Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 394: 龙凤变(上)

The snow of goose feathers is flying,

The air seems to be frozen,

Black Tiger Mountains, there is no longer the lush sight of the past,

In particular, the part of the Black Tiger Mountain that is more than halfway up the mountain, it is really a silver-packed, and it looks like it is within a million miles. It is full of white snow, thousands of miles of ice, and thousands of miles of snow,


Exhaling a breath of heat, in such a cold situation, in a blink of an eye, it is turned into a thick fog in the air, forming numerous ice crystals with the wind blowing away,

In the snow, at this moment, the two figures are particularly conspicuous,

These two figures travel through the snow-covered mountains and run,

"Chen Ge, let's go up and have a look." He smashed his hand, and one of the graceful figures said to the man with a strong face next to him,

Yes, at this moment, the two figures standing on the mountainside of the Black Tiger Mountain Range are not the ones of Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan,

It’s been a month since I came to the Black Tiger Mountain. During this month, Wang Chen and others have already entered the track. Under the arrangement of Bai Changsheng, two people take turns to patrol the Black Tiger Mountains. ,

The rest of the staff, either rested, or arranged to take turns to rest under the cliffs at the foot of the mountain, avoid the appearance of fish that slip through the net,

In this month's time, Wang Chen and others have experienced dozens of battles, big and small, and there are so many ways to kill Warcraft,

In this **** life, they have grown a lot,

Killing and cultivation, now seems to be the whole of their lives,

And now, the weather is changing. A month ago, the sun was shining, the mountains were lush, and now, a month later, the Black Tiger Mountain is a 180-degree change in the blink of an eye. /

Before three days, the weather suddenly changed, and the squally winds swept through it, seemingly proclaiming the official coming of the winter,

Between the short three days, the lush scene disappeared, leaving such a snowy country,

Now, under such harsh conditions, the weather has become the biggest challenge for Wang Chen and others,

The smell of such a cold, if it is an ordinary person, has long been unable to support it, even if it is a sage strongman such as Wang Chen and others, it is also in such a weather, complaining,

Today, in addition to killing and cultivation, they have added an enemy, harsh weather,

Today, it is the turn of Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan to patrol the Black Tiger Peak, so the two have now entered the No. 9 crack and stepped into the Black Tiger Peak...

In the blizzard, Wang Chen, they need to be on this mountain, and they will be stationed for one day,

"Go, go up and see. In recent days, the emergence of Warcraft has increased. Yesterday, it was a small beast. We killed more than ten of Warcraft. It seems that the big beast might be Come, we pay more attention."

When I heard Liu Xinyan’s words, Wang Chen first looked down. In the middle of the mountain, around them, the cold fog haunted everywhere, they seemed to be in a cold fairyland,

Looking up to the top, I looked at it and watched the mountain peaks that I didn’t know how high, and took a deep breath, Wang Chen said,

If it is in the past, under the lush mountains, they may not need to go deeper into the higher level, standing on the mountainside, stationed above, and when the husband is off, this is enough,

But now, it’s different,

Under heavy snow, the line of sight is blurred, they need more vigilance,

Especially in these few days, it is very likely that a beast will erupt, and it is an annual big beast, and Wang Chen can take it lightly,

Once you are on the mountainside, you don’t have to be the first to notice that Warcraft is close, and the consequences are unimaginable,

This weather, such terrain, such a situation, if the animal tide is close, he and Liu Xinyan do not even have the chance to escape, so, be careful, close to some observations,


When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Liu Xinyan nodded and followed Wang Chen to continue to flash rapidly toward the mountain,

"Chen Ge, you are about to step into the seventh-order holy warrior."

Following closely, Wang Chen, Liu Xinyan asked,

A month's time, let Liu Xinyan refine and refine the Yinling Stone that Wang Chen gave her,

A few days ago, Liu Xinyan has stepped into the ranks of the sixth-order saints. However, Rao is so, she found that there is still a big gap with Wang Chen, so, ask,

"Come on."

For Liu Xinyan, Wang Chen does not have much concealment,

A month's time, Wang Chen relied on hard work and cultivation, and with the help of killing, he has come to the peak of the sixth-order holy warrior,

With only one step, you will be able to step into the ranks of the seventh-order holy warriors, high-ranking saints,

When this step is stepped out, he will enter another new world,

However, for such improvement, Wang Chen is still too dissatisfied,

晏承月 has given him tremendous pressure,

Nine-order holy warriors,

This is not something that Wang Chen can care about,

If it is not because Bai Changsheng intentionally or unintentionally blocks the shackles and does not give him a chance, this time, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan have already encountered some dangers.

Just, now, as they become more skilled and custodian, as time goes by, Bai Changsheng has no ability to be safe,

晏承月, it seems that I can’t wait to start looking for opportunities,

How long can this situation last?

Think of it all, Wang Chen’s brow is a tight lock,

"The Seventh Order of the Holy Warrior." With the confirmation of Wang Chen, Liu Xinyan revealed a smile,

This smile, warm as if it was a spring breeze, seems to melt the cold weather of the Black Tiger Mountain for a moment,

"Chen brother is worried about the moon."

Looking at Wang Chen’s frowning look, asked,

"After the next month, after the big beast has passed, Bai Changsheng will have to leave Black Tiger Mountain for a period of time. Bandung will return and summon Bai Changsheng... We must be prepared."

Sigh with a sigh, Wang Chen smiled bitterly,

Yes, Bandung returned from the Holy Mountain,

I don’t know how to explain this to the holy mountain. But at the very least, at the moment, he did not suffer the punishment of the holy mountain, isn’t it,

And, more importantly, the first time that Bandung returned, he summoned Bai Changsheng to go to the deliberation. The intentions inside can be imagined, and it is categorical to remove Bai Changsheng from this side. , create enough opportunities for Yu Chengyue,

If it’s not because of the imminent arrival of the animal, now that Bai Changsheng may have left, they have already fallen into an extremely dangerous situation,

Rao is the current trend of the animal, there are reasons to say, but Bai Changsheng can't live for a long time. Once the animal tide leaves, Bai Changsheng must go back,

At the same time, it’s not just Bai Changsheng who goes back, but also the heads of the other crack detection methods, captain,

At that time, each crack guard will be responsible and will be the vice captain. If you want to deal with Wang Chen, then you will have more chances,

This is the most annoying thing for Wang Chen,

"Next month..."

Liu Xinyan lowered his head and muttered to himself,

In the eyes, it’s a glimmer of cold, my heart, killing the machine,

晏承月...The threat to her and Wang Chen is too great,

"Next month, Chen Ge should be able to step into the ranks of the Seventh Order of the Holy Warrior. Xiner can also step into the seventh-order holy warrior. At that time... maybe there is a battle force..." /

Liu Xinyan Shen Shendao,

Obviously, she didn’t take me all the time,

"Chen brother..."

Suddenly, after hesitating for a moment, Liu Xinyan seems to think of something general, said to Wang Chen,

"What's wrong."

Wang Chen asked Liu Xinyan to ask,

"I may have a way to deal with the moon."

Liu Xinyan’s face suddenly turned red, and he bowed his head and said softly, his face showed a shy state,

At this moment, Liu Xinyan’s shyness and ruddy complexion illuminate the whole world, and Wang Chen’s mind is inevitably shaken,

It’s also difficult to get to the city, Liu Xinyan,

"What is the way."

After returning to God, Wang Chen took a deep breath and held back a hot breath from Dantian,

He is a normal man, can have no reaction,

The shameful state of Liu Xinyan makes Wang Chen feel confused. What is it, let Liu Xinyan reveal such expression,

"I have a martial art of Liujiazu's ancestors. If we two people step into the ranks of the seventh-order sacred martial artists, with this powerful martial arts, there may be hopes of killing the shackles, the success rate... great."

Liu Xinyan bit his teeth, looked up, and looked at Wang Chen,

In the eyes, there is a flash of light that makes Wang Chen’s mind tremble...

"Ancestral martial arts."

Wang Chen brows slightly wrinkled, and both of them stepped into the ranks of the Seventh Order of the Holy Warrior,

Wang Chen seems to have heard something wrong: "We are two."

"Well, we two, this is a combination of martial arts, and even surpassed the existence of the heavenly order, passed down from the ancient times." Liu Xinyan seems to have made up his mind, a bite, said: "Dragon and Phoenix." /

"Dragon and Phoenix."

When I heard the martial arts of Liu Xinyan, Wang Chen showed a hint of surprise,

"In addition to strength, what are the requirements?"

Wang Chen can detect the problems,

If it is a single joint martial arts, it is not enough to let Liu Xinyan express such an expression, is there anything that is difficult to say,

"I Liu Jiaqing dragon blood, with the blood of the Phoenix blood, between the two, the dragon and the phoenix, can display this horrible martial arts, in ancient times, the fairy green dragon and the Phoenix, joined forces to display At that time, a trick between the two joined forces to kill the Red Moon continent, two World of Warcraft kings, earth-shattering,

Although, after this, the ancestor Qinglong was calculated because of an accident, and the final whereabouts are unknown... This martial art has not appeared again,

But, in my Liu family, there are detailed records, and there is no small grasp to be able to cultivate,

It’s just... Chen Ge, you don’t have a phoenix blood.

Liu Xinyan's face was ruddy, her head lowered, muttering.


Wang Chen brows tightly...

There are other ways, Liu Xinyan will not say no way to chance for no reason,

Does this, and there are hidden feelings,

"Well, although the blood of the Phoenix and the blood of the Qinglong have a certain fusion, but in addition to the phoenix, there is a bloodline that can have a certain chance of joining hands with my Qinglong blood." Liu Xinyan's eyes flashed... whispered,

"Suzaku Blood."

When I heard Liu Xinyan’s words, Wang Chen immediately understood it and said it directly,

Yes, except for the phoenix, it’s the blood of the Suzaku,

Phoenix Suzaku is a family...

"But... looks like yourself...not the blood of Suzaku..."

Wang Chen’s heart is full of doubts towards Liu Xinyan,

Dragon and Phoenix, what else do you need...require, yourself, in the end, what is the way to meet the requirements of Liu Xinyan, Wang Chen is inevitably looking forward to,

Because this seems to be the short-term, the only way they can lift the danger,

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