Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2947 Rescue

Others also avoided and made way for them.

The burly middle-aged man was very proud to see this scene and laughed.

Even Young Master Zhang was quite frightened when he saw this person and did not speak.

Grandma Wang came over quickly, with a smile on her face.

"Master Liang, I keep them all for you!"

After seeing Gu Changyu, Liang Mincang's eyes flashed with intense greed.

My mouth is almost watering, I'm salivating.

"These little girls are stunning!"

Grandma Wang laughed softly and said, "It's her blessing that you like her!"

Liang Mincang quickly found a place to sit down.

"You know what I mean!"

Grandma Wang nodded repeatedly.

"That's nature, that's nature!"

At this time, suddenly from somewhere, someone chuckled and said: "Master Liang, you are too late!"

"Mr. Zhang has just announced that this woman will be his from now on. You should be lucky next time!"


Hearing this, Liang Mincang suddenly became furious.

The fierce gaze swept across everyone and sneered.

"Master Zhang, come forward. I want to see who dares to rob me!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on Mr. Zhang.

There is pity and there is ridicule.

More of a look of schadenfreude.

Mr. Zhang's face suddenly turned red, extremely embarrassed.

He knew it just now after Liang Mincang appeared.

He is far from being able to compare with Liang Mincang and cannot compete with him at all.

Therefore, it was very humiliating and did not come forward.

I had just thought about it.

Unexpectedly, he was called out in public.

In full view of everyone, wouldn't this be a slap in the face!

"It turns out it's you!"

Liang Mincang looked at Mr. Zhang and sneered.

"You are not qualified to talk to me yet. Even if your father arrives, you still have to be polite in front of me!"

"Do you want to rob me?"

He pointed his finger at Young Master Zhang, looking extremely arrogant.

Mr. Zhang did not dare to say another word at this time.

He just stood up and cupped his hands.

He smiled and said, "Uncle, how dare I rob you?"

"We are family friends, don't hurt our friendship over such trivial matters!"

Liang Mincang laughed and nodded: "You're a smart kid!"

At this time, Bifu's roaring laughter was obviously mocking Mr. Zhang for showing such weakness at this time.

After the dance, Grandma Wang walked up to Gu Changyu and whispered a few words to her.

Gu Changyu's body trembled slightly, his face turned pale, and he immediately shook his head.

Grandma Wang's expression changed on the spot.

His eyes immediately turned from loving to cold.

She stared at Gu Changyu and sneered: "Now, it's not up to you!"

"You have to go if you want to, and you have to go if you don't want to!"

Gu Changyu was stunned immediately and felt a little flustered.

Grandma Wang has always been very kind to her and very tolerant.

He urged her over and over again to come to this building.

She trusts Grandma Wang very much.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Wang's expression suddenly changed.

Leaving her wondering what to do.

Seeing the look of fear on Gu Changyu's face, Grandma Wang's expression suddenly softened.

She whispered: "Oh, good daughter, we can't afford to offend Uncle Liang. You want to kill us!"

Gu Changyu still shook his head.

Grandma Wang gritted her teeth and said harshly: "Little bitch, if I smile a little bit at you, you don't know what your last name is, do you?"

"Let me tell you, Mr. Liang is happy, your damn brother's illness will be cured, and he will enjoy endless wealth and glory in the future!"

"If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your family!"

This sentence hit Gu Changyu's weakness.

His face turned pale instantly.

She bit her lip, and after a moment, nodded slightly.

Grandma Wang smiled widely.

"This is right!"

Liang Mincang was already waiting impatiently in the audience.

Seeing this, he immediately jumped onto the stage, hugged Gu Changyu in his arms, and laughed lewdly.

Tears welled up in Gu Changyu's eyes, but he forced himself to hold them back.

Thinking of my brother's serious illness and my younger sister.

She seemed to have made a decision.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

He knew that the plan was disrupted.

At this time, I can only take action forcefully!

Just when Liang Mincang was taking Gu Changyu and preparing to leave.

But he found that there was a flash in front of his eyes.

A figure stopped in front of him.

It was Ye Xinghe.

Liang Mincang was instantly alert and glared at Ye Xinghe with narrowed eyes, power surged through his body.

He said coldly: "If you are a brat from where, how dare you block my way!"

At the same time, the dozen or so strong men around him all rushed up instantly.

He pressed towards Ye Xinghe.

This person is very skillful and decisive in doing things. He will take action directly without any hesitation.

Grandma Wang looked dumbfounded and said quickly: "Is there some misunderstanding? Mr. Liang, don't rush to take action!"

She looked at Ye Xinghe and cursed fiercely: "Who are you? If you dare to block here, get out of here!"

"I made Master Liang angry, can you bear the consequences?"

Ye Xinghe completely ignored them and just looked at Gu Changyu.

"Gu Changyu"

Gu Changyu suddenly raised his head in surprise and made eye contact with him.

Ye Xinghe said gently: "I'm here to save you. Don't worry, everything is fine with my brother and sister."

"I have also cured your brother's illness and injuries."

Ye Xinghe told a white lie at this time.


Gu Changyu was surprised and happy.

Then, he showed a suspicious look.

"You, are you telling the truth?"

Ye Xinghe whispered to her.

Gu Changyu's eyes suddenly lit up.

This sentence was a secret between her and Gu Qingyi.

No one knew except the two of them.

The person in front of him was indeed the one my brother asked to save him!

And at this moment, a sharp voice sounded.

"Just you, you still want to snatch someone from Lord Liang Mincang, you don't even take a piss to look at yourself, who are you, are you worthy!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, but saw that it was Mr. Zhang who was speaking at this time.

It turned out that Mr. Zhang was completely suppressed by Liang Mincang just now.

Just now, he made a bold statement to make Gu Changyu his own.

As a result, he was slapped in the face by Liang Mincang soon.

He didn't even dare to fart.

He was already extremely frustrated in his heart.

He felt that everyone looked at him as if he was a joke.

He didn't dare to shout at Liang Mincang.

At this time, seeing Ye Xinghe talking, he jumped out immediately.

He wanted to find his lost face from Ye Xinghe!

But as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the extreme danger.

He suddenly let out a shrill scream.

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

There was a light sound of "swish".

Everyone felt that the front was blurred, and they didn't see anything yet.

Young Master Zhang had already flown directly.

He was deeply pierced by something in his left shoulder and nailed to the wall.

Young Master Zhang let out a shrill howl and struggled like a pig being slaughtered.

Blood gushed out crazily.

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