Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2985 A big opportunity for him

Chapter 2985 Great opportunity for him!

Seeing that this falcon was small in size, it ate the real pills and spiritual treasures like chewing candy beans.

Everyone was shocked.

It was okay for the real pills.

Although eating them might be fatal due to the large amount.

But some of these spiritual treasures were extremely hard!

But no matter how hard the spiritual treasures were, in the mouth of this falcon, it was just a matter of a crunch.

It chewed them up in one bite and swallowed them whole.

It was very easy to eat one by one.

In just a moment, these 200 real pills and 200 spiritual treasures were eaten up by it.

Like a whirlwind.

Many disciples felt distressed.

If these things were given to them, they would be enough to double their strength.

And now, they were eaten up so easily!

Ye Xinghe didn't expect that this falcon actually used these things as food.

After eating these, the falcon burped with satisfaction.

It nodded and said, "Good, very good, I haven't eaten so full for a long time!"

He looked at the two people and said with a smile, "The things you gave are all good, especially you."

It raised its claws and pointed at Wei Shouyuan.

"The quality of Lingbao Zhendan is very high. I am very satisfied with it."

Wei Shouyuan was excited.

"This great opportunity finally fell on me!"

He glanced at Ye Xinghe proudly.

And then, the black falcon flew directly to Ye Xinghe's shoulder.

He lowered his head slowly and combed his feathers.

It smiled and said, "So, I choose to give this opportunity to him!"

Wei Shouyuan's smile froze immediately.

Everyone was also stunned.

The black falcon said that before, and everyone thought he was going to give this great opportunity to Wei Shouyuan.

Unexpectedly, it was given to Ye Xinghe.

Some people couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Ye Xinghe also felt a little puzzled.

But there is no reason not to want the great opportunity that fell from the sky.

He guessed that this might be related to the hidden opportunity in the sea of ​​clouds and fog.

After all, the attitude of the fog beasts towards him also explained a lot.

He bowed and smiled, "What's your name, senior?"

The black falcon said slowly, "You can call me Master Qiang."

"Okay, I'm honored to meet Master Qiang!"

Ye Xinghe bowed and saluted, not daring to slack off.

Wei Shouyuan stared at the black falcon and roared in a low voice, "You dare to play tricks on me!"

Master Qiang slowly raised his head.

At this time, a hint of indifference flashed in his eyes.

It was this slight indifference that made Wei Shouyuan feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

He shuddered.

He suddenly realized what kind of existence he was facing.

Master Qiang said lightly, "What if I played tricks on you?"

Wei Shouyuan trembled in his heart and realized that his behavior was extremely dangerous.

He quickly gritted his teeth, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "Junior dare not, junior admit it!"

"It's good to admit it." Master Qiang said coldly.

Although Wei Shouyuan was furious, he didn't dare to act tough with Master Qiang.

After all, if the other party was slightly unhappy, he could kill him!

Master Qiang swept his eyes across everyone's faces and said calmly: "The opportunity has come, you can all leave."

After that, he waved his wings and the clouds dissipated.

There was a vast expanse in front of everyone.

This is the second layer of the sea of ​​clouds and fog.

Everyone left one after another, and Ye Xinghe also chose to leave.

He wanted to figure out what was going on.

After asking Master Qiang, Master Qiang shook his head.

It smiled and said: "There's nothing to say. Now I recognize you as my master, and we will be master and servant in the future."


Ye Xinghe was dumbfounded, feeling that happiness came too suddenly.

Master Qiang is such a powerful existence, but he recognized himself as his master so easily?

Wouldn't he be invincible in the future!

He had already glimpsed some of Master Qiang's strength.

Master Qiang laughed and said, "Boy, don't be too happy too soon."

"Let me tell you, I'm very weak. Any fog beast in this sea of ​​clouds and mist can probably crush me to death!"

Ye Xinghe naturally didn't believe his lies and was secretly calculating in his heart.

And suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, it was Wei Shouyuan.

Wei Shouyuan said coldly: "Ye Xinghe, there is no one else now, it's time to settle the accounts between the two of us!"

He would naturally not let Ye Xinghe go.

However, Ye Xinghe now has another trump card.

He turned his head to look at Master Qiang on his shoulder, bowed and smiled: "Master Qiang, please help me deal with him!"

Ye Xinghe also wanted to test Master Qiang intentionally.

After all, this Master Qiang lived in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds and mist, surrounded by so many fog beasts.

In another instant, he swallowed 200 spiritual treasures and 200 real pills.

It can be said to be appalling.

I guess his strength is also extremely terrifying.

Ye Xinghe was delighted to have this great opportunity.

He also wanted to know how strong Qiang Ye was.

When Wei Shouyuan heard what Ye Xinghe said, his face suddenly turned pale.

He immediately stepped back a few steps with great vigilance.

Although he was now a fourth-level Nascent Soul, he thought he had the strength to crush Ye Xinghe.

But he didn't think he could compare to Qiang Ye, the mysterious existence.

As soon as Mr. Qiang takes action, he is afraid that he will die immediately!

But the next moment, Master Qiang's actions made both of them stupid.

Mr. Qiang stood on Ye Xinghe's shoulder and slowly combed the feathers on his body with his pointed beak.

flatly refused.

"Who is Mr. Qiang, and how can he condescend to deal with such a small role?"

"Boy, do it yourself, Master Qiang doesn't care."

Everyone in Ye Xinghe was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, I got this response from Mr. Qiang!

"If you don't want to take action, what's the point of this opportunity?"

But after Wei Shouyuan was stunned for a moment, he laughed wildly.

Ye Xinghe, who was pointing at him, almost burst into tears from laughter.

"Ye Xinghe, you didn't expect that you spent such a high price, but you invited an old man back, and he won't take action for you at all!"

After making sure that Mr. Qiang would never take action, Wei Shouyuan no longer hesitated.

He roared wildly and charged towards Ye Xinghe.

There is no reservation in the power of the fourth transformation of the Nascent Soul.

He wants to kill Ye Xinghe directly!

Ye Xinghe also lost his temper at this time.

He glanced sideways at Mr. Qiang and said with a sneer: "If you don't take action, I won't take action. I will fight on my own!"

In the blood, purple light surges, and the rules of blood promote it.

Above the body, two rays of black and golden light shine out.

The body became extremely hard.

He punched Wei Shouyuan forward.

His extremely hard body collided with the power of the rules of Wei Shou Yuanying's fourth revolution.

There was a loud bang.

Ye Xinghe's right arm was severely fractured and dripping with blood.

Wei Shouyuan was also shocked and took a step back.

Mr. Qiang tilted his head and looked at Ye Xinghe, thinking to himself: "This kid is quite interesting!"

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