Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 923: Deep conspiracy (on)

At this moment, the scene was quiet.

After some controversy, everyone will focus on the sacred guardian who is headed.

The final decision still needs him to do it.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the guardian's eyes and looked eager.

"Wang family."

In the waiting of the crowd, the guardian of the Holy Mountain, who was always sitting quietly here, whispered softly.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a faint gaze that no one could see.

"Let's not move."

Taking a deep breath, the Guardian of the Holy Mountain glanced at everyone in the room and slammed it.


"Guardian adults, just let go of the king's family."

" can I, the Wang family is so ignorant of the lift, if my holy mountain continues to be forbearing, I am afraid that the world will make a joke."

The words of the Guardian of the Holy Mountain made people in the place open their eyes.

Let the king's family not move.

This made everyone anxious.

Wang Jia, this time, but I hit the face of the holy mountain.

A few times before, the Wang family is not the case.

However, the previous few sacred mountains have been forbearing.

And now, I have to bear it.

This is somewhat of a problem that people can't stand.

"To the Wang family, is it true that people in the world are ridiculed that my holy mountain is not enough."

Listening to the complaints of the people, the guardian of the Holy Mountain blinked and chilled.

Start with the king.

This is naturally what everyone wants to do.

He, the guardian of the Holy Mountain, is no exception.

The existence of the Wang family is a huge threat to the holy mountain. The existence of Wang Chen is a mountain, and the holy mountain is hard to breathe.

For complete peace of mind, we must show up to eradicate this scourge.

If it is really able to eradicate the Wang family, the Holy Mountain will spare no effort.

But what is happening now.

However, they are not allowed to rush.

Thinking of this, the Guardian of the Holy Mountain looks ugly.

Especially listening to the call of a group of people in front of him, it makes him upset.

A group of guys who are blind.

Now, what is the identity of Wang Chen.

The holy mountain shot on the king's house.

If this is the case, the holy mountain will really lose face, and it will really be ridiculed by the people of the world.

Even, it will lead to endless troubles.

Not to mention how people in the world will look at the holy mountain when they arrive, and not to mention how many people will wait to see the jokes of the holy mountain, and even how many people will deal with the holy mountain.

Just the four major families, let the holy mountain linger in the throat.

The four major families, this is the mainstay of the Holy Mountain.

At the beginning, they were the pride of the Holy Mountain.

Today, they are the chains that bind the holy mountain.

These four families will easily shoot the royal family.

Even if it really tears the face, the holy mountain will be torn apart.

This is absolutely not allowed to happen.

This is precisely because of this, even if there is more dissatisfaction with the Wang family, even if there is a big resentment against the Wang family, this time the guardian of the Holy Mountain has to make such a decision.

"This matter, it is decided, Wang family, let go, if anyone is going to find the trouble of the Wang family, I will blame my holy mountain."

Then, without giving everyone the opportunity to continue to speak, the guardian of the Holy Mountain swept coldly after a look at the place.

When the voice falls, the guardian of the Holy Mountain no longer speaks.

When I heard the guardian of the Holy Mountain, the old people who hated the Wang family were ugly.

Their faces are filled with disappointment and helplessness.

The Guardian of the Holy Mountain finally made this decision.

This disappoints them, but it does not make them too unexpected.

This seems to be too many people think of it.

The Wang family can’t move now.

The people present are not fools, and many people can see this.

Dissatisfaction with the Wang family, of course, is there. If you want to destroy the Wang family, there are certainly some.

However, in the end, most people know it.

When I think of this, everyone can only sigh and sigh.

Wang Jia, it seems that it is difficult to solve after all.

As the people left, soon, within the sanctuary, they fell into silence.

"Wang family, **** it."

Until this moment, an old man who stayed here was looking ugly.

He was not the time when the vine family died. When the people with the sacred mountains appeared in the Fuji family, they even killed Wang Chen’s headed old man.

On that day, the face was lost, what made him resentful of the Wang family.

He always wanted revenge.

For a while, he wanted to let Wang Chen fall forever.

However, he is difficult to do.

At this moment, everyone left, but he did not leave.

"Adult, we..."

Looking at the guardian who was still sitting there, took a deep breath and the old man came to him.

"The matter of the Wang family has been fixed, you, needless to say."

Before the old man finished speaking, the guardian of the Holy Mountain directly interrupted the words of the old man.

"I know."

When the guardian was heard, the old man whispered softly.

"What happened to that thing."

As the old man was silent, the guardian indulged, and asked.

"Already handled almost the same, the staff of the Fuji family and the warriors have fallen a lot in the pursuit. Now, I have only found dozens of people, and there are dozens of spiritual people."

The old man flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

This is what he did during this time.

Wang family.

Yes, the Wang family can't move now.

This is also very clear to the old man.

However, it cannot be moved now, and it does not mean that it cannot be moved.

He does not directly retaliate now, which does not mean that he will not retaliate against the royal family.

On the contrary, the revenge on the Wang family has begun.

That is to find the remaining staff of the Fuji family and the warriors, and even find some people who have hatred with the Wang family.

These people are gradually being gathered.

And this thing, only him, the guardian, and a few people in the holy mountain know.

This is their secret plan.

"Lings, I don't think, they have so many people."

When I heard the old man, the sacred guardian’s mouth showed a sneer.

"This stupid ethnic group, if it wasn't for my holy mountain to help, they might escape the catastrophe. However, the dozens of the spiritual people are only a very small part. As far as I know, the original spiritual family failed. Before, there were differences in the family, and one branch took the lead to leave the city."

The old man said carefully.

"A group of people without courage, they are afraid of the king's family, want to come, hatred is not much."

The Guardian muttered, his eyes sparkling with a disdainful look.

"Well, so I didn't look for them. The dozens of the spiritual people I have found today are all top-ranking masters. Moreover, some of the strong people of the Lingzu are said to have entered the battlefield. Tianxuan mainland has no place for them to stand. They can only enter the battlefield and seek revenge in the future."

The old man said.

"Okay, this thing is done well. These dozens of people will stay first, and the rest will search as soon as possible."

The guardian of the Holy Mountain rose and said slowly.

"That... how these people arrange."

The old man flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes and asked softly.

"To ask for money, to give money, to resources, to resources, my holy mountain, standing between this world for thousands of years, there is no shortage of money and resources."

The Guardian of the Holy Mountain said faintly.

He is expressionless.

However, when he said this, his face could not help but reveal a look of pride.

That's right.

The holy mountain is not short of money, and there is no shortage of resources.

Speaking of money and resources, the holy mountain is not even much bigger than the four big families.

The holy mountain has this emboldened spirit.

This is the wealth that has accumulated over thousands of years.

The remaining personnel of the warriors and rattans, as well as the people of the spiritual family.

These people, the holy mountain to find them, not only to find them as simple, but not to help the Wang family to find.

It is for future revenge.

In this case, these people are used to obtain the Holy Mountain, and have a great effect.

Nowadays, relying on these funeral dogs to retaliate against the Wang family is obviously more difficult.

In this way, it is only to let the holy mountain help them.

The holy mountain is not convenient to move the king's house, it is because of Wang Chen.

Wang Chen left Tian Xuan mainland.

The holy mountain can move the king's house.

However, they will not be so arrogant in their own hands.

As long as Wang Chen does not die, the Wang family still has the shadow of the true God.

Under such circumstances, the remnants of Fujiwara and the warriors are undoubtedly a powerful force and the best force to use.

Holy Mountain, to train these people.

Money, resources, and their holy mountains can be given.

It is to make these people grow up.

"okay, I get it."

When I heard the guardian, the old man suddenly showed a smile of excitement.

With the support of the resources and money of the holy mountain, there is such support, and these residual personnel cannot grow up.

I believe that soon, a new and mysterious giant will reappear between this world.

And they are the nightmare of the Wang family.

"Just, although these people are good, but after all, some of the top powers are missing, we..."

As if thinking of something, the old man continued to ask.

"People can give, but can not give core personnel, exercises, martial arts, let them choose, you let people personally point them, I need them to grow into a powerful family, mysterious family in a short time. ”

The Guardian of the Holy Mountain looked at the old man and said without a doubt.

People, they are not lacking in the holy mountains, ordinary warriors, first-class warriors, can give.

However, because of the relationship between the four major families, the top powerhouses are still inconvenient to these people.

If you want a top-notch, these people can only work **** their own.

Resources, money, exercises, martial arts, and sacred mountains will not be embarrassing.

I believe this is a good enough condition.

There is only one requirement.

Before these people did not grow up completely, the Holy Mountain did not want them to be exposed, and did not want anyone to know their relationship with the Holy Mountain.

"I know."

When I heard the guardian of the Holy Mountain, the old man nodded.

"Right, tell these people, I hope they don't let me down, and be careful about the secret guard of the Wang family."

Looking at the old man who is about to leave, the guardian continues to add.

"Reassured, I found a safe place for them. What is the king's family? It is hard to think that the enemy they are going to chase is in that place. Even if I know, I am afraid I can't do anything. I will bring a piece to the Wang family. Big surprise."

The old man laughed when he heard the guardian.

After the voice fell and marched toward the guardian of the Holy Mountain, the old man quickly retreated outside the hall.

Next, it’s about to expand everything.



Although, it may be difficult for him to see the day when the royal family was destroyed, but he was the one who created the destruction of the royal family. This is enough.

There are regrets in my heart.

Then stay in the battlefield.

Over there, Wang Chen is his prey.

Under the night, the holy mountain in the silence is brewing a conspiracy.

The conspiracy against the Wang family has been opened.

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