Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3112: Show of Power

Chapter 3112 A show of force?

But they didn't know how important this Ye Xinghe was to Chu Zhongyuan.

If it weren't for him having something important to do that he really couldn't get away from.

He absolutely wanted to take Ye Xinghe as his disciple.

But at this moment, he was misunderstood by Qiu Shaoci and others.

I thought the master didn't want to accept him as his disciple.

So I hid for a while and pushed this matter to the next person.

Ling Wenxia smiled and said, "Senior brother, what should we do?"

"what to do?"

Qiu Shaoci sneered.

"What kind of thing does he think he is? He dares to be so arrogant after joining the Guanghan Dao Sect. Let me dampen his spirit!"

"Let him know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

Somehow, Qiu Shaoci felt inexplicable hostility toward Ye Xinghe.

I always feel that this person's arrival may threaten me.

Therefore, he wanted to suppress this person severely before he became a person.

Ling Wenxia sneered and said, "Then just let him go for a few days, so that he won't be so arrogant after he joins the family and no one will take him seriously. We won't be able to control him anymore!"


Several other disciples also nodded.

Xu Yanhong said with a smile: "When the time comes, we will dampen his spirit and make him obedient after entering the door and obey our words!"

Ling Wenxia also sneered and said: "That's right, otherwise he would think that being the number one newcomer would be a great skill!"

Several people looked at each other and laughed.

According to the sect's rules, if you are a disciple who has already become a disciple, you do not need to attend morning classes.

Of course, you can continue listening if you want to.

But most disciples will not waste any more time.

After all, it is more efficient to listen to your own master.

The next day, Ye Xinghe continued to attend morning classes as scheduled.

It was discovered that among the hundred people, there were already a dozen missing.

There were only about eighty people coming to class.

Moreover, the dozen or so people with less talent are those with better talents and higher rankings.

Obviously, he has been valued by some elders and accepted as a disciple.

So he stopped coming.

Many people looked at Ye Xinghe and whispered.

"It seems that Ye Xinghe was not selected by the elders. It shouldn't be. Why is this?"

"He shouldn't have such talent and cultivation!"

"It's only been one day. I estimate that Ye Xinghe will be selected by the elders and accepted as a disciple today at the latest."

Ye Xinghe turned a blind eye and still listened carefully to the morning class.

Then go back to practice.

It was like this for the next half month.

And half a month passed by in a flash.

The number of people coming to morning classes is already less than half of what it was before.

Most newcomers already have their own masters.

The rest are basically crooked melons and cracked dates, and really no one takes a fancy to them.

They themselves gave up.

However, the way everyone looked at Ye Xinghe became strange.

In the past, many people were quite fond of Ye Xinghe and made friends with him.

I want to use his strength in the future.

Now she is quietly alienated from him.

Even during morning classes, I sit far away.

Because, a rumor was also spread quietly.

That is, Ye Xinghe offended Xuan Chunqiu and Duan Hean, two powerful elders with real power.

Therefore, many elders in Guanghan Dao Sect were afraid of offending these two people.

So they didn’t dare to accept Ye Xinghe as their disciple.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe was ignored and abandoned.

Everyone is convinced.

Otherwise, how to explain that even now, no elder has taken a fancy to Ye Xinghe.

After a full month.

Even some of the less talented disciples have been selected by the elders and no longer come to morning classes.

And Ye Xinghe still comes every day.

At this time, everyone looked at him with a look of pity.

Everyone thought that Ye Xinghe had been abandoned.

But after morning class that day, there was a sudden noise at the door.

Everyone in the teaching hall looked outside.

I saw a few people walking towards the door, with extraordinary auras on their bodies.

Moreover, judging by his clothes, he is also a senior disciple, not even from the previous class.

They are the kind of senior disciples who have been practicing for more than two or three hundred years.

The auras on these people were even more terrifying.

The first person has already surpassed the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

Several others have basically reached the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

This scene instantly made everyone nervous and making speculations.

"Are these senior brothers and sisters here to cause trouble?"

"I don't know who they are looking for. Could it be that someone had a conflict with them and had some grudge?"

"It's possible. Otherwise, what are they doing here?"

Everyone was worried and didn't know if they were the ones causing the trouble.

It was Qiu Shaoci and his entourage who came.

He glanced at everyone and asked in a deep voice: "Who is Ye Xinghe?"

Although asking.

But his eyes have already fallen on Ye Xinghe.

He could sense that Ye Xinghe had the most powerful aura among all the people.

In unison, everyone moved aside.

Ye Xinghe was revealed.

Many people are gloating about their misfortune.

"It turns out we are here to find Ye Xinghe!"

"Haha, let me tell you, apart from him, who among us can always cause trouble outside!"

"That's right, this Ye Xinghe has always known how to cause trouble, so someone came to his door!"

"It seems that he is going to be unlucky this time. The strength of these senior brothers and sisters is not comparable to that of Duan Huaishan and others. If anyone among them comes out, Ye Xinghe will not be a match!"

Ye Xinghe stepped forward and frowned and said, "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Qiu Shaoci smiled slightly.

"Junior brother, please take a step to speak."

Several people arrived outside the main hall and on the square.

Seeing that no one around him noticed, Qiu Shaoci said in a deep voice: "Junior brother Ye, my master Chu Zhongyuan intends to accept you as his disciple."

"But, he couldn't get away for a while, so he asked me to take over as his master and take on his disciples."

At this time, everyone was looking at Ye Xinghe with a critical eye.

After it became clear that he was a second-level Nascent Soul, the expression on his face became strange.

Ling Wenxia chuckled, with a bit of harshness in his voice.

"I thought he was some kind of great person, but it turns out that he was just a vain person!"

"How powerful can a mere second-level Nascent Soul be?"

Xu Yanhong is a closed disciple and the most favored.

Therefore, I became a little more unscrupulous in my speech.

He curled his lips and said, "Why does Master fall in love with such a person?"

He originally thought that his position might be challenged after this person entered the profession.

But now it seems that I have thought too much.

Yuan Ruoxiu said with a smile beside him: "Isn't this normal?"

"After all, I came to Master through my connections. It's hard for Master to refuse."

"How strong can you expect him to be?"

Everyone chuckled.

Ye Xinghe frowned.

These people seemed to be extremely hostile to themselves.

Ye Xinghe remembered this matter.

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