Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2918 The final trump card

Chapter 2918 The final trump card!

I'm afraid that he will be instantly killed by this move!

But unfortunately, he met Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe used the rules of time to spy on what Zhou Hongyu was going to do.

He had already been prepared for the golden-armored tyrannosaurus beast he was about to sacrifice.

He even speculated on the fatal weakness of Golden Armored Greymon.

Therefore, just kill it with one blow.

This made the trap that Zhou Hongyu had so painstakingly set up not work at all!

Instead, he was used by Ye Xinghe to directly counterattack!

Because, if he is not in a hurry to kill Ye Xinghe with one move.

Command the golden-armored tyrannosaurus to bite Ye Xinghe's words with its huge mouth.

If he lets the golden armored tyrannosaurus fight with Ye Xinghe.

Then, if Ye Xinghe wanted to kill him, he would still have to put in a lot of effort.

But now, he took this opportunity to kill him instantly!

Zhou Hongyu said in horror: "You, you have guessed it a long time ago!"

Ye Xinghe did not answer, but slowly approached him to kill him.

Zhou Hongyu's eyes showed despair at this time, and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "You forced me!"

The next moment, the fingers of his right hand clicked again, and the golden light flashed.

The golden armored tyrannosaurus beast was still breathing its last breath.

But it flew directly towards Zhou Hongyu.

The next moment, the body of the Golden Armored Greymon changed rapidly.

It turned from a powerful monster directly into a golden armor.

It was draped on Zhou Hongyu's body.

In an instant, Zhou Hongyu's whole body was shaking violently, and he looked up to the sky and let out a shrill scream.

It seemed to be extremely painful.

At this moment, he seemed to be integrating the golden armored tyrannosaurus beast into his body.

Ye Xinghe was also shocked.

You know, this golden armored tyrannosaurus beast is a demon saint!

This is a demon saint, equivalent to a strong person in the Yuanying realm of the human race.

The Demon God is equivalent to the Human Martial God Realm, while the Demon Saint is already equivalent to the Nascent Soul Realm.

His strength is already as strong as that of a Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse, which is very terrifying.

Even if it is stronger than the top demon god, it is many times stronger!

Moreover, transvestites have different paths.

You must integrate this demon saint deeply into your body.

What kind of method is this?

After a while, Zhou Hongyu and the combination were completed.

He slowly shook his neck and looked at Ye Xinghe with eyes full of cruelty.

He clenched his hands, feeling the tyrannical power surging within his body, and a smile appeared on his lips.

It turns out that his rules are just small branches below a branch of rules for controlling monster beasts.

It is able to merge with monsters.

And, within a short period of time, he had all the abilities of the monster.

In this case, the result of one plus one is far greater than two.

It can increase one's own strength instantly.

Much stronger than him and the monster fighting alone!

And now, after Golden Armored Greymon and Zhou Hongyu merged.

Zhou Hongyu actually possessed all the abilities of the Golden Armored Greymon in an instant.

His body instantly turned into a golden color, extremely hard.

It even developed mottled golden scales, and its size suddenly increased to about three meters.

A huge golden dragon tail also grew from behind.

Even the head turned into the head of a tyrannosaurus.

It is somewhat similar to Ye Xinghe's previous colorful dragon body transformation.

But the level is higher, the strength is stronger, and the body is harder.

Moreover, it is also more vicious and violent.

His pair of turbid golden eyes stared at Ye Xinghe.

The next moment, an indistinct roar came from his mouth.

"Ye Xinghe, after I use this rule, it will cause great harm to me. I can use it again at most in the future!"

"You deserve to die. You, a pariah from the countryside, forced me to do it once. You have to use your life to compensate me!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly understood.

It turns out that the price of his rules is also very high.

It seems that it actually consumes his life!

Zhou Hongyu's cultivation can only be used once more.

It can be seen how huge the life force it consumes is!

Zhou Hongyu pointed his finger at Ye Xinghe and uttered two words coldly.


With a 'swish', his figure appeared directly in front of Ye Xinghe.

He slapped him with one palm.

The speed is unparalleled, extremely fast!

Even Ye Xinghe's sight was a bit difficult to capture.

His palms have turned into claws.

It was over a foot long, completely black, and looked extremely sharp.

The power of rules lingering on it is also extremely strong and sharp.

Obviously, the power of the rules can not only strengthen his teeth, but also strengthen his claws.

Ye Xinghe was knocked hundreds of meters away by this palm, and was hit heavily on a rock.

A deep blood mark appeared on the surface of his chest.

That means he can hide quickly.

Otherwise, this claw would be enough to disembowel him!

But Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm, and his heart calmed down.

After this move, he deliberately did not resist.

But it tested Zhou Hongyu's current strength.

It is equivalent to around the second level of Nascent Soul Realm.

Stronger than Ye Xinghe, but not by much.

Ye Xinghe thought to himself: "I just want to use you to practice the rules of the cloud that I just refined!"

Then, just when Zhou Hongyu came to kill again.

Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

In an instant, the thick and dense clouds in the sky gathered towards him.

In his hands, it acts like an arm and is extremely obedient, obeying Ye Xinghe's orders.

Ye Xinghe waved his hand, and clouds surrounded the two of them.

In an instant, Zhou Hongyu suddenly lost sight of the road ahead.

Lost trace of Ye Xinghe.

There was only a white cloud in front of me.

And with a 'bang' sound, his body hit a thick cloud wall.

The sharp claws in his hands waved, and he instinctively cut through the clouds.

He sneered and said: "The rules of the cloud, right? What does this mean?"

But soon, he stopped laughing.

After the clouds, there are the clouds.

Layer after layer, endless.

It made him feel that his strength was greatly consumed!

And when he was caught off guard, more than a dozen short cloud spears shot towards him fiercely.

In the clouds, there is no sound.

By the time Zhou Hongyu found out, it was already too late.

Despite his physical strength.

But the short spears made of clouds were aimed at his eyes and other vital parts.

It also caused him unbearable pain, and he let out several screams one after another.

At this time, Ye Xinghe had already withdrawn and retreated.

Looking at Zhou Hongyu struggling in this huge cloud, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

"The rules of the cloud are very strong!"

It turned out that it was in the auction house.

Ye Xinghe discovered that his Cloud Rules had been refined.

He has completely controlled the rules of the cloud.

And because there is the example of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

Ye Xinghe also has a lot of experience with the rules of this cloud.

Therefore, it is very easy to use as soon as you get started.

When Zhou Hongyu broke through the clouds in front of him, twenty breaths had passed.

And he discovered that Ye Xinghe was retreating.

Thick clouds appeared in front of us again.

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