Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3297 Moonlight Holy Land Ye Xinghe will avenge you today

Chapter 3297 Yuehua Holy Land, today Ye Xinghe will avenge you!

The figure of the Starlight Immortal appeared, and said calmly: "The day you come out of retreat is the day to settle accounts with me."

"In this case, I might as well destroy your foundation and your Taoism now, and see how you will be then!"

The ancestor of the Beast King Clan saw him doing his best and pushing the Nascent Soul to the extreme.

His eyes were cold, and he said sternly: "If you do this, you are not afraid that Guanghan Dao Sect will find trouble with you!"

The Starlight Immortal had a strange smile on his lips, but did not answer.

He just crushed a spiritual treasure casually.

In an instant, a semicircular light shield was turned upside down on the courtyard.

Everything was sealed on this light shield.

The power did not leak out at all.

The next moment, the Starlight Immortal had no scruples.

With a roar, the long sword in his hand slashed out three swords in succession.

It turned into a simple sword formation.

Although simple, it does reveal endless mysteries.

It was as if there was an infinite force of rules pouring out from it.

All the force of rules turned into long swords.

Like an overwhelming force, they rushed towards the ancestor of the Beast King Clan.

The ancestor of the Beast King Clan had a solemn look on his face, and he kept hitting runes with his hands.

Those runes were like powerful demon saints.

Each rune was the image of a demon saint.

The runes instantly grew rapidly.

They turned into peerless demon saints.

They faced this huge sword formation.

The sword formation disappeared without a trace, and those demon saints were quickly killed.

This time, the two were still evenly matched.

The Starlight Immortal looked a little solemn, and said: "You really have cultivated this great opportunity. It seems that I came to the right place today."

"I'll give you some more time. When you come out of seclusion, I and my disciples will not be able to escape."

He took a deep breath and tried his best.

The Yuanying, which was several feet high behind him, suddenly became clear.

It showed a color like diamond, deep and heavy.

The next moment, the countless weapons held by the Yuanying all slashed forward.

He had already taken out his strongest trump card.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan fell into a disadvantage this time.

He was slashed by this attack and countless wounds appeared all over his body.

He was seriously injured in an instant.

And the Starlight Immortal did not let him go.

He strode forward, and the Yuanying behind him did the same.

The attack fell again.

His Yuanying attack fell nine times.

After nine times, the ancestor of the Beast King clan was already seriously injured.

His strength had dropped directly to the middle stage of the ninth turn of the Yuanying.

And the Starlight Immortal was not feeling well either, and his injuries were also quite serious.

His strength dropped sharply.

Even on the Yuanying, there were some broken and damaged parts.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan roared in horror: "Do you want to die with me today?"

The Immortal of Light sneered: "Today, only you will die."

He attacked fiercely again.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan gritted his teeth and roared, ready to fight to the death.

But he didn't expect.

The attack of the Starlight Immortal was just a feint.

In an instant, his figure floated into the air.

He was actually preparing to leave here.

It turned out that the Starlight Immortal saw that it was almost done.

He thought that suppressing this strength would be enough for Ye Xinghe.

If he stayed here any longer, it would be a long dream.

The Starlight Immortal suppressed the ancestor of the Beast King clan, and then his figure quickly floated away.

Before leaving, he threw down a fist-sized ball.

The fist-sized ball shattered with a bang.

In an instant, a white mist came out.

It enveloped the courtyard.

Everything was corroded wherever the mist went.

The buildings and even the aura were all corroded away in an instant.

When the white mist dissipated, the entire courtyard had disappeared.

Only the ancestor of the Beast King clan was left in the loess.

And all the aura and remnants of the Starlight Immortal who had been here were also cleared away.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan looked around blankly, feeling indescribably puzzled.

From the arrival of the Starlight Immortal to his departure, it was only a short seven or eight moments.

This made him wonder.

"What on earth is he doing here?"

He vaguely felt that he seemed to have fallen into a conspiracy trap.

But he couldn't figure it out and couldn't break it.

Like a small insect caught in a spider web, he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of shouting and killing coming from the front yard.

Just now, everything here was sealed by the Starlight Immortal's formation.

He naturally couldn't sense the outside.

Now, the sound of fighting came very clearly.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan frowned slightly, and his figure instantly came to the front of the mountain gate.

At this time, screams were heard outside the broken mountain gate.

Quan Kunyang had countless broken bones and lay softly on the ground.

Like a broken sack.

Beside him, screams were heard.

More than a dozen beast king clan warriors were seriously injured and lying on the ground.

Among them, three people were already dead.

These three people had been to Yuehua Holy Land and committed countless murders there.

It turned out that Quan Kunyang and others had just attacked Ye Xinghe.

But in the hands of Ye Xinghe, who has evolved the right arm of God again, how can he get an advantage.

Quan Kunyang was defeated instantly.

In panic, he quickly ordered other strong men from the Beast King Clan to take action.

Therefore, the Beast King Clan is extremely shameless.

Those top combat forces took action one after another.

But unfortunately, in front of Ye Xinghe's right arm of God, all living beings are equal.

When one punch lands, the result is the same for everyone.

Ye Xinghe had already killed one of the five people who were wreaking havoc in Yuehua Holy Land.

Now, there are four people left.

Except for Quan Kunyang, the other three people have been killed by him.

At this time, behind the mountain gate.

Thousands of members of the Beast King Clan gathered here.

But they all stopped moving forward, and even fought with each other, with a look of horror on their faces.

He didn't dare to take a step forward for fear of being directly punched to death by Ye Xinghe.

The crowd here is thick and dark, numbering in the thousands.

On the other side, there was only Ye Xinghe.

One person against a thousand people, but it was completely suppressed.

Ye Xinghe slowly straightened his body and looked behind the Beast King clan.

"Who else dares to fight with me?"


Deathly silence.

The entire Beast King clan was trembling, and no one dared to speak.

They were completely frightened by Ye Xinghe.

Everyone was filled with horror.

No one expected that Ye Xinghe’s strength would progress so quickly!

The entire beast king clan was suppressed by him alone!

Ye Xinghe looked up to the sky and roared, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

He strode forward and punched Quan Kunyang, who was lying on the ground.

He roared angrily: "Yuehua Holy Land, today Ye Xinghe avenges you, and more than 34,000 people in Yuehua Holy Land can rest in peace!"

A punch landed.

At this time, a solemn voice came.


But the ancestor of the Beast King Clan arrived.

But now it's too late.

Danwu Supreme

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