comes to his own bloodline, Ye Xinghe does not dare to neglect it.

Nothing can go wrong.

Two hours later, he arrived at a bustling downtown area in the west area of ​​the city.

The streets here are not as wide as before, and the pavilions on both sides are not as luxurious.

But it has a lot more flavor of life.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of people living in this neighborhood.

Moreover, they are all considered to have a small fortune.

Those who gathered the most were some wealthy businessmen, some low-level officials and generals, etc.

They are considered to be ordinary wealthy families in the city.

The streets are paved with white stones and are quite clean and tidy.

On both sides are pavilions five or six stories high.

It's quite comfortable to be in it.

Soon, Ye Xinghe came to a shop.

The store has several floors and is quite large.

But there are not many people around, and business is quite sluggish.

There is a large plaque on it with four words written on it: Jishi Taoist Hall.

Behind this pavilion, the house covers a huge area, covering more than ten acres.

Houses of this size are quite rare in this neighborhood.

But Ye Xinghe saw that the house was already quite dilapidated.

Some places have fallen into decay, and grass is still growing in the corners of many brick joints.

Obviously, the family living in this mansion was once quite luxurious and powerful.

But it should be somewhat declining now.

Ye Xinghe stood at the entrance of Jishi Gymnasium.

At this time, there were two flames on the huge pillar at the entrance of Jishi Gymnasium.

This means that there is a second-grade divine pharmacist in charge of this Jishi Dao Hall.

A second-grade divine pharmacist, looking at the wild world, might be pretty good.

But in this Lieyang Imperial City, it's a bit unsightly.

No wonder this place looks quite miserable.

He has reached the realm of the divine medicine master.

For the control of the potency of medicine, the refining of elixirs, and even the observation of patients' conditions, as well as the methods of diagnosis and treatment.

They have all reached a level that is close to the Tao.

Therefore, this type of place in the city is not called a medical center, but a gymnasium!

Ye Xinghe walked into the hall, which was quite spacious.

There were several tall medicine cabinets placed against the wall, but there was no one inside.

Just next to the door, there is a lounge chair

At this time, I heard movement, and a figure turned over and stood up.

He rubbed his eyes drowsily and yawned.

When Ye Xinghe looked around, he saw a young woman with quite beautiful appearance.

A smile appeared on her face and she said loudly: "A guest is here. Do you need to see a doctor or buy medicine?"

She came over very enthusiastically.

However, when I saw Ye Xinghe's ordinary clothes and sensed his aura, he was only after the Martial God realm.

His expression immediately turned cold and he became very impatient.

She walked back again and leaned on the table.

Just a lazily dropped sentence: "There are prices on the table, you can see for yourself."

She muttered something under her breath.

"It's so unlucky. There haven't been many customers all day, but one came and he's still a poor man!"

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