Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 165: Get away from it


The Quartet is finally falling, the dust is flying, and the roar is heard.

At the same time, the complete World of Warcraft sweeps the Quartet, wherever it passes, flesh and blood.

Under the offensive of Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan, there are several people killed in a blink of an eye.

A wave of arms, retracting the square of the sky, watching the scene of the mess, Wang Chen looks cold, without a trace of affection.


Jiang Chenyuan on the other side is sneer again and again.

More than a dozen people, under the attack of him and Wang Chen, killed almost half of the people.

At this moment, Jiang Chenyuan is full of enthusiasm.

"Let's block the entrance, let's make a wave, kill a wave."

Jiang Chenyuan shouted loudly.

Since I decided to crush the Quartet, I would simply do a big one. He would like to see how many people are not afraid of death. These people need to pay a painful price for their own decisions.

In the crazy laughter, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan both attacked the remaining personnel.

A figure-shaped cave, after the eight-door armor is fully opened, Wang Chen’s combat power at this moment is not even inferior to the seven-level warrior of Xuanyue.

Looking at the unwillingness of a black moon six and a black moon five-level powerhouse, Wang Chen did not hesitate to go straight up.

The forces in the hands of the forces gathered together, and the wind moved a show.


The figure is like a wind, and the whole person turns into a virtual shadow, but between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen rushes to the front of the five-level powerhouse of the Xuanyue.

The soldiers in the hands swept, the wind moved, and there was no sound.

Under the persecution of Wang Chen, the strong man of the five-level moon showed a faint look, and he quickly resisted.

There is no imaginary explosion, nor the roar of imagination.

Innocent, Wang Chen’s Yuanli’s soldiers are closely connected with the man’s sacred soldiers. In the weird scene, Suzaku’s flames are covered with madness, and a powerful suction appears, endlessly ingesting this. The magic of the man.


The face was cold, and among the man’s stunned eyes, Wang Chen spit out a word coldly.


The wind whistling, the fire was raging, and for a moment, the flames of the Suzaku broke out, wrapping the man in the whole person.


The screams of heartbreaking lungs came. With the strength of Wang Chen today, the power of Suzaku’s flames is unimaginable.

In the sea of ​​fire, this man instantly turned into a fireman. The burning pain spread to the whole body, the flames could not be extinguished. At the same time, in his body, he did not know how much energy was absorbed by the hard life. .


When the energy gathered enough, Wang Chen looked at the other side of the man who was rushing toward him. Wang Chen shouted loudly.

Thunderstorm, his move is out of this man of the 6th-level man.


The roar came and a horrible energy burst.

The whole earthworm trembled a little, and the dust was shining and shining.

In the screams, this man of the 6th-level man, even the unrestrained force, was directly covered by this energy.

The blood is floating, the flesh and blood is blurred, and a thunderstorm is enough to make this man of the 6th grade seriously injured.



The figure is flashing. At this moment, at that entrance, I don’t know how many figures have poured in, but for a short while, there are nearly a hundred people.

"It’s good."

Seeing these people, Wang Chen, who killed the madman, screamed.

"The flames burn the sky."

The body of the Suzaku flames roared into a fire dragon, sweeping the square.

"Four Squares."

The square of the hand in the hand shook, zoomed in quickly, and then fell down.

"The dragon is coming."

In the hands of Wang Chen, there is a heavenly order, the sky is shining, and the dragon is vacant.

The blue light is filled, and hundreds of dragons fly out.

The world is eclipsed, the sun and the moon are dull, the clouds are rolling over the sky, and the blue light is pervasive.

"Wan Ghost Order."

Everything is not over. After these moves are displayed in succession, Wang is very quick to sacrifice the ghosts in his hands.

The arm is raised and the ghost is flying out.


Ghosts are crying, and the wind is blowing.

At this moment, above this open space, it is hell. At this moment, this open space scene is magnificent to the limit.

With Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan is not idle.

Waving the sky, he rushed into the crowd.

The black clouds are rolling and swallowing the sky.

Infinite killing spread.

Sifang Tianyin, Wan Guiling, Heaven, Flame Burning...

Among all the means, under the rush of Jiang Chenyuan's beasts, under his sweep, flesh and blood flutter.

One strong after another fell.

Xuanyue, the peak of the stars, even the middle of the Xuanyue.

The blood is filled with blood, and a thick **** smell spreads all around, and the corpse is everywhere, and I can't bear to gamble.

The endless killings, and even more pitiful, are that some people have just entered the domain of the heavens and humans through the passage of the heavens and human beings. They also thought about how to unite the people to annihilate Wang Chen, and they were directly involved in this scene. In the midst of a disaster.

Even, not waiting for these people to understand what is going on, it is in the screams, turned into ashes.

Death, in constant continuation, the sickle of death, dancing again and again, taking the soul again and again.

The music of death, this moment sings in the sky...


Finally, seeing the flame gradually extinguish, recovering the four-day seal, recovering the infinite evil spirits, watching the gradual dimness of the dragon, Wang Chen shouted to Jiang Chenyuan, who was killing crazy.

It's time to leave.

On this moment, Wang Chen’s strength is exhausted. He consumes at least two-thirds of the power of chaos. He and Jiang Chenyuan also joined forces to kill more than 100 people.

Now, it’s time to go. Otherwise, their energy is not enough to support infinite killings, and more and more people will flood into them. In the end, they will be in danger.

Get it right, now, this is just the beginning, this is a crazy warning that they give peace to those who want to marry them.

Killing, will also be carried out on this piece of land, not in a hurry.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Jiang Chenyuan’s swallowing sticks in his hands swept out and shouted loudly.

The beasts of the beasts rushed, and their bodies flashed one after another. Jiang Chenyuan quickly retreated to Wang Chen’s side.


Leaving a magnificent scene and a scream of screams, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan quickly retreated after they succeeded.

Behind him, screaming, roaring, and chasing after the figure.

Having suffered a big loss, these people can't be willing to watch Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan escape like this, but their pursuit is destined to be useless.

Under Wang Chen’s Suzaku Flame, under the Four Heavens, the infinite chasers are either fallen or blocked.

Present, among the people who chased Wang Chen, the strongest is just the seventh level of Xuanyue. There is no more powerful master. Otherwise, Wang Chen will not be so smooth. This may be Part of luck.

"Ah... Wang Chen, I won't kill you, I will not give up."

With the appearance of Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan disappearing in the sight of everyone, behind, a Ji’s Xuan Yue seven-level warrior is crazy.

Wang Chen, I finally escaped. This time, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan’s hardships have crushed more than 200 people. Among them, they have occupied more than 30 people.

There are hundreds of people who come to the city in the past few days. The big reason is to chase Wang Chen.

Before, more of them were waiting outside, waiting for Wang Chen to enter the domain of heaven and earth, and then more than 30 people swarmed in, wanting to kill Wang Chen, who thought of just entering the domain of heaven and man Among them, it is suffering from endless crushing.

Flesh flies and loses a lot, which makes the family of Jijia not crazy.

Especially under such loss, Wang Chen’s hard-won give away, which is even more unacceptable.

The fire, gradually extinguished, the dragon gradually disappeared, leaving behind a messy scene.

The corpse is everywhere, the blood flows into the river, here is the **** on earth.

Hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, horrible heavens, awkward four-sky seals, ruthless flames... take away too many lives.

After World War I, more than 300 people were able to stand, less than a hundred people, and everyone was even more embarrassed.

Looking at the direction of Wang Chen’s escape, these people are crazy, but at the same time, there are some jealousies and fears.

This Wang Chen, how powerful it is, most of the people present are the first to see Wang Chen, they can not help but chill.

After , it’s crazy.

The heavenly order, the four heavens, the tens of thousands of ghosts... The power of these things is even more uncontrollable.

The treasure, who does not love.


The light curtain flashed, and between the turns, dozens of figures appeared on this sloppy open space.

Looking at the scene, everyone was stunned.

"This... what happened."

"Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan, they are dead."

A lot of people are puzzled after they jump in their hearts.

And when they knew that Wang Chen and Jiang Chen had fled and left hundreds of lives, they were stunned and shocked.

This Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan are too far off the sky.

It’s just a moment of effort. Through special means, what happened inside is passed back to the outside fire city.

Fire City vibrates, stunned.

Hundreds of strong people surrounded Wang Chen, and were once again escaped by Wang Chen, and hundreds of strong people almost lost.

This news is too shocking.

Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan, these two people who dared to board the Moon Tower to openly challenge the million martial arts, it is unusual.

This time the domain of the heavens is open, and it is destined not to be too calm.

Ji Jia, once again suffered heavy losses, became the stepping stone of Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan.

More people are beginning to look forward to it. This Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan, how many miracles have to be created, how many people will be shocked, how much blood and life they still have to leave.

Who can block the pace of Wang Chen, who can kill both of them.

Infinite doubts began to spread in the hearts of all.

Ji Jia is under the madness, mobilizing a large number of strong, once again poured into the domain of heaven and earth to chase Wang Chen.

The wind is blowing, and it starts to sweep.

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