Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3059 A bunch of trash

Chapter 3059 A bunch of trash!

Even though there were many people with a surge of breath, they stepped forward and were ready to take action.

The next moment, the commander of the God of War Guard said with a mocking look on his face: "Ye Xinghe, you just watched us form the formation and you didn't even move. It's a bit too much!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and more than thirty people took action together.

The strength of more than thirty people, combined together, has been fermented and strengthened by this magic circle.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe felt like he was facing a hundred people.

This magic circle actually increased their power by more than three times!

But facing this offensive, Ye Xinghe didn't panic at all.

He smiled and said, "Guess why I didn't stop you just now?"

Instantly, the commander of the God of War Guard felt an ominous premonition in his heart and roared: "Go ahead, kill him!"

More than thirty people started to fight together and came closer.

Ye Xinghe laughed loudly and waved his hand, and Yun Zhigui activated.

A large layer of light black clouds surged up instantly.

Directly wrap these dozens of War God Guards.

These war god guards discovered it almost the moment they took action.

There was nothing visible around them, only a thick layer of clouds.

They cannot see or hear.

Even in this cloud layer, one cannot feel his own existence.

The next moment, the clouds strangled them fiercely.

The God of War guards felt like they were entangled by an infinite python.

It's like being held in the palm of a giant's hand.

And this giant was extremely powerful, and its tyrannical power strangled their limbs, trunks, and heads.


There was a crisp sound, and their bodies were twisted and deformed, their heart veins were cut off, and their breath disappeared.

Almost instantly.

These dozens of War God Guards were strangled by the Rules of the Cloud at the same time!

Ye Xinghe killed them without using the oxen's fine needle toxin.

Seeing this scene in the Rules of the Cloud, Ye Xinghe nodded with satisfaction.

After his Nascent Soul was condensed, several major rules were absorbed above the Nascent Soul.

You can use Nascent Soul, and you can also use these rules separately.

The Nascent Soul has given these rules evolution and given them greater power.

After the evolution of Cloud Rules, this function was added.

The clouds seem weak and weak, but in fact they have terrifying power.

It can isolate the five senses and six consciousnesses of those who enter it, and strangle them.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe let out a light sigh.

It turned out that the commander of the God of War Guard seemed to possess a spiritual treasure.

When he was hanged just now, his spiritual treasure was broken, which saved his life.

But even so, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and waved his hand to disperse the clouds.

‘Plop’ ‘Plop’

The body fell on the square.

Everyone died of anger.

Only the commander of the God of War Guards was still breathing.

He struggled to sit up.

Seeing this scene, the powerful and wealthy businessmen who were watching felt a chill in their hearts.

The look in Ye Xinghe's eyes was filled with fear.

"Is Ye Xinghe's strength actually so strong?"

"Oh my God, I killed dozens of black-armored guards in an instant!"

"What kind of terrifying power is this? Are those his rules? Why are his rules so strong?"

Someone looked puzzled and said, "I've never heard of Ye Xinghe. He doesn't seem to be famous in Lieyang Imperial City?"


The person next to me said: "I should be impressed by such young heroes!"

In fact, it’s not their fault.

Ye Xinghe's reputation is actually quite good now, but it is only limited to certain upper-class figures.

Although they have a small fortune, their level is not high enough.

There is no way to get this information yet.

Especially those who just made provocations.

Want to join in the fun and kill Ye Xinghe’s people.

At this time, they all swallowed quietly, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

Ye Xinghe slowly walked up to the commander of the God of War Guard, smiled and said, "Now you know why I let you surround me just now, right?"

The commander of the God of War Guards made a roar in his throat.

"You killed us in one fell swoop for convenience!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Very smart."

After saying that, he stepped forward and crushed his heart.

Then, quietly, the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron began to operate.

Absorb all the rules left by these dozens of people.

It just so happened that I had used Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes twice before.

The scattered rules that it used as fuel have been basically exhausted.

Now it has been replenished.

Ye Xinghe turned to look at those who had just spoken provocation.

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to kill me to get a bonus?"

"Now, I give you this chance!"

Those who had just mocked him were all silent now, not daring to say a word.

Afraid that Ye Xinghe would cause trouble for him, he quietly shrank back.

Little did they know that Ye Xinghe was so terrifying!

Ye Xinghe smiled coldly.

"A bunch of trash!"

And the scene that happened here was watched by one person.

There was an indescribable haze in his eyes instantly.

This person is none other than the chief steward of the God of War Mansion, Chu Yang.

The order Chu Xiaohe gave him was to prevent Ye Xinghe from entering the God of War Mansion with all his beard and tail.

Now that the errand was done like this, he felt a tremor in his heart when he thought about the consequences.

Thinking of this, Chu Yang immediately flashed and came to the door.

Beside him, there were hundreds of War God Guards.

At the same time, he crushed a piece of spiritual treasure used for communication.

In an instant, the numerous commanders of the God of War Guards who had deployed their defenses throughout the God of War Mansion received the news.

They rushed towards the main entrance.

In an instant, Chu Yang was standing in front of Ye Xinghe.

And behind him, thousands of War God Guards stood tall and solemn.

Seeing this battle, many guests took a deep breath.

"Who is this Ye Xinghe?"

"Yes, in order to deal with him, they actually came up with such a formation and used these thousands of war gods!"

"Moreover, haven't you seen that Manager Chu actually took action himself!"

Chu Yang stared at Ye Xinghe and sneered: "You are Ye Xinghe, right?"

"Today is a great day for my God of War Mansion. Everyone who comes is a guest, but do you have an invitation?"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said lightly: "There is no invitation."

Chu Yang shouted sternly: "You just barged into my God of War Mansion without an invitation. Do you think my three thousand God of War guards are just decorations?"

Behind him, the three thousand war god guards roared.

A look of pride appeared on Xiao Chuyang's face.

"You can only enter the God of War Mansion by killing all three thousand of my God of War Guards!"

Ye Xinghe smiled leisurely and said: "Kill all of you, okay, that's not a bad idea!"

Ye Xinghe was not afraid.

He really has such strength now.

His Nascent Soul has become mature, and he has the rules of clouds, rules of ice, and even the rules of inner demons.

They are all large-scale, large-scale killing rules, and there is absolutely no fear of large numbers of people.

The more people there are, the better it is to deal with!

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