Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 494: The most fierce three strokes!

The five-day time passed by.

It’s been five days since I stepped into the ranks of the Eighth Emperor.

The five days, I don’t know what happened outside, but I don’t know that Wang Chen, who has played against Ling Tianqiu, continues to sink into cultivation.

After stepping into the ranks of the Eighth Order Emperor, Wang Chen was fully impressed by the powerful strength.

The real thing in the body is rolling, Wang Chen is full of confidence.

Looking at the sky, Wang Chen’s mouth showed a smile.

"It's time to come."

The next moment, he muttered to himself.

When Wang Chen’s voice fell, it was true that there was a wave of volatility in the air. The next moment, a figure seemed to stand out from the side of Wang Chen.

Besides being Qing Tianqiu, who is that?

The five-day covenant has already arrived. Today, it is time for the war. Wang Chen wants to see, with the strength of his eight-order emperor, in the hands of Qing Tianqiu, how many strokes can be resisted? It.

"Oh, kid, it seems that you are very confident, hehe... eight-order emperor, it's not bad, let's come over."

There is no extra nonsense. After Qing Tianqiu stood still, he looked at Wang Chen and said with a touch of smile.

Slightly shaking the white feather fan, everything seems so relaxed and comfortable.

"Hey, fight."

Seeing that Qing Tianqiu looks like this, Wang Chen’s face changed, and the next moment, suddenly a cold cry.

The voice fell, and I saw Wang Chen’s body shape flashing. In the blink of an eye, it was killed in front of Qing Tianqiu.


Wang Chen still showed a move.

"But so." Looking at Wang Chen's movement into a red light directly came to his face, Qing Tianqiu sneered a bit, still shot at the last minute, directly seized Wang Chen's trick .


This time, Wang Chen became smart.

With the lessons of the previous several times, Wang Chen knows that this combination of techniques, wanting to absorb any little real yuan from Qing Tianqiu, is idiotic dreaming.

In this case, the power of this combination has been reduced infinitely.

However, the reason why Wang Chen insisted on using it is because he concluded that Qing Tianqiu would disdain this move.

Sure enough, he directly seized his own force without fear, without any vigilance.

And at the moment he caught, the body had already brewed Wang Chen, who was afraid of energy. The corner of his mouth showed a sneer and a thunderstorm was displayed in an instant.

Use your own real power to display thunderstorms without relying on a single force.


The roaring sound came, and the force of the thunderstorm spread toward the surrounding area. An invisible wave of air, rolling and opening, showed the destructive power of terror.


This scene is also a surprise for Qing Tianqiu, and a soft voice.


Next, the subconscious Qing Tianqiu launched a distance of three or four steps.

"Pro, soldiers, buckets, people, all, arrays, columns..."

Repulsing Qing Tianqiu is just the first thought of Wang Chen.

At the same time that Wang Chen was forced to retreat, Wang Chen immediately took out two Yuan Yuandan and quickly threw them into the mouth, and began to urge all the remaining real forces to display the nine-character mantra.

The nine-character mantra, now that Wang Chen can easily display seven mantras in one breath, this is extremely powerful.

Even if it is an ordinary martial artist, in the face of the seven real words of Wang Chen today, I believe that I dare not confront each other, and Qing Tianqiu, although powerful, but this trick, In Wang Chen's opinion, it is enough for him to trouble.

The main thing is that Qing Tianqiu just stood firm at this moment and gave Wang Chen a chance.

This is the main reason why Wang Chen exhibited thunderstorms.



With the seven-character mantra spit out, for a moment, the winds and clouds changed, the waves were raging, the dust rolled, and the earth roared.

This moment, the heavens and the earth are eclipsed. At this moment, Wang Chen is the core of the world.

Sura, the gods, the swords, the beasts, the huge waves... All of them are illusionary, and they are covered by Qing Tianqiu.

"Not bad."

The face of Qing Tianqiu, at this moment, this is finally showing a serious smile.

The power of this move, especially with the effect of the previous wind thunderstorms, can even be said without exaggeration, it is completely beyond the general strike of the general Shenwu.

This kid is really a bit of a skill.

The eighth-order emperor, plus the ability of the stars to quench the body, under the eight-door armor, with the power of the stars and the body of the diamond, Wang Chen has a child who is not inferior to the combat power of any Shenwu Now, at the moment, there is such a combination technique. I have to say that Qing Tianqiu admits that Wang Chen has made great progress. If he encounters Fujisawa now, Fujisawa will inevitably be killed by Wang Chen.

The nine-character mantra is interesting.

There was more than 30 battles with Wang Chen. For more than two months, Qing Tianqiu only saw Wang Chen’s actual nine-character mantra.

That was the first few battles, and I gave Wang Chen such an opportunity.

However, at that time, Wang Chen only displayed the six-character mantra, and the seven-character mantra of this time was completely unbeatable.

As for the past, Wang Chen did not think that he would use such a mantra, but he did not give him a chance.

Looking at all the scenes swarming, Qing Tianqiu’s mouth is smiling: “Overwhelming.”

Under a scorn, he suddenly pulled out the white feather fan in his hand.


Under a wave, the terrible horror of the horror erupted.

The earth rolled over, as if to be turned upside down.

The endless dust condenses into a wall of earth and travels forward.

Booming... The earthen walls are extremely powerful and sturdy.

Especially when it collided with the seven-character mantra, the roar was even more deafening.

The endless dust is skyrocketing, and the endless light rises to the sky.

The land seems to be going to collapse. Even the incomparable enchantment of the past seems to have a little loose sign.

A group of time flies, flying in the sky, whirlwind, whistling.


Looking at his own offensive, it was blocked by such a soil wall that Qing Tianqiu was condensed at any time, and could not advance. Wang Chen’s face became ugly.

Under a roar, he simply broke out the last force.


With the anger of Wang Chen, the biggest and most horrible force contained in the seven-character mantra is completely erupted.

Under the roar, the earth trembled fiercely.

With that earth wall as the center, a crack spreads around.


Under a burst of cracks, the cracks are like spider webs, going all around.

It’s just a blink of an eye, it’s a thousand cracks.

This piece of vacant land, for a time, turned out to be incomparably, devastated and dissatisfied.


Finally, under the outbreak of this force, that huge earth wall began to collapse.

"It's now."

When the earth wall collapses, Wang Chen’s mouth reveals a smile of excitement, ‘

This is the moment.

This is the plan prepared by Wang Chen Precision.

Even, it can be said that under the first two strokes, Wang Chen is paving the way for this moment. He is waiting for the opportunity now.

Dust, flying all over the sky, even fascinated his eyes.

However, Wang Chen did not stop.

"Blue light burst."

Wang Chen is counting out his most powerful moves.

After the wind and thunderstorm, it is the seven-character mantra in the nine-character mantra, and now it is the blue light bursting up.

The moment the earth wall was shattered, the mineral sand that was flying in the sky blinded the eyes of both sides. Wang Chen condensed the blue light burst at this moment, coming to a sudden attack.


Blue light burst, under the improvement of Wang Chen, has not improved much now.

But in a twinkling of an eye, an egg-sized cyan ball of light condensed in the hands of Wang Chen.

The rich energy squeezes and rubs against each other, giving off a sharp rubbing sound that makes people listen to the goose bumps.

Under the thunderstorm, Wang Chen has less than seven layers of real power. These seven layers of real power, after the display of the seven-character mantra, are almost exhausted.

Fortunately, Wang Chen has already swallowed two powerful returning yuan in advance.

At the time of the seven-character mantra, Guiyuan Dan has begun to exert their great effects.

One strand of energy was transformed, and the outside world was involved.

Wang Chenzhen Yuan quickly recovered, this powerful return to Yuan Dan is not comparable to Yuan Dan, the speed of recovering the real yuan, I don’t know how much faster, let alone two Yuan Dan.

Wang Chen’s blue-light bullets at the moment are absolutely comparable to the five-layered real power of Qingguang.


At this time, the earth wall in front of it finally collapsed after the last energy of the seven-character mantra broke out.

At this time, Wang Chen screamed and said: "Go."

Between the hands, the blue light flares out for the blue light.

In the moment when the earth wall collapsed, the moment when the seven-character mantra disappeared, the blue-light bomb traversed through the ruins. With the dust of the sky as a cover, even the opportunity to respond to Qing Tianqiu came to Qingtian. In front of the enemy.

Then, in the stunned look of Qing Tianqiu, it exploded.


It’s another burst of blasting sound.

Under this blast, the ground, which was finally overwhelmed, began to collapse. For a time, the surface showed a horrible collapse.

But in a blink of an eye, it is already a depth of tens of meters.


Tough to maintain his body shape, Wang Chen at this moment, panting, sweating.

Although it is only three strokes, under the three strokes, the real power consumed is not what he can bear.

If it weren't for the support of two powerful returning Yuan Dan, Wang Chen couldn't even fully use the seven-character mantra, and it would be fully displayed, not to mention the later Qingguang explosion.

It’s just a moment of time. Wang Chen’s loss of real yuan, people’s collapse, physical load, and people’s collapse.

"How, what's the result, whether the predecessor was injured."

Bend your waist and breathe in a big mouth. Wang Chen’s eyes are staring at the front, staring at the place where the violent collapse, staring at the place where the smoke is rolling.

He is anxiously waiting for the result.

Qing Tianqiu, what the **** is going on.

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