Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 317: Face sweeping

The battle, a trick to tear the Vientiane cage, is another trick, tearing up the ancestors of the family, this moment, think of these, the people of Wanjia, don’t look too much ugly,

How powerful is this strength,

They go to revenge, isn’t it a dead end,

Wanjia, silent for a moment,

"No fun."

As for the battle, it is still unsuccessful after killing thousands of ancestors,

When I watched the crowds rushing over, he didn’t mind killing all the people in Wanjia. Unfortunately, he was stopped by the Messenger of the Holy Mountain, which made him quite depressed,

"First battle, Wang family, win."

When the battle was depressed, the ambassador of the Holy Mountain quickly announced the results,

Looking at the look of Ling Zhan, don’t mention how complicated it is,

The ancestors of Wanjia, that is the strong who can't even fight him, so they are torn apart, so the tragic death method is really awkward,

Wang, this Lingtian, what is the point of strength,

Ling Tian, ​​it is the pseudonym of the battle, and Ling Yu, their name, are not suitable for appearing on the Tian Xuan mainland,

With the announcement of the ambassador of the Holy Mountain, all the people in Wanjia are silent,

They all know very well that their ancestors, this one is murdered in vain,

There is no chance for him to admit defeat,

This Wang family is so fierce,

This hatred is getting bigger and bigger,

And at the Warrior Square, it is still quiet at this time,

If you say that the previous battle to tear the Vientiane cage has brought unimaginable shock words,

So at this moment, it is a dead silence,

The ancestors of Wanjia, such as being smashed and killed by people, this is just a shock in the blink of an eye, which can no longer be described in words,

No one can think of it, the Wang family, who is really so embarrassed, really killed the ancestors of Wanjia,

Of course, what is more unexpected is the ancestor of the Wang family. Ling Tian’s strength is so strong,

What is the strength of this,

The ancestors of Wanjia, who are the perfect people of the saints, and may even exceed the scope of the saints,

However, such a strong person, in front of the Wang family ancestor Ling Tian, ​​did not have the slightest resistance,

Even if the most powerful Vientiane cage is released, it is still useless,

This is really hard to accept...

This shows that the strength of the ancestors of Wanjia is completely under the ancestors of the Wang family, and they have been completely abused...

The strength of this ancestor of the royal family, in the end, what is the point of strength, dialect Tianxuan mainland, who else can fight with it,

The ancestor of the Wang family, the ancestor of the ancestors of the stars, where did the two men emerge, and they were so perverted...

Everyone is silent, they don't know what to say,

Only, the only remaining idea is that the Wang family can't offend, and the Stars can't offend,

Otherwise, offending such a super-powerful metamorphosis, isn’t it a self-seeking death,

Not to say that it is an ordinary person, even the patriarchs of the six major families are now frowning,

The strength of the Wang family’s ancestors Ling Tian showed them a big surprise,

"This time, Wang Jia, with Wan Jia is not dead end."

After feelings and sorrow, everyone thought of it,

Isn't it, this time, Wang Jiayu Wanjia, there is room for maneuver,

The Wang family, all killed the ancestors of Wanjia, this is tantamount to face, this time, if Wanjia does not make something, how do they still stand in Tianxuan mainland,

Anyway, this is a big deal,

And, the Wang family killed the most powerful ancestors, so how can they endure it,

Wanjia, it may be difficult to retaliate against the Wang family, but if you add the drug king gate, plus the warrior,

I believe that soon, there will be a big battle to kick off. Everyone’s heart will come to mind,

As for the next battle, of course, it is more exciting,

The first battle is so bloody, and the next battle is about the same,

This time, the challenge has become a life-and-death battle...

Everyone’s eyes are once again transferred to the void picture, waiting for the start of the next battle,



In the Qiankun area, at this moment, it is even more raging, raging,

After the end of the first battle, the second battle kicked off,

Just, the Wang family has always given up the second battle. How can this family be unclear?

If it was before, this battle, Wanjia won, but now, if it is just this way to win, let Wanjia face, how can they be willing,

So, I saw the beginning of the second battle, and the Wan family’s long-lasting shape flashed into the battle circle,

Then, the whole body rolled over and shouted to Wang Chen: "Wang Chen, can dare to come out for a battle."

The 10,000 family is mad at this moment,

The ancestor was killed. This patriarch is naturally the most uncomfortable. This means that the strength of the family is greatly affected, and the face is sweeping the ground,

He must find a way to get back some face,

"Wang Chen, you are already a holy warrior, hey, have the ability, it is a battle with me."

He continues to roar,

In the current situation, if Wang Chen and the younger generation are fighting, he can’t say that he must kill one person,

With the strength of his saints, how can the martial artists of Wanjia resist?

If this is the case, Wanjia is really losing money,

So, at this time, Wang Chen must be pulled out to fight with himself,

If that's the case, that's great,

On the one hand, it eliminates the danger behind. On the other hand, he has absolute confidence in his own strength and can kill Wang Chen,


When I heard the roar of the sky, the blood wolf snorted and snorted,

"Hey, kid, this is challenging you, this old guy is really living more and more back." Ling war is even more sneer,

Take the challenge of Wang Chen with the strength of his high-ranking saints. The face of this family is also thick enough,

"The second battle, our royal family, give up."

Even Wang Chen, it’s a sneer,

How can he not know the idea of ​​the day,

Just, but Wang Chen is not a coward. At this time, the situation is good, he does not need to self-destruct the future,

It’s not necessary to step into the trap of 10,000 days,

This trap is weak, and it’s not going to let Wang Chen hook up,

Currently, Wang Chen, has not been arrogant enough to believe that he can fight against high-ranking saints,

He won’t be stupid enough to really fight against Wantian. Isn’t that looking for death?

Not now, but in a few years, it must be a battle with him,

Wang Chen secretly thought,

"Wang Chen, I will come out to fight with me if I have the ability. If you win, I will admit defeat, you can have courage."

When Wang Chen faintly refused his own battle, he directly chose to admit defeat. This time, Wan Tian was anxious and angry. He shouted loudly toward Wang Chen,

He is not willing to let Wang Chen go so far,

"The mad dog."

When watching the roar of the sky, the blood wolf sneered a sneak,

The sound is not too big, but it just falls into the ears of thousands of days, which makes Wan Tian that is red and red, almost directly mad,

The mad dog... The patriarch of his omnivorous family is called a mad dog, which makes him mad,

"Kid, it’s going to be crazy."

His eyes are full of red **** screams,

The strongest ancestor of the family, only two strokes were killed, obviously, let him have some loss of reason,


In the face of violent anger, the blood wolf is sneer,

Even Wang Chen couldn’t help but despise it,


The figure is flashing, this time, once again humiliated, Wan Tian will go to the blood wolf,

"Hey, Wanjia, have you forgotten the rules?"

And at the moment of the 10,000-day plunder, the Guardian of the Holy Mountain appeared in front of him faintly, coldly,

When watching the wrath of the moment, the sacred mountain ambassador couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed,

This poor guy...

Wanjia, this is the face of the face,

The patriarch of a family has become such a look. It seems that the death of that ancestor is really a big blow to Wanjia,

And, the Wang family, now it’s clear that he wants to make him angry and let him rush over,

If he dares to rush, the ancestor of the Wang family promises to kill him in an instant. Doesn’t this guy see it? He even has to rush to death,

I don’t know what people in Wanjia have, what are they in the brain,

Now, their best choice should be to directly confess to leaving the Qiankun community,

Otherwise, you will lose more than one ancestor,

Thinking of this, the sacred mountain ambassador looked at Wang Chen,

He must also kill one person,

Wanjia, this time really planted...

王家, really powerful,

The sacred mountain ambassador could not help but sigh,

"The second battle, Wanjia, wins."

After sighing, stopped for thousands of days, the ambassador of the sacred mountain announced,

The second battle, Wanjia wins,

After the two wars, one win and one loss, the two sides are equally divided, but the discerning eye can see that Wanjia is really dangerous now,

"Wanjia, you see, whether you want to continue."

After persuading him for a thousand days and letting him calm down, Wan Tian is aware of the previous gaffe,

At this time, the ambassador of the Holy Mountain continued to ask,

In a word, let Wan Tian fall into silence...

Obviously, he knows why the ambassador of the sacred mountain suddenly said such a thing,


Thinking of this, his brows are locked...

If you continue... then, Wang Chen...

If you don't continue...

In short, now they seem to be caught in a dilemma,

"The next round, the first, the contest of the younger generation, but the Wang family took the lead to challenge."

Looking at the eyes, I took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice,

"Yes, yes."

The sacred mountain ambassador looked at the sky for a thousand days, then said faintly,

However, his mouth is a bitter smile.

Wanjia, don’t you give up, this is really not the heart of the Yellow River,

"That continues." I was completely unaware of the change in the expression of the sacred mountain ambassador. After I heard the answer, I took a deep breath and said with a grin,

The next round, the challenge of the younger generation, the first game, the Wang family sent people to fight,

Wanjia, this time I ate such a big loss, how could I admit defeat?

Insincere to lose, Wanjia rank disappeared, and the face is sweeping the ground, which will allow them to establish themselves in Tianxuan mainland in the future,

So, in any case, they are also looking for some face,

This battle is an opportunity,

The eyes of the sky are flashing, the corners of the mouth, showing a sneer,

"Wang family, I will let you pay the price."

The sky is muttering in my heart,


(First, there is still a new moon in the evening, new weather, the night is coming back, the update will increase,)

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