Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 439: The consumption is frequent!

After World War I, Wang Chen was completely in the position of several major families.

But after a few days, the major families in the fifth floor of Purgatory, who supported the blood of the warriors, have seen Wang Chen.

Statistics, within the fifth floor of Purgatory, the people who supported Wang Chen actually reached 16 people, which made Wang Chen strange again.

Twenty-six people, this is the strongman of the 16 emperors.

This lineup, if you get the Tian Xuan mainland, it is estimated that you can sweep it.

This is a little more than the number of Wang Chen’s imagination.

After seeing these people, the cleaning action is also beginning.

Tengjia, within the fifth floor of Purgatory, there are six members.

Teng Yu, the deserved first person, the commander of the fifth floor of Purgatory.

Next, it is Fujii, it can be said that the Fuji family is in the fifth floor of Purgatory. In addition to Fujisawa, the person with the highest status is designated as the commander of the Fuji family in the fifth floor.

Unfortunately, today, Teng Rui is being killed.

Under the circumstances, within the fifth floor of Purgatory, the number of people in the Fuji family has been reduced to five.

In addition to Fujisawa, among the other four, there is a first-order Emperor, two mid-level Emperors and one high-ranking Emperor.

These people were listed as the first targets for cleaning.

As for the death of Fujiwara...

Nature is a sensation within the fifth layer of purgatory...

Unfortunately, his body has already been burned out by Wang Chen with a Suzaku flame. Where is there any trace left? He seems to have disappeared from the air. This makes Fujisawa a crazy man. .

I don’t know the true identity of Teng Rui. After knowing that Teng Rui disappeared, he suddenly became angry.

Tengrui is the ninth-order emperor. This is the top strongman. Such a strong person disappears and the blow to the Fuji family is imaginable.

Unfortunately, he did not have any evidence.

As for the few people who know the death of Teng Rui, whoever will say it, they are not so stupid, to offend Wang Chen.

So... the disappearance of Fujiwara has become a mystery, a mystery that cannot be explained. This is really a sensation in the fifth layer of purgatory, as if it was a The earthquake is generally sweeping into every corner.

Wang Chen, who is a party, seems to be okay, continue to live and continue to practice.


After a week of death by Fujiwara, Wang Chen was seen in the fifth floor of Purgatory, and all 16 people who supported him.

At the same time, the action begins.

Three days later, Fujisawa, the first-order Emperor of the Warriors were killed.

The vines are angry, but unfortunately they have no evidence, they can only give up again, and strengthen the inspection of the fifth floor of Purgatory.

After seven days, one of the two middle-ranking emperors of the Fuji family fell.

This is another unusual shock.

Within a short seven or eight days, Fujiko lost three people in succession. They are all such strong. It is conceivable that this is a sensation.

After the fall of this mid-level Emperor, the vine is going crazy.

There is still no trace of the slightest, there is still no sign of the slightest, which makes people not crazy.

The anger of Fujisawa is almost burning the fifth layer of the entire purgatory,]

For three days, within the fifth floor of Purgatory, I don’t know how many people were suspected and investigated by Fujisawa.

It’s a pity that it ended in failure.

Finally, after calming down, Fujisawa noticed something was wrong.

This is someone who deliberately targets the Fuji family and confronts the Fuji family.

Otherwise, how can anyone who has an accident be a Rattan family, or else, no other family has anything to do.

Once, it can be said that it is an accident, twice, it can be said to be an accident, three times, this is not an accident.

This is definitely premeditated, and every thing is done so cleanly, which confirms this.

In this case, Fujisawa quickly notified the family.

Unfortunately, when he was able to inform the family of the discovery in the future, the loss of Fujiko was one after another, and the first news was the news from the family.

On the Tian Xuan mainland, Fujii was suddenly attacked five days before he loved it.

In five days, the staff outside the Fuji family suffered heavy losses.

Three holy warriors, eight martial artists, ten emperors...

This kind of loss, even the Fuji family, is unbearable. On the Tianxuan mainland, the strongest existence of the Fuji family is just the emperor. Of course, there is also an old man who does not come out. Ancestor.

The main strengths are saints and martial artists.

Now, the saints and martial artists have suffered such a blow, and it is so heavy.

And for all these sneak attacks, there is no evidence.

can only be said to be a powerful force, and secretly began to start with the Fuji family.

This made everyone in Fujisawa and Fujiko start to panic, everyone was uneasy, and Fujiko’s face was lost.

When Fujiwara was furious about this thing, it was a bad news.

In the third and fourth layers of Purgatory, the Fujikushi personnel were once again hit.

The third layer of purgatory, eight people in the Fuji family, lost three people, within the fourth floor of Purgatory, eight people in the Fuji family, and lost four people...

This kind of loss is finally causing everyone in the Fuji family to panic.

When Fujimori received the news, his face turned pale, and the cold sweat was brushed and flowed out. He didn't mention how scared it was.

This...what is going on.

The third layer of Purgatory, the fourth floor, and the people within the fifth floor were all hit. Even the rattan of Tian Xuan’s mainland suffered such a severe blow. This explains what.

This shows that this time, the force that reached out to them, has already horrified to the limit. This force is already everywhere.

This force is already difficult for Fujis to confront and resist...

All of this, pushing the vines to the edge of the cliff...

The vine, for the first time, feels so weak.

He feels that this thing, he has no control, and even he saw an invisible hand that has already reached him.


In the camp, Fujisawa fell everything on the ground, venting the general roar and roaring.

The threat of death is coming toward him. He feels that there is an invisible hand that is manipulating everything, and that this hand, now, is extending toward him, seems to cover him.

"Go, give me anxious vines and vines, all back to me."

After anger, as if thinking of something, Fujisawa quickly called in a person and said to him.

Since this conspiracy was discovered, what he can do now is control.

The first thing to do is to mobilize all the people in the Fuji family.

He can't let the people of the Fuji family continue to spread out and give others a chance to break through.

The rest of the mid-level Emperor and the high-ranking Emperor, this is the future hope of the Fuji family, can not be an accident.

When you heard the vines, the man who was called in was stunned, and then, as if he had thought of something, he quickly turned around and prepared to convey the news.

Unfortunately, when he just turned around, another figure was hurried into the camp.

This is the person who watches the watch.

He came here and let Fujisawa’s heart beat a bit, his mouth twitching and his face pale.

"What's the matter, let's talk."

The vines rushed to the side of the man who watched the watch card, regardless of the image.

A bad premonition is spreading.

He is the person who guards the life card. If nothing happens, he will not easily come to this place.

Now, he appears here, which means that there will be no good things happening.

"Command, not good... not good, vine...vine..."

It was caught by Fujisaka, and the man’s breathing was difficult, and he had a hard opening and wanted to talk.

"Who...who’s going wrong, say, let’s talk.”

The eyes of Fujisaka are full of red blood, angry martyrdom.

He is sure that another person from the Fuji family has an accident. Fujisawa has the urge to kill at this moment. He is going crazy, it is forced to be crazy, and he is crazy.

"Teng Lin...Teng Lin him...he has broken his name."

The man was caught by the vine, and under the roar of the vine, he looked ugly.

Look at the eyes of Fujisaka, don't mention how complicated it is.

"What...Teng Lin...Teng Lin He...He..."

The vines seemed to be deflated, and almost sat down on the ground.

Teng Lin...has been killed.

It seems that he is still a step late.

"Ah, ah..."

After confirming the news, Fujisawa snarled.

It’s still a step late, he’s not reconciled, he’s really not willing.

This is already the fourth person, and the fourth strongest of the Fuji family is so smashed.

"Who is it, who... I want to kill you, kill you..."

Under extreme anger, he disregarded the roar and screaming of the image.

It’s like an injured beast, like a desperate wolf... powerless, angry, heartbreaking...

"Roll...all roll for me...get me out."

Finally, after the roar, Fujisawa roared toward the man in front of him.

He doesn't want to see anyone because he wants to kill.

In the end, which **** is actually targeting him in the back, against the Fuji family, and so on, the Fuji family is finished, it is really over.

"Complete... this time, it’s over..."

After the anger burned, Fujita was unable to sit on the chair behind him, muttering to himself, his face was ugly, how ugly it was, his eyes were gone, and he had already lost his sharpness.

At this moment, he is just an injured old man, just a desperate and lonely old man...

"No, you can't go on like this, Fujin, and Fujin."

As if I had thought of something, the next moment, Fujita Teng, the whole person stood up, as if grabbed the last straw, and quickly took the door.


The figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a virtual shadow and disappeared into place.

Under the burning of the real power, he took the speed to the extreme, shrinking the inch into a inch, one step at a hundred meters, but it was the effort between the blink of an eye, which disappeared into the camp...

He, to seize this last chance, can't let the last person be finished.

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