Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3326 The Beginning

He is an extremely thoughtful person who can think of all risks.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty said calmly: "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you."

"After he comprehended the Ancient Huangting Sutra, he hurried back to his old nest and never left the house again. He must have been comprehending the Ancient Huangting Sutra."


A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "No matter how much you understand, there will be no results."

He looked at the Holy Son and said: "Isn't there a divine light of annihilation? How are you understanding it? Come and see!"

He couldn't wait to take a look at this unique secret from the God Buried Ancient Clan.

The Holy Son nodded, his eyes calm.

In an instant, the aura on his body transformed, and a wisp of black energy flowed out of his body.

The black energy was rich and thick, instantly surrounding him.

It was like wearing a layer of black armor.

From the inside out, the whole person is like a black crystal sculpture.

The breath also became weird and sinister.

It can be seen that the blood in his body is flowing rapidly at this time.

The next moment, he waved his right hand, black blood surged, and endless black energy condensed.

Finally, a huge black light was formed, which was two feet long.

It is a genuine divine light of annihilation!

Moreover, its power is almost equivalent to that displayed by the top experts of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

Far more than ordinary direct clan members.

It has to be said that the Holy Son's innate wisdom is indeed top-notch.

In such a short period of time, he did not have the bloodline of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

As a result, he was able to figure out this divine light of annihilation.

And it is extremely authentic and extremely powerful.

Of course, compared to the Finger of God he had just displayed, it was a little less interesting.

But it made the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty even more excited.

Because this fragment of God can be found but cannot be sought.

But the Divine Light of Nirvana can be implemented and allowed to be practiced by every disciple of the Lieyang Royal Family!

He immediately asked: "How?"

The Holy Son smiled indifferently and said: "To put it bluntly, it's worthless."

"If you want to unleash this divine light of annihilation, you must first possess the bloodline of the God Buried Ancient Clan."

"You don't have the bloodline of the God Buried Ancient Clan, and neither do I."

"But I have developed a way to use a treasure to temporarily transform the bloodline into the bloodline of the God-Buried Ancient Clan. It can be transformed for two hours a day."

As he spoke, a black crystal appeared in his hand.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty breathed rapidly and asked: "What is this thing? Is it very precious?"

“How much do we need to consume each year?”

"I'll send someone to find him right now!"

The Holy Son smiled and said: "This thing is not precious. It is sold in all major pharmacies. It is just an ordinary first-grade spiritual treasure."

"For your royal family, you can have as much as you want."

"It's just that it can transform your bloodline into the bloodline of the God-Buried Ancient Clan."

Hearing what he said, the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty was filled with excitement.

It can be converted into two hours every day, which means that you can practice the Divine Light of Nirvana for two hours every day!

This is enough!

This is equivalent to all royal disciples having a trump card and improving their strength by one step.

This is a great thing!

After asking for the method, he accepted the black crystal stone. Emperor Lieyang Dynasty waved his hand and said, "Let's go. It's already March, so don't make people wait impatiently."

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of the Holy Son's mouth.

"Since Ye Xinghe is so anxious to get on the road, I will help him!"

At this time, on the huge square in front of Lieyang Palace.

A towering giant arena has been set up.

This is the largest square in the entire Lieyang Dynasty, with a radius of hundreds of miles.

It can accommodate millions of people.

Regarding the battle between Ye Xinghe and the Holy Son, Guanghan Daozong did not make any big announcement.

After all, Ye Xinghe has a special status.

And the odds of winning this time are not high.

To be honest, they didn't even want the outside world to know about Ye Xinghe's existence.

But the news still spread throughout Lieyang Imperial City.

Even many powerful people in the Lieyang Dynasty who were well-informed knew about it.

Needless to say, this is naturally a good thing done by Lieyang Royal Family.

For them, this was a great opportunity to increase the royal family's prestige and suppress the Guanghan Dao Sect.

The Holy Son is a sure winner.

After this battle, everyone will know that the real control of this world is the Lieyang Royal Family!

Guanghan Daozong is nothing.

Therefore, the entire square was almost crowded today.

Millions of people came, wanting to watch this battle.

What made everyone quite curious was the identity and background of these two people.

It's not because the two of them are too famous, but because neither of them is really famous.

That's all Ye Xinghe said.

There had been a small disturbance in Lieyang Imperial City before.

Everyone knows that he is the proud son of Guanghan Dao Sect, and he entered Guanghan Dao Sect as the number one.

This is something that many first- and second-rate forces know.

But after he entered the Guanghan Dao Sect, he fell silent and no news came out.

Only some top forces who are extremely well-informed know about it.

Ye Xinghe is now the most popular newcomer in the Guanghan Dao Sect.

He can even be called the number one among his disciples.

If they knew something about Ye Xinghe.

Then they were completely at a loss as to who this Lord Holy Son was.

Because of the special status of the Holy Son, he has never appeared in public before.

Just dealing with the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty and getting a lot of cultivation resources from Lieyang Imperial Family.

Only some senior officials of the Lieyang Royal Family knew of his existence.

After that, he hid in Yuehua Holy Land to practice.

Later, when he returned to Lieyang Dynasty, he meditated in secret and did not interact with outsiders.

Therefore, everyone knows almost nothing about him.

However, Lieyang Imperial City has always had no shortage of well-informed people.

After the news of the battle between the two spread, someone quickly got a lot of information. .

At this time, the square was filled with people, and everyone was talking noisily.

"Who is this Ye Xinghe? I have never heard of him before. If he is an unknown person, coming to watch his competition today would be a waste of my time!"

"It's a waste of your time. You're secretly having fun seeing what he does. I'm afraid that's what you'll be talking about in the next life!"

Next to him, a middle-aged man in black robes scolded him coldly.

The old man wasn't angry after being scolded by him. He immediately smiled and said, "Don't we know this?"

"Tell me quickly, but is there any news?"

"Yeah, tell me quickly, everyone is curious!"

Everyone asked the middle-aged man in black robe.

The middle-aged man in black robe smiled reservedly, looked around, and lowered his voice and said, "Let me tell you, the news about Ye Xinghe has been confirmed."

"This person has a very special status in the Guanghan Taoist Sect. It is said that he is the number one among all the disciples!"

"The strength and status are higher than many senior elders, only surpassed by those old monsters with the title of immortal!"

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