Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 951: The Dark Council and the Bright Holy See!

Fortunately, the aftermath of the explosion was only contained in this room. The other parts of the embassy were not affected, and there were no casualties.


When the three of Qin Fei appeared in the open space, countless gunpoints were aimed at them.

All Westerners are fully armed and murderous.

"Quickly, kill them!" Xuefaren appeared behind the crowd and yelled at the soldiers.


The first gunshot sounded, and then it was like opening a magic box, and hundreds of guns roared.

Facing the rain of bullets, Qin Fei glanced indifferently, then took a look at Gourmet!

Standing in front of him amidst gluttonous laughter, letting the bullet hit his body.


When the bullet hits the ground, everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene incredible, not afraid of bullets, what kind of monster is this?

Xue Faren was also taken aback. The Eastern cultivator was great, but he had never heard of anyone who could face so many bullets unscathed. Who is this? Could it be the legend that the Eastern Gods came down in the heaven?

He winked at Phillips, flashed away, and Qin Fei kept staring at them, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and disappeared after a flash when Xuefaren and Phillips appeared outside the embassy. When preparing to escape by car, Qin Fei stopped in front of the car door and said with a smile: "Aren't we going to cooperate? What are you running?"

Xuefa's face changed immediately, and he smiled flatteringly: "You have misunderstood. I didn't think about running away. I just went out for a drive. I will go back..."

Qin Fei was about to catch him back. Suddenly, there was a sound of sirens from a distance. A dozen police cars roared in. These were all police forces of Hua and Xia. It seemed that the embassy explosion had already alarmed them, and the speed of handling the case was still fast. It only took a few minutes.

Xuefa was overjoyed, and a helper came.

It's just that he is a little strange. It takes ten minutes at the earliest for the police and bureau to arrive here. Why is it so fast? Is it already prepared?

Qin Fei frowned. He didn't want to deal with the police and investigators. He thought it was better to take people away first. He was about to leave. Suddenly a breath of righteousness fell, and a figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

He looked at each other. He was a man of about fifty years old, with long hair and shawl, wearing a long robe, exuding a vast and powerful aura, with the appearance of immortality.

"Friends of Daoist, this matter is already a big deal, why not let it go now? It's still too late!" the man said solemnly.

"Who are you?" Qin Fei looked at him, and persuaded himself to let Xuefaren go as soon as he came up. Wouldn't they be a group?

"My name is He Feng, please don't get me wrong, I'm stopping you just to prevent you from making mistakes! The embassy bombed, no matter what, the interests of the country and the family have been involved. Please put your country first!" the man said seriously , It may be that Qin Fei was showing hostility and hurriedly explained the reason.

At this time, the police car had arrived, and dozens of heavily armed police and investigators got off the car and aimed their guns at Qin Fei and Xuefaren.

"Brother Qin, it's me, don't be impulsive!" Chen Lin came out of the police car and hurried to Qin Fei with a worried expression on his face.

"Team Chen, what do you mean? You called these police and investigators?" Qin Fei's eyes were cold, and he didn't expect Chen Lin to do it.

Chen Lin smiled bitterly, nodded and admitted: "I called it, but there is a reason for it! Let them go first, shall we go back to the game and talk about it?"

Qin Fei looked at He Feng and said, "Who is he?"

"He is a world-famous person. We had a relationship before. This time I specially asked for help. Of course, he is not to deal with you, but to talk to you!" Chen Lindao.

Qin Fei looked at He Feng, his divine consciousness stretched out, and found that He Feng's cultivation strength was completely different from profound energy, endless and endless. Although the opponent's strength should not exceed the Heavenly God Realm, it was enough to surprise Qin Fei. Up.

He thought for a while, let’s listen to what Chen Lin said. Anyway, he already knows almost everything he should know. The Vatican is also easy to find. Xuefaren doesn’t help much anymore. He is now interested in He Feng. , How many such Eastern monks are there?

There is also the biggest reason that made him compromise. In fact, he did not want to fight against the Hua and Xia people. Although the civilization of the Hua and Xia people and the Profound Spirit Empire were somewhat different, they made him feel like a family member, and he was a person. The person who values ​​the most family affection, on this basis, will not make the relationship stiff.

He knows what kind of person Chen Lin is. He is convinced that Chen Lin will not harm himself.

"Get out!" Qin Fei snorted, and said to Xue Xue.

Xuefaren and Phillips walked behind He Feng. Seeing that there was no danger, they suddenly became excited, and pointed to Qin Fei: "It happened that you were here. He bombed the embassy and threatened the ambassador. Your security is too bad. , I want to sue them!"

Chen Lin smiled bitterly, are these two savage guys stupid? After finally surviving, he dared to scream if he thought he had a helper. If Qin Fei started a fire, I'm afraid no one here can stop it.

He Feng looked at the two at this time, his eyes were cold and said: "The people in the Western Dark Council are so courageous. They actually sent people to the Eastern World. Doesn't it mean that we don't put us in the eyes? Will you lose your car according to the agreement?"

"What?" Xuefa stunned, and then he woke up, remembering the agreement signed by the Western Dark Council and the Holy See of Light and the Eastern monks more than a hundred years ago, and suddenly let out a cold sweat.

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding, we are not members of the Dark Council, and today's matter should have never happened!" He hurriedly smiled awkwardly.

"Huh! Get out of my Hua and Xia realm immediately, otherwise I will run into it again and die!" He Feng said coldly, with a very tyrannical attitude.

A look of anger flashed in Xuefaren’s eyes, but he did not dare to attack, and immediately left with Phillips...

Qin Fei felt a little curious watching this scene. He could see that He Feng didn't really come to rescue these two Westerners. The forces between them seemed to be hostile, but it was just inconvenience.

"Okay, let's go back!" Chen Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted to the police and chaser behind him.

At this time, the gluttonous and holy pond gods came out, and the embassy was full of American soldiers who were wailing constantly.

Qin Fei secretly instructed them not to hurt ordinary people's lives, so they didn't kill anyone.

Someone here cleaned up the mess, and Qin Fei followed Chen Lin and He Feng back to the police and procuratorate in the provincial capital.

In a spacious room, the three Qin Fei sat on the sofa, next to Chen Lin, and opposite He Feng was a majestic old man.

Listening to Chen Lin's introduction, the old man is the director.

"Three, if today's matter is not handled properly, it will definitely become an international dispute! So you will stay in the bureau these few days, and you will be there as you pass. I hope you will cooperate!" The director said in a deep voice.

"Director, isn't it that serious? Didn't we say that we should stop Brother Qin and the others from making a big deal, and then it will be all right?" Chen Lin asked in surprise.

"Chen Lin, this matter is of great importance. The embassy was bombed. Whether it was done by them or by Mr. Qin, the U.S. will definitely make a big fuss. We are in a passive position. Will take responsibility! In the face of national interests, no one has privileges! Not even a monk! Mr. Ho, are you right?" The director said seriously.

He Feng nodded and said: "You are right. If this matter is not handled properly, the consequences will be very serious. Americans will definitely not let go of this opportunity! Brother Qin, just work hard for you and stay here for the time being. After it subsides, we will not embarrass you!"

Taotie couldn't help it anymore, and said angrily: "What are you? We come as we want, and leave as we want. Can you control it? Believe it or not, destroy you!"

Qin Fei glanced at him and immediately shut his mouth.

"Two! I will cooperate with your work." Qin Fei smiled, thinking that people have their own reasons for doing things. They have different positions. They must consider the direction of things differently. How to say that the three of them are related to the embassy explosion. People are right about the direct relationship.

"Thank you for your understanding, Team Chen. Don't go back to the county for the last few days. Just accompany Brother Qin and them. If you are alright, Mr. Ho, stay with Mr. Qin as long as you don’t leave the provincial capital. You don't need to stay in the bureau whenever you arrive!" The director was relieved.

Qin Fei's eyes flashed. The director is so precise in his calculations. Let Chen Lin accompany him. To put it bluntly, Chen Lin will take responsibility. He must know that he has a good relationship with Chen Lin, so he did this so that he would not Have the thought of fleeing.

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