Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 280: 姬家老祖

At this moment, the illusions of the heavens, above the sky, the radiance of the radiant radiance, an illusory picture began to emerge.

In the picture, Jin Ge Tie Ma, blood stained the sky, everything in the picture revived, and then to extinction, changes in mountains and rivers, heaven and earth.

"This is..."

Looking at this scene, the elders who have forgotten the valley are even more fascinated.

It’s hard to imagine that they will actually see this scene at the moment.

"This is the evolution of the times, the evolution of history, the discoloration of mountains and rivers, the glory of grass and trees, the battle of gods and devils, the division of heaven and earth..."

I don't know when, one of the ancestors who had forgotten the love valley appeared in the crowd. Looking at this scene, he looked awkward.


The words of Forgetting the Valley’s ancestors made it even more so that everyone in the room couldn’t help but take a breath.

"Reverse to the sky, what Wang Chen realized in the end, actually evolved the years."

An old man exclaimed.

In the place, people look heavy at the moment.

"Three thousand avenues, infinite trails, even more polar, he may have realized, the extreme of the road."

Forget the feelings of the valley too old ancestors sinking.


A few words, the crowd shook.

The pole of the road.

The ultimate in killing, the extreme of the hegemony, the extreme of the road, the three polar roads. Among them, killing the extreme is the simplest way to kill the road. For millions of years, there is no shortage of Tianjiao comprehension. At the very end, this is already a very small number. With its own domineering sermons, what kind of mentality is needed, and the road is extremely... This is the most mysterious one, and few people can comprehend it.

Why did Wang Chen witness the end of the road with the help of the dragon fruit.

If this is the case, it is really powerful.

"More than that, if it is the ultimate, it will not lead to the evolution of the years, perhaps, he also realized the time avenue, or the reincarnation avenue."

The other old man in the room said after silence.

"Whether it is time to reach or reincarnation, this is extremely rare. Any one of the comprehension is enough to cover the world. If Wang Chen really understands the truth, it is supreme, even if it is not pure. But it is also enough to compare pure Yang."

A burst of exclamations is heard all the time.

In front of the crowd, the sacred woman is silent at this time.

Under the veil, no one knows what her mood is at the moment.

It’s just that if you look closely, you can see that her hands are holding tightly at this moment, looking at the vision above the sky, and the eyes are awe.



Dragon and Tiger.

After one day, the sky is falling apart.

In the secret room, the endless dragon and tiger rushed to the sky, and the vision reached its peak at the moment.


A roar came.

The earth trembles, and the boundless light spreads.


The wind is whistling, and the powerful momentum is pressing for nine days.

In the roar, in the turbulence, gradually, a figure slowly walked out and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Wang Chen, he went out."

"The avenue has been completed, and it is natural."

Looking at this figure, everyone waiting for the day was amazed.

At this moment, Wang Chen is filled with golden light. His whole person seems to have been integrated into this world. Even the distance is so close, and everyone can't detect his slightest breath.

His breath is completely covered by the heavens and the earth.

The extreme of the road, it really reached.

Feeling this, everyone feels in the heart.

I am afraid that only by understanding the extremes of the Tao can you be so perfect.

Look at Wang Chen’s eyes. At this moment, it’s like a bend of water. No one can see anything.

If you look carefully, you can feel that these eyes are not at the bottom, just like the innocent world, the vastness is boundless.


Until Wang Chen came to the crowd, they only came back to God, and the sacred girl said softly.


Ji Xueyu is also complex.

Wang Chen’s breakthrough makes Ji Xueyan not even know what it feels like at the moment.

Happy, maybe not, unwilling, this has already disappeared with failure, what is it, perhaps envy, she knows that her distance from Wang Chen has widened again.

"Hig family ancestors, is there any news."

In the face of the congratulations of the two, Wang Chen nodded.

"Yes, in the depths of the wild forest, within the poisonous fog, the bottom of the cold ice pool is his habitat. Recently there was an energy outbreak, I am afraid it has already merged."

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, the sorrowful girl said softly.

"I am going to marry him."

Get the answer, Wang Chen is not staying.

Today’s clearance, the strength has soared, and the news of Ji’s ancestors is undoubtedly a good news for Wang Chen. In this case, he will witness his strength with the head of Ji’s ancestors.

After he gave a glimpse of the elders who were in the presence of the audience, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.


The body shape flashed, and the next moment, Wang Chen disappeared in place.

Such a sudden, so rapid, so that the love of the Valley is so strong, it is difficult to reflect, and even a few of the elders have reacted.

The only thing that I have forgotten is that the valley is too bright in the eyes of the ancestors.

"I am going to watch the game."

When Wang Chen disappeared, he couldn’t catch up with Ji Xueyan.

The voice fell, and her body flashed, and she chased away from the valley of forgotten.

"I will go too."

Forgetting the Valley Saints quickly rushed to the elders and the ancestors, and then chased away.

"Well, let's see."

As the few people left, the rest of the elders in the room looked at each other.

A moment later, a sigh came.

Everyone is moving away from the valley of love.

This scene has not appeared for many years. Wang Chen alone seems to have stirred up the atmosphere of forgetting the valley and not knowing how many years.


The wind whistling in the ear, at this moment, Wang Chen shows the speed to the fullest.

The scenery around them is rapidly regressing, forming a phantom of pieces.

However, half a day, Wang Chen went deep into the wild forest.

"The front is convenient for poisonous fog."

Looking ahead, Wang Chen murmured.

The thick layer of fog shrouded as if it were isolated from the outside world.

Unexpectedly, this Ji family ancestors would choose, choose such a poisonous land, and think that few people can expect it, he will actually heal here, it is really an old fox.

However, even then, how can it be.

This time the Ji family ancestors can't escape.


In the face of poisonous fog, Wang Chen is not afraid.

The power of the chaos of the whole body opened and his body flashed, and he rushed into the dense fog.


The thick fog is corroded, and every inch of Wang Chen’s skin seems to burst.


At this time, the endless chaos of the body is flowing and it is quickly absorbed by all the poisonous mist.

For Wang Chen today, what is the land of poisonous fog?

After a short time, Wang Chen was in the pursuit of the moon, and broke through the poisonous fog to the core.

"Hot Ice Lake."

Looking at the invisible deep pool in front of him, Wang Chen’s eyes are cold.

At this time, Hanbingtan is still rising in a cold air, standing on the shore, Wang Chen seems to be able to feel a suffocating cold.

"Underwater Cave, hey, give me out."

After a moment, take a deep breath, Wang Chen sneered.


Under your feet.


In an instant, under the shackles of Wang Chen, the sun and the moon are discolored.

The whole cold ice pool tumbling violently, and the endless waves smashed, and the cold current rushed straight into the sky, and it was worn for nine days.


The big earthquake slammed, the poisonous mist around the ice ice pool, this moment was shocked under the attack of Wang Chen.

"Jijia old devil, give me out."

A wave of unrest has started again, and when the shock is still going on, Wang Chen is once again banging out.


This punch runs through the ice pool.


The ice ice pool seems to be blasting.


A clear and audible sound heard a burst of sound.

The earth, this moment begins to crack.


As the cracks in the road appear, the endless stream of cold ice flows into those cracks.

This quiet mountain river is now a messy ruin.


In this violent and turbulent, finally, a flash of light flashed.


The water flow is separated, and a figure rushes from the ice pool to the sky.

"Hey, Wang Chen."

After the air, the figure stared at Wang Chen’s face.


The corner of his mouth showed a sneer, and Wang Chen was cold and cold.

The person who appears at the moment is not the Jijia old demon. He is really under this ice ice pool. Moreover, it has already merged with the flesh, and the speed is faster than Wang Chen’s imagination.

Looking at the Ji family ancestors, Wang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly.

"I didn't expect you to catch up here."

Looking at Wang Chen, the ancestors of Ji family are not good at this moment.

The flash of murderous madness in his eyes.

Wang Chen, this person let his family break up and destroy, that is, this person let his body be destroyed, and the wolf flees.

Thinking of all this, I think of Ji’s blood debt, and the ancestors of Ji’s family are very cold.

If it is not with the help of the **** gourd, maybe he has already lost his life.

This time, Ji’s ancestors had never had a wolf, and he hid in the cold ice pool to cultivate, restore, and merge.

If it is not an avatar, he still does not know how many years to wait to recover.

Now, the avatar has just merged, and Wang Chen is chasing the door, which makes the Ji family ancestor able to endure.

Undoubtedly, Wang Chen’s move completely angered Ji’s ancestors.

At the moment, he is murderous.

"You want to kill me."

A cold look at Wang Chenji’s ancestors asked.

"Today, let me take your head."

Wang Chen is unceremonious. In this case, he said that he is overbearing: "This time will not give you another chance. Today is the day of your fall."

"Ha ha ha..."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Ji’s ancestors suddenly laughed.

"Kill me, it depends on you."

Hui’s ancestors’ eyes are cold and cold: “That’s a try, there is a road in heaven, you don’t go, there is no door to hell, you have to come in. Today, I will send you back to the West.”

And the family ancestors shouted.

In the beginning, if it wasn't for Jiang's ancestors and the sorcerer's ancestors, Wang Chen could hurt him. It was a joke.

Now, Wang Chen dares to speak out.

This is exactly the same, the province he has to go to find Wang Chen.

Today, everything is done.

The voice fell, and the ancestors of Ji’s family were murderous.

A thick layer of dark fog shrouded his body.

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