Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3048 Mysterious Senior

At this time, as the sword intention converged.

A figure walked out of the simple thatched house.

This person cannot tell his age clearly and is quite depressed.

Wearing a brown short robe with patches on it.

And his hair and beard are extremely long and as messy as withered grass.

However, the pair of eyes under the hair were like peerless swords, filled with extremely sharp light.

He swept the two people's faces, and finally landed on Yu Guangran.

"You want to see my master?"

It turned out that the sword intent just now was that of this guy with an unshaven face and hair like tangled grass.

Even the expression was that of a middle-aged man who seemed to be demented.

Ye Xinghe secretly guessed.

The sword intent emanating from his body is already so strong.

I don’t know how strong this person’s cultivation is!

Yu Guangran nodded and said, "That's right."

He pointed at Ye Xinghe next to him.

"This is my senior brother. His medical skills are superior to mine. I diagnosed and treated my senior before, so I have some clues."

"But since the matter is serious, I don't dare to try it easily. There is absolutely no problem with my senior brother. Please take us in."

After hearing what he said, the middle-aged man Huo Tianjing's eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

With a bit of scrutiny and questioning.

"Is this your senior brother?"

"Yu Guangran, do you think I'm a fool?"

He said in a cold voice: "I don't believe that a junior with such a low cultivation level still has the ability to save the master!"

"Yu Guangran, if you bring him here, it's child's play and disrespectful to Master!"

"With this alone, I can kill you!"

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

This person is certainly extremely powerful.

But he shouts and kills at every turn, and his actions are somewhat different from ordinary people.

Yu Guangran was also dissatisfied.

But he knew that this matter was a great opportunity for Ye Xinghe.

He patiently explained: "I didn't bring him here for nothing."

After that, he told what happened to Yang Luofeng.

"In Yang Luofeng's situation at that time, there was probably no one in the Lieyang Imperial City who could save him, but he was saved by Ye Xinghe. Doesn't that still reflect his ability?"


Huo Tianjing didn't believe it at all.

"You also know the identity of Master. If Master's secret is leaked, it will attract thieves."

"When the time comes, something happens to Master and the Lieyang Dynasty is shaken. Can you afford this responsibility?"

His words were fierce and domineering, and his momentum pressed hard on Yu Guangran.

Don't give him any face.

And he seemed to be talking about Yu Guangran, but in fact it was clear that he could not trust Ye Xinghe.

How could Ye Xinghe be spoiled by his temper?

He said coldly: "Your master is seriously injured and difficult to treat, but you are blocking us here and not allowed to look at him. I'm afraid it's you who wants to kill your master!"

Huo Tianjing was furious and his eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

The sword intent arose again.

He snapped: "You are looking for death!"

Yu Guangran quickly stood in front of Ye Xinghe.

"Calm down your anger, my senior brother is quick to speak, but I really didn't lie to you!"

He winked at Ye Xinghe.

"Senior brother, you are a seventh-grade divine medicine master. Just practice a seventh-grade magical medicine for him and let him see what you are capable of!"

At the same time, he whispered: "Brother, please be patient for a moment. This matter is a great opportunity for you. If you save that senior, you will gain endless benefits!"

I know that Yu Guangran is thinking about himself.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath and held back his anger.

Ye Xinghe stepped forward, and Bi Fang's demon fire shone out.

He randomly took out dozens of magical herbs and elixirs.

Then, in his mind, the inheritance of Donghuang Medicine King flashed by.

He randomly found a seventh-grade magical prescription and started refining it.

About two hours later, this magical medicine was completed.

As the miracle medicine was revealed, sweet music seemed to be ringing in the air.

A rainbow actually appeared among the clouds.

Yu Guangran said excitedly: "Huo Tianjing, as you can see, this is a genuine seventh-grade magical medicine. It is of a very high grade. As the magical medicine is released, strange phenomena appear!"

"Let us go in now. My senior brother has proven his strength!"

However, Huo Tianjing was still reluctant to enter, and said calmly: "You can enter, but he can't. He is not qualified to see the master, and there is a risk of leaking the secret."

Indiscriminately, he directly questioned whether Ye Xinghe would leak the secret.

It also made Ye Xinghe feel angry.

He sneered and said: "Since you can't trust me, then I'll take my leave!"

He turned to leave.

But at this moment, an extremely sharp breath suddenly passed by his ear.

The speed was so fast that Ye Xinghe couldn't react in time.

The next moment, a long green sword was nailed three feet in front of Ye Xinghe.

Just rub his ear and go over.

However, the long sword collided with the stone ground.

It pierced a deep gap in this huge mountain, and then disappeared.

Obviously, this is not a real long sword, but a sword spirit.

The sword intent flashed across the air in my ears, and there was still a constant buzzing sound from the dragon's roar.

Ye Xinghe broke into a cold sweat in an instant.

If the sword strike just now was off by an inch.

It had already pierced his head.

Obviously, what he did just now was intentional.

The hand he showed also made Ye Xinghe clear.

The other party wanted to kill him, but only in the blink of an eye!

The strength of the two is not at the same level at all.

A sinister voice came from behind.

"I didn't let you leave, can you leave?"

Ye Xinghe's heart was filled with anger.

At this time, an old voice suddenly came.

"My disciple is a sword fanatic. He only knows how to deal with swords every day. He has been practicing swordsmanship for hundreds of years. His behavior is a bit crazy. Don't be the same as him, little friend."

Followed by this old voice.

That sword intent on Huo Tianjing was so terrifying that it could almost tear Ye Xinghe and the two to pieces.

It actually disappeared in an instant like a bubble without a trace.

And he immediately took five steps back, knelt on the ground respectfully, and didn't say a word.

The next moment, the mottled wooden door of the small courtyard quietly opened with a click.

A gentle force surged in, directly surrounding the three of them and entering the small courtyard.

Huo Tianjing was among them and had no power to resist.

The courtyard is not big, with three or five huts.

There is a clump of bamboo planted in the courtyard, which is elegant and pleasant.

There are several white orchids in full bloom next to it.

There is a futon on the front steps of that hall.

On the futon, there was no decrepit person.

But a rather handsome-looking middle-aged man.

It looks very normal.

Dressed in fine clothes, he leaned there lazily.

There is an indescribable aura of a superior person between his eyebrows.

He glanced at several people.

What shocked Ye Xinghe was not how powerful his aura was.

On the contrary, there was no breath at all on him!

What shocked Ye Xinghe even more was that there were no scars visible on his body.

But there was a strong air of death.

Every pore seemed to exude this aura of death.

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