Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3089 Five Cave Mansions

Chapter 3089 Five Cave Mansions!


Its pointed beak shook and pointed at the rule of mutated fire.

"The person who can be recognized by this guy is definitely not an ordinary person. I don't have to believe in my own vision. I just believe in his vision."

"Since you recognize him as your master, this person's future will definitely be extraordinary, you understand."

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

Although I don’t know where Master Qiang came from.

But it can be seen from various signs that Mr. Qiang has an extraordinary background.

I'm just afraid it might be an ancient alien species.

And it all attaches great importance to the rules of mutated fire.

You can imagine the mystery of the rules of mutated fire.

Seeing that Mr. Qiang didn't want to say more, he didn't ask any more questions and just nodded.

Mr. Qiang said again: "Besides, I think this guy seems to have almost accumulated enough. He may mutate at any time. Please remind that kid not to give up at this time."

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

At this time, Sun Kunyang looked at Ye Xinghe with some anxiety, waiting for what he would do to him.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, and I won't let the sect know about it."

Sun Kunyang nodded repeatedly.


Ye Xinghe said: "I want you to agree to two conditions."

Sun Kunyang nodded like garlic.

"You can mention whatever you want, don't say two, twenty, two hundred, I will agree!"

How does he have the qualifications to bargain in front of Ye Xinghe now?

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "First of all, you can no longer steal the mica true spirit in my cave, you must cut off this earth vein."

Sun Kunyang nodded and said: "That's nature, that's nature!"

"What about the second one?"

Ye Xinghe pointed at the rule of mutated fire.

"Let him do some work for me."

Sun Kunyang was also a smart man and immediately asked: "Do you mean to connect several caves to your cave?"

"That's right."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

This is actually the main purpose of his trip.

In addition to wanting to catch the little thief who stole the true spirit of mica.

Ye Xinghe actually wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.

Let your cave be able to get more mica true spirits.

I have too many rules, and the amount of mica true energy I need to consume is also too large.

As Sun Kunyang said, it is like an inferior cave.

It is almost enough for these new disciples to practice for a hundred years.

But Ye Xinghe felt that his cave was average.

I'm afraid it can only support me for a few years at most.

Moreover, he is not satisfied with the current supply speed of mica true spirit.

It's completely not fast enough for him to absorb and refine.

Sun Kunyang's eyes immediately lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, no problem!"

For him, this is the best.

Because, in this way, it is equivalent to both knowing the other's secret.

If Ye Xinghe wanted to expose him to the sect in the future, Ye Xinghe himself would not be able to escape.

Soon, the two of them arrived at Ye Xinghe's cave.

Ye Xinghe activated the magic circle.

Sun Kunyang placed the rule of mutated fire into the magic circle.

The Rule of Mutated Fire swam inside for a moment.

Then, suddenly it plunged into the depths of the magic circle and was no longer visible.

Sun Kunyang is connected to its soul and can feel its location.

He quickly took Ye Xinghe out of the cave and came to an earth vein.

Then, looking for the earth vein, he walked all the way forward.

Soon, they came to a middle-level cave with no owner.

It seems that the goal of the Mutated Fire Rules is this.

Soon, Ye Xinghe felt that the ground beneath his feet shook slightly.

Even though the cave door was closed, Ye Xinghe could still feel it.

The magic circle inside seemed to be buzzing slightly, and it began to produce the mica true spirit.

But the mica true spirit did not come outside the magic circle, but returned to the magic circle.

Then, it is transmitted along the earth's veins to somewhere.

Ye Xinghe knew that this cave had been successful.

Then, the rules of mutated fire continued to exert force and headed towards the next cave.

After a day and night.

This rule of mutated fire has already occupied five entire caves.

Two seats are low-level and high-level, and three seats are medium-level and low-level.

Sun Kunyang was sweating profusely and whispered: "Brother Ye, is it okay?"

"If it occupies too much, I'm just afraid that it will easily cause trouble!"

He sighed in his heart at Ye Xinghe's courage.

He only occupied four caves.

He actually occupied five seats!

Ye Xinghe nodded and said, "Okay, that's all for now."

He estimated that it should be enough for him to use temporarily.

Talk to you later if necessary.

Sun Kunyang recalled this rule of mutated fire.

Ye Xinghe took out several spiritual treasures and handed them to him.

Sun Kunyang was a little stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"I see that you don't have any powerful spiritual treasures on hand. I can't use these things, so I'll give them to you."

Although they are said to be of no use to Ye Xinghe, their levels are actually very high.

Even a disciple like Sun Kunyang, who has been around for a hundred years, would not feel aggrieved at all when using a spiritual treasure of this level.

Sun Kunyang was almost in tears.

In these years, he was impoverished and lived extremely hard.

How had anyone ever been so kind to him?

Ye Xinghe smiled and took out another five hundred Fierce Yang Spirit Jade and handed it to him.

"You should keep the money first. If you need anything, you can buy it yourself. You can go to the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce and mention my name. You should be able to enjoy the benefits of the Purple Card."

Sun Kunyang was so moved that he was speechless.

Ye Xinghe patted his shoulder, said no more, turned and left.

Huge harvest today.

Not only did I meet a friend who may have unlimited potential in the future.

Moreover, when Ye Xinghe opened the cave door, his face was filled with surprise.

The extremely rich true spirit of mica rushes towards your face.

Ye Xinghe felt it a little and discovered.

After owning five other caves.

Although, the mica true spirit will suffer a certain loss in the opponent's array and earth veins.

But the concentration of mica true spirit here has increased by at least three times!

This also means that his cultivation speed can be increased by at least three times!

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "In this way, what could have been done in three years can now be done in one year!"

He immediately sat in the magic circle, crossed his legs and practiced without any distractions.

There is no sun or moon in the mountains. In the blink of an eye, a year passes leisurely.

During this year, Ye Xinghe's schedule was extremely regular.

Morning classes every day, and then come back to practice.

Almost no contact with outsiders.

He even didn't leave Guanghan Dao Sect a few times.

When I travel occasionally, it's just to visit old friends like Wang Feng, Yang Luofeng, and Yu Guangran.

Within a year, the storm dissipated.

After the death of the father and son of the Xuanming Sect, the Xuanming Sect also dispersed.

A first-class force in Lieyang Imperial City had just fallen.

Its remaining forces were swallowed up by other families.

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