Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3269 Accepting the inheritance

Chapter 3269 Accept the inheritance!

"And if you can't bear this kind of cultivation and the fusion fails, the consequences can be imagined."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

It's hard to hide the excitement in his eyes.

This Yunlong heart has swallowed up the lifelong cultivation of many cultivators.

If he could be gifted, the cultivation of several cultivators of the same level could be integrated into himself.

Isn’t it equivalent to a body’s strength that doubled several times in an instant?

Ye Xinghe also nodded secretly.

"The ancient Yunlong clan is indeed powerful. They have developed Garuda's Heart a lot!"

The blood-robed ancestor said calmly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"You already know the key, come on, who is the first?"

Qin Baichen walked forward and said proudly: "I'll come first!"

He is extremely confident in himself.

The blood-robed ancestor glanced at him and nodded lightly.

Then, he waved his hand.

Qin Baichen flew straight up and clung tightly to the surface of Nagalu Luo's Heart.

In an instant, black clouds enveloped him.

Everyone can see it clearly.

Qin Baichen's face instantly became dull.

It seemed that his soul had left his body.

A wave of light flashed above his body and penetrated into Nagaru's heart.

It seems that his cultivation has been absorbed by Garuda's heart.

But Garuda's heart fell silent for about the time of a cup of tea.

That ray of light continued to circulate in Garuda's heart.

It feels like Garuda's heart is assessing what Qin Baichen's cultivation level is.

What are the rules.

After a while, Qin Baichen's cultivation returned to his body.

The next moment, everyone saw it.

Above Garuda's heart, the light shines brightly.

Then, three rays of light infiltrated outward from Garuda's heart.

Three halo-like things surrounded Qin Baichen's body.

Then, it all sank into his body.

It seems that Garuda's heart has selected three inheritances suitable for him.

Now, the inheritance began to merge within his body.

For a moment, Qin Baichen's face turned ferocious and twisted.

The black mist above his body suddenly became much thicker.

In the end, the black cloud turned into a big cocoon.

Trapped Qin Baichen inside.

The color of the big cocoon gradually became darker.

Everyone held their breath and waited patiently.

I don't know how long it took.

There was a 'bang' sound.

The big cocoon exploded to pieces, and Qin Baichen punched it out and walked out.

Although, his appearance is the same as before.

But everyone can feel it.

The aura on his body was already different from before.

It's a little more mysterious and unpredictable.

There are some things that are hard to see through.

Qin Baichen clenched his fists, his face full of excitement, and laughed.

"I succeeded, I succeeded in accepting the inheritance!"

Around his body, there were circles of black light.

"Qin Baichen, how are you? How do you feel?"

"To what extent has your strength improved now?"

Everyone asked questions in a hurry.

Qin Baichen was the first to go, and he succeeded, which was a good start.

It also made everyone very concerned and wanted to learn some experience from it.

Qin Baichen clenched his fists, frowned and said, "I feel that my power is infinite, and the power of the rules seems to have skyrocketed."


He frowned and said, "There doesn't seem to be any obvious improvement."

The blood-robed ancestor smiled and said: "How could it be so fast?"

"Now the integration has been successful and the inheritance has been completed."

"However, it will take some time for you to fully integrate it into your body and turn it into your own inheritance, do you understand?"

Qin Baichen quickly asked: "How long will it take?"

The blood-robed ancestor said: "It can take a few years, or a few months, depending on personal talent and opportunity."

Qin Baichen was overjoyed.

This is already an excellent result.

A few years can be worth hundreds of years of hard work!

Long Jingxi also twirled his beard and smiled: "Yes, after the inheritance is completed, there is a circle of black light, indicating that the completion of the inheritance is satisfactory."

Only then did everyone realize that there were so many details involved.

Someone asked: "Elder, what else is there beyond qualification?"

Long Jingxi smiled and said: "Passing the inheritance means that you have accepted about 60% of the inheritance's cultivation."

"What is better than passing is excellence. A blue light will appear, which means that you have accepted about 80% of the inherited cultivation."

"What is higher than excellence is perfection. The appearance of a circle of purple light means that you have accepted ten percent of the inherited cultivation."

Everyone was stunned.

Qin Baichen glanced at Ye Xinghe proudly and sneered: "Did you see it? I have succeeded, the inheritance has been successful, and I will be able to break through the ninth rank of Nascent Soul soon!"

"Can you compare with me?"

Ye Xinghe didn't even bother to look at him.

Qin Baichen's success undoubtedly refreshed everyone's spirits.

Immediately, someone took the initiative to ask for the second one.

However, when this disciple clings to Nagalura's heart.

The front was also very smooth.

But when the heart of Garuda gives several inheritances and is ready to be integrated with it.

The disciple's face suddenly twisted, full of pain.

The next moment, he let out a shrill scream and trembled all over.

A black light also appeared in Nagaruro's heart and poured into his body.

After a while, the disciple died of anger and fell to the ground.

But at this time, it was as if he had no cultivation at all.

There is no aura of strength on him.

Everyone looked horrified.

The blood-robed ancestor said calmly: "If he fails to accept the inheritance, the cultivation in his body will also be swallowed up by Yunlong's heart, and the family will naturally not suffer any loss."

Everyone was shocked.

It turns out that if you fail to accept the inheritance, not only will you die physically, but your entire cultivation will also be devoured!

No wonder this Yunlong’s heart is getting stronger and stronger!

Because there are always more failures.

The next few all failed.

Everyone's expressions also became solemn and serious.

Even a little ugly.

The blood-robed ancestor glanced at everyone.

"Who's coming next?"

But no one answered.

Long Jingxi glanced at Long Kunyun.

Seeing that he was also slightly hesitant and refused to step forward.

Long Jingxi couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"I come."

Everyone looked at him instantly.

But he saw it was Ye Xinghe.

Qin Baichen sneered disdainfully: "Do you think you are special? You will still die if you go up there!"

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and just slowly floated up.

Soon, he came to the heart of Nagalu Luo and stuck to it.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe felt it.

A consciousness penetrated into his soul.

In an instant, that consciousness saw everything about him.

Especially your own Nascent Soul, your own rules, etc.

The next moment, he felt that his soul came directly to a huge space.

The entire space is filled with endless blood.

And around the space, there are countless bubbles rising and falling.

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