Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3100: Burial Place of Gods

Chapter 3100: The place where gods are buried!

The Nameless Broken Sword only recognizes one rule.

That is, if you are not as good as me in passing, then I can kill you!

Although the rules of the red long sword have reached the upper level, they are still less than the power of twenty rules.

Therefore, the judgment is directly successful.

The next moment, the nameless broken sword slashed down hard and collided with the long red sword.

Everyone had an idea in their minds at this moment.

Duan Huaishan is dying!

Duan Huaishan also felt this way in his own heart.

He was filled with despair and let out a shrill wail.

The next moment, the red sword rule was directly broken into countless pieces.

It turned into a stream of light and disappeared in mid-air.

As the rules of the red sword disintegrated, Duan Huaishan also fell heavily.

He was vomiting blood crazily, with countless broken bones and bruises all over his body.

But there is still breath.

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned

"He's not dead yet?"

Because at this moment, the Wuming Broken Sword has been sheathed.

The rule of the Nameless Broken Sword is that it will kill when it is unsheathed.

Being sheathed means that it thinks the other person is dead.

Ye Xinghe quickly realized what happened.

Just now, Duan Huaishan and the red sword rules merged into one.

So, from the perspective of Wuming Broken Sword.

He is the rule of the red sword.

The rule of the red sword is him.

After breaking the rules of the red long sword, it is natural to assume that the opponent is dead.

Therefore, this is equivalent to the rules saving Duan Huaishan's life.

Ye Xinghe was too lazy to take action again, lowered his head and looked down at him, and said four words lightly.


After that, he walked directly past him and returned to his seat.

But such a contemptuous attitude made Duan Huaishan feel more uncomfortable than death.

He smashed the ground crazily, his face full of unwillingness and anger, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, everyone looked at Ye Xinghe with nothing but wonder.

They were convinced, completely defeated!

In this battle alone, no one dares to challenge Ye Xinghe again!

In the following battle, Ye Xinghe seemed to be an outsider.

Watching their fight quietly.

This fierce battle lasted for seven full days.

For seven days, there were countless battles and killings in the hall.

Although no one was killed, almost everyone was injured at the end.

Song Yuan had no choice but to fetch a large amount of healing elixir.

Let everyone recover from their injuries.

The battle was forced to stop twice, and they rested for one day and one night respectively.

This is considered as not making any bigger mistakes.

Otherwise, there will definitely be people who cannot support it.

Almost everyone has experienced multiple fights.

However, Ye Xinghe was safe and sound, and no one dared to provoke him again.

After seven days, all challenges are completed.

First place, Ye Xinghe.

Second place, Duan Huaishan.

The third place is Yuan Kong Valley.

Nothing changes.

Even if Duan Huaishan is seriously injured by Ye Xinghe, he cannot be challenged by others.

But the rankings below are earth-shaking.

Bo Hanzhou is worthy of being a strong player in the fifth level of Nascent Soul, and he was actually challenged all the way to the fourth level by him.

The other people in the top ten have basically changed.

Seeing that the top ten have been selected.

Song Yuan said without hesitation: "Come, the top ten people, follow me to receive the rewards."

Ye Xinghe was excited.

After a year, I am finally getting the reward!

Also going with him were Duan Huaishan and Yuankong Valley.

The two of them came from extraordinary backgrounds and knew more or less the inside story.

Therefore, I was extremely excited inside.

What exactly is this inheritance of God?

Soon, the group of people was taken to the depths of Guanghan Dao Sect.

However, they were slightly stunned.

There is a valley in front of him. It is not a palace, nor does it look like a place where martial arts are taught.

This place actually looks more like a big tomb.

It was made of stones and looked rather sloppy, as if it had been hastily buried.

There is a towering stone monument next to it.

There seems to have been writing written on the stone tablet.

But it was completely wiped away, the surface was extremely smooth, and it was a wordless monument.

It is not known who is buried here.

Ye Xinghe's heart was beating wildly.

"Could it be that this is the place where the gods are buried?"

Song Yuan pressed several times on the stone tablet.

In an instant, a sound like the sound of bursting bubbles was heard.

Around this large tomb, there were several light shields that disappeared quietly.

This mask is originally invisible.

At this moment, some traces were revealed.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were slightly sharp.

The defensive power of these three layers of light masks is extremely amazing.

Next to this large tomb, there are actually three defensive light shields.

This shows how important the contents inside are!

When the mask of light disappeared, a stone gate appeared on top of the stone tomb in front of them.

There are many strange patterns carved on it, forming a magic circle, which conveys the desolation of ancient times.

It's not like today's handwriting.

Once here, even Song Yuan became very cautious.

He took out a spiritual treasure like a glove and put it on his hand.

Then, he carefully pressed on those symbols.

On that magic circle, several formation eyes were found.

A black crystal stone was filled inside.

In an instant, a black light spread across the magic circle, connecting the entire magic circle.

Then, there was a soft 'click' sound, and the formation split apart.

There was also a gap in the stone door.

Song Yuan pushed open the stone door and motioned for everyone to follow him.

After entering here, there is a deep and dark passage, all the way down.

Everyone inside had probably been gone for several hours.

Everyone was secretly shocked.

This Guanghan Dao Sect was originally isolated in the sky.

Although the area is large, the rock formations below are not particularly thick.

If he were to move this way now, I'm afraid he should leave the scope of Guanghan Dao Sect by now.

Unless, this passage leads to another space world.

Everyone's guess was indeed fulfilled.

After walking down for about two hours, everything was suddenly empty.

We arrived at a huge underground space.

This underground space is like a vast abyss, with a radius of thousands of miles.

The depth also reached 100,000 meters.

It is surrounded by towering giant cliffs.

They walked out of a hole in the air on a certain cliff.

Everyone looked around at this huge abyss, and they all let out bursts of exclamation.

There seems to be nothing in this abyss.

Not far in front of everyone, there was a huge boulder suspended in the air.

Not far in front of the boulder is another boulder.

At a glance, there are about thousands of huge rocks forming a bridge leading to the void on the other side.

However, everyone disagreed.

This bridge seems to be of little use to them.

Everyone can reach such a state of cultivation, thousands of miles away, within a matter of seconds.

Just fly there directly. Where is the need for a bridge?

Song Yuan faced everyone and said seriously: "Everyone, this is it."

"The reward you want to receive is called"

He slowly spit out four words.

"Heritage of God!"

Except for a few people such as Ye Xinghe and Duan Huaishan, they probably knew a little bit about the inside story and were not too surprised.

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