Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3006 Conditions

.x., Danwu Supreme!

Chapter 3006 Conditions!

It laughed.

"As expected of you!"

"Very good, your performance makes me very satisfied, you are qualified to have this thing!"

After that, these three things flew directly into Ye Xinghe's space container.

Ye Xinghe was not given a chance to refuse.

The Supreme Mist Beast smiled and said: "Of course I won't give it to you for nothing. I have conditions. You have to do a few things for me."

After saying that, a piece of information poured into Ye Xinghe's mind.

Ye Xinghe remained silent for a long time before digesting the information.

A wry smile appeared on his lips.

Sure enough, nothing in this world is so cheap.

The things the Supreme Mist Beast asked him to do can be said to be extremely difficult.

The difficulty is no less than killing the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty.

Ye Xinghe would not refuse.

The high-level rules source stone is what he needs most now.

After obtaining this object, his strength will be greatly improved.

And, more importantly, the conditions proposed by the Supreme Mist Beast are difficult.

But he was given enough time.

ten years.

Ye Xinghe only needs to be able to do it within ten years.

For Ye Xinghe, the span of ten years is enough for him to do a lot of things.

He nodded and said solemnly: "I agree."


The Supreme Mist Beast smiled slightly, and a symbol instantly formed between the two.

Then it disappeared into Ye Xinghe's body.

Ye Xinghe felt that his body and mind seemed to be slightly restrained by something.

Although, this feeling then disappeared.

But Ye Xinghe knows that this is the power of the contract.

It's a bit similar to the feeling of signing a contract given to him by Lord Taixu.

It also shows how powerful this supreme fog beast is!

There was a bit of joy in the voice of the Supreme Being, and he seemed to be very relaxed.

"Okay, now that the business is over, as an old friend, I, as an elder, should do something for you."

"Tell me, what do you want?"

At this time, its tone was kind.

It seemed that it would do whatever Ye Xinghe asked him to do.

But Ye Xinghe is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. Naturally, he knows that he will never allow himself to open his mouth.

Everything you can do should be within your capabilities.

For example, if I let him directly upgrade me to a master at the level of the Eternal Great Emperor.

I'm afraid it will slap him away.

Ye Xinghe pondered for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "I also want half of the command flags on the third and fourth floors."

Naturally, he would not let go of this flag.

Ye Xinghe wants to be the absolute number one and aspire to win all the new disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect this time!

For the legendary Guanghan Dao Sect, the one to be rewarded belongs to the power that only gods can have.

Ye Xinghe is also extremely interested and has no intention of giving up.

The Supreme Mist Beast made an incomprehensible clucking sound.

Wu Xiao quickly explained: "It is a trial threshold set by the Guanghan Dao Sect."

Then, he roughly explained to Guanghan Dao Sect the points rules for this trial.

The Supreme Mist Beast suddenly let out a burst of emotion, which was like a human being laughing.

"Take half of what you want and see how many flags are left. It's all yours!"

After saying that, it immediately gave the order, and Wuxiao conveyed the message for it.

As a result, the deepest part of this sea of ​​clouds, mountains, and mist was like a boiling cauldron in an instant.

Countless gray-black mist surged crazily.

I don't know how many fog beasts flew out at this moment.

Ye Xinghe only waited for about half an hour.

Those fog beasts are all back again.

Each fog beast carries, as many as seven or eight, as few as one or two command flags.

Like offering a treasure, it surged back and forth when it came to the supreme fog beast.

It seems to be asking for credit.

Wu Xiao counted them, laughed and said: "There are sixty flags on the third floor that have not been found by anyone yet. All the flags on the fourth floor, ten in total, are all here, Master Ye. Take a look."

Everyone in Ye Xinghe was dumbfounded.

He also didn't expect that he just wanted to be at the top of the standings.

Thereby getting the reward from Guanghan Dao Sect.

In his opinion, it is enough to get one-third of the command flags.

Half of it is to be on the safe side.

But I didn't expect that these fog beasts would be so generous.

He actually took the rest for himself!

It also includes all the command flags on the fourth level!

You know, the fourth level hasn't been opened yet.

However, consider that they are indigenous here.

People like myself cannot enter the fourth floor.

They want to get in, but it's easy.

Ye Xinghe smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this a bit too much!"

Wu Xiao laughed and said, "Not too much, not too much. Since it is the Supreme Lord's kind intention, Master, just accept it."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful!"

Ye Xinghe also wanted to know about his mother's situation from it.

After all, for him, his mother is too mysterious a existence.

But I didn't expect to hear this question from him.

Even the Supreme Mist Beast's emotions instantly became tense.

Ye Xinghe could clearly feel that the atmosphere here immediately became chilly.

The fog beasts around him stared at him eagerly.

After a moment, the Supreme Mist Beast sighed softly: "This is not something I can say. You will naturally know it later."

Ye Xinghe nodded and had no choice but to suppress the question.

Seeing that it was almost done, Wu Xiao said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Ye, let's say goodbye. I hope we can meet as soon as possible."

Ye Xinghe nodded, said goodbye very wisely and prepared to leave.

At this moment, the gaze of the Supreme Mist Beast fell on Master Qiang.

A slight touch with Mr. Qiang.

Then it sighed softly: "Old friend, are you leaving?"

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

What kind of identity and strength is the Supreme Mist Beast?

And the conversation between it and this strong man was like the tone between old friends after not seeing each other for a long time.

Obviously, the two are of the same level and status.

This made him a little more guessing and shocked about Master Qiang's identity.

Qiang Ye was not as sad as it was, and said with a smile: "When it's time to leave, I will leave naturally."

The Supreme Monster Beast whispered: "It's very dangerous outside, but I can still protect you a little bit safely here, so don't you think about it anymore?"

Master Qiang smiled brightly, turned his back, and waved his wings casually.

"No wait, I can't keep being a coward. I saw a big opportunity this time and I can't miss it!"

Ye Xinghe's heart moved slightly.

"Is this great opportunity talking about me?"

The Supreme Mist Beast was no longer reluctant after hearing this. He was silent for a long time, and his spirit was slightly shaken.

It was to send the two of them out of the deepest part of this cloudy mountain and foggy sea.

When he came out, Qiang Ye was a little silent, as if he had something on his mind.

At this time, outside the Gate of Gods and Ghosts.

Many disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect are still waiting here.

Everyone is curious.

After Ye Xinghe is taken into the Gate of Gods and Ghosts, is it a blessing or a curse, and what can he gain?

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