Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 231: Underground World

Chapter 231, Underground World

There is a constant rumbling sound from the ear. Wang Chen only feels that the world is chaotic at this moment. There is no color, and the surrounding area is dark. This is a world of nothingness.

"Did you die?" Wang Chen thought of the subconscious.

The whole person is light and fluttering. At this moment, there is no consciousness, it is cold and painful!

"Don't die?" Feeling this cold and pain, Wang Chen secretly thought that the dead are unaware.

If you want to open your eyes, you can't open your eyes anyway. The eyelids seem to be filled with lead.

The body can't move, the soul seems to have left the body, and the independence remains in a dark space.

"What is going on here?" Wang Chen has some doubts!

Then I quickly remembered that I had fallen from the cliff after being violently hit by the Luozhong middle-aged people, and then there was no sense of consciousness.

This moment the body seems to be moving? Well, it seems to be moving, sinking, moving away in the distance.

Don't it really die? After falling off from which cliff, really, isn't it dead? This is the last thought of Wang Chen! It seems that there is really no death! The dead will not have these feelings!

Get this result, Wang Chen’s heart is slightly loose, there is hope without death, if there is a breath, hope will not die!

"Luojia, wait for me, I will be back soon, soon! I will be back soon!" I thought of a strong desire for survival in my heart, and resentment and hatred constantly inspired Wang Chen. Let him think unwillingly in his heart.

After a long time, the body seems to have stopped slowly, and did not continue to move, as if it came to a place! The cold disappears and is replaced by a little warmth! That warm and constant wrapping of Wang Chen's body gave him a comfortable feeling.

Tired, really tired! Have a good rest! After the effort, there is still no way to move. On the contrary, the feeling of tiredness is becoming more and more obvious under the warm atmosphere. A weak feeling is straightforward, and the body is faint. Wang Chen can't do anything. He can only let his consciousness gradually become blurred, and then he will return to chaos.

This break does not know how much time has passed. When Wang Chen regained consciousness, there was a warm feeling in his body.

There is a little warmth on the face, a slippery thing is squatting on his face, it seems to be the tongue?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart suddenly burst into shock! not dead! Yes, he is not dead, so where is it now, under the cliff? Have those people already caught up? Now what is on the face is swimming!

The tongue of the monster? Have you become a dish of the beast? Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart was shocked. If it was the tongue of the monster, it means that he is in the most dangerous state at the moment.

"Damn!" Thinking of all this, Wang Chen was anxious, he was not willing.

There is no death in the hands of the enemy. How can he die in the mouth of the monster? He does not want to die like this. He still has a lot to do.

The hatred of the king's family, the rise of the king's family! The enemy has already appeared, how can he die at this juncture?

Rom, the organization of the black man, and... those who perished the royal family are still waiting for him to avenge, he can't die here.

The desire to survive is constantly spreading at this moment, and there seems to be a familiar thing along the mouth of the rogue! Immediately after an energy spread throughout the body, the body gradually recovered its feelings.

Hearing is the first to recover.


The sound of running water is endless, as if swimming in the ear.


It sounds like the boiling water is also very clear on his other side. The feeling of warmth is getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature seems to be rising.

"吱吱..." and then it is sharp and dull, indescribable.

"Worms!" Hearing this voice, Wang Chen’s heart sinks, and it’s really a monster. Just added to his face is the tongue of the monster! Now there is a monster around me!

This makes Wang Chen’s heart rush, really want to be the food in the mouth of the demon?

The desire to survive and the potential of the body seem to be provoked. The energy that flows into the body gradually spreads. It seems to be repairing his body. In a little recovery, the effect is very good!

Clock lotion...

It is the feeling of the bell lotion, and Wang Chen’s heart is a joy, it is the feeling of the bell lotion! Very familiar feeling.

"Ling battle?" Feeling this side, Wang Chen seems to be looser in the heart, since there is a lot of emulsion into his mouth, so to speak, the battle at this moment should be standing by his side.

This makes Wang Chen loose a lot. Since the battle is at his side, the monster can not easily regard him as food! The battle will not make the monsters succeed.

The strength of the whole body is concentrated on the arm, and Wang Chen tries to move! Finally, after trying several times, the finger was slightly moved.

This time, as if opening the closed door, the feeling of control of the body quickly spread to the whole body.

With this feeling, everything has become easier! Then slowly try to move the other hand, then the legs, then try to open your eyes.

Finally, after a few minutes, Wang Chen opened his eyes!

In the serious scene, he had some stunnedness. He turned his head slightly and saw the situation around him. Wang Chenxi took a breath of air.

At this moment, he is in a cave, it seems to be a cave.

The left side of the body is the constant flow of the river, more than ten meters away from the right, it is a underground magma! The reddish magma tumbling and boiling over there, the smoke is thick and daunting. This is a place where water and fire coexist, this is a wonderful place!

Wang Chen himself is at the moment is the separation between water and fire, this piece of land more than ten meters in size. At this time he was lying by the river! This made Wang Chen vaguely know something.

Maybe it fell from the cliff of 100 meters high, just fell to the water pool, and then it was taken into the place by the river.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is also secretly glad that if he is not involved in this place, then he is not dead now, that is, drowning is dead, there is no hope of surviving.

The warmth that I felt before should be the heat from the magma! This heat awakened Wang Chen at the moment.

In the open space, three or four meters away, there is a monster like a cat at this time! I don't know what monster! The looks are similar to cats and tigers, but they are different.

The hair of the whole body is alternating with red and dark blue! A flame red, a clear blue water! Forming the markings on the tiger's body, the two contrasting colors are lining each other, which is conspicuous and beautiful.

The head is a bit like a lion, with a thick mane in the neck! The four hooves are as strong and powerful as the tiger's claws.

The tail is about the same length as the body, the fire is red, and the end of the tail is as long as a crescent, as if a small crescent was just inlaid at the end of his tail.

This crescent is like a substance, giving a dangerous feeling. It seems to be a sharp blade with a red glow.

Wang Chen doesn't know what this monster is, never seen or heard of it! However, he did not care too much. On this continent, there are thousands of monsters, and there are countless numbers. It is normal to encounter some strange monsters.

At this time, the monster seems to have seen the waking Wang Chen. Keeping a vigilant gesture, posing in a fighting position, looking at Wang Chen with a slight bow.

It’s just that it’s licking yourself. If it’s not him, I believe that I can’t recover feeling so quickly.

"吱吱..." Seeing that Wang Chen is observing himself, this is probably only the adult cat-sized monster that makes a sound, while the whole body's hair is erected.

This means that it has felt the threat and entered the battle state.

The screams are like mice, but they look a lot lower, and there are some hoarseness. Sure enough, it is a strange monster.

At the same time, Wang Chen was also aware of Mingrui, and did not even see the figure of Ling War! What about the war? He is not there? So where did the bell lotion that just flowed into your mouth come from? Or is it simply not a bell lotion?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s face flashed infinite doubts!

Want to sit up, but the body slightly twitched, and suddenly a painful pain spread, straight into his mind, let him make a squeak.

Cough and cough...

Two dry coughs, and a few mouthfuls of blood were spit out in the mouth.

The severe pain made Wang Chen's brow tightly locked, and then resumed his previous posture, lying on the ground and breathing.

The injury is too serious. In the previous big battle, the opening time of opening the door was too long, causing the load on each muscle of the body to be excessive, and the meridians were not badly damaged! There are also internal injuries and traumas left in the battle. At this moment, Wang Chen is a wound. If he is an ordinary person, he has already known how many times he has died.

In addition to falling from a cliff a hundred meters high, although the last luck is good to fall into the water, leaving a life, but the impact is enough to make an ordinary person die. The luck he can only live to account for most of the luck, followed by the results of the half-year practice of the star quenching! Let his body defense strength increase a lot.

"Hey..." Hearing the cough of Wang Chen, he saw that he spit out blood, and the little monster on the opposite side continued to make a low and sharp squeak, which made a contradictory feeling. .

"Reassured, I am not a bad person, I will do something for you, and now I don't have the strength!" Looking at the look of the beast, Wang Chen smiled bitterly.


It seems that I understand the words of Wang Chen. The hair that was erected before the monster gradually hangs down and returns to normal. Then, with some vigilance, I walked toward Wang Chen step by step.

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