Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 104: The strongest!

"Today, it is your death."

With a sly look, went straight to Wang Chen, this moment, Qu Ze's face is full of crazy look.

"It's good."

However, in the face of Qu Ze's powerful momentum, Wang Chen is still unchanged.

Quze wants to kill himself.

Wang Chen did not want to kill Qu Ze.

So good, today, I will end this grievance.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen's figure flashed.

Pingqian Qingyun stepped out, and Wang Chen disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Just in the moment when Wang Chen’s figure flashed, a roar burst.

Originally, the place where Wang Chen stood was now turned into a huge pit.

The smoke is rolling and the dust is everywhere.

"So fast."

With this attack, Qu Ze's pupil suddenly shrank.

Fast speed.

His heart suddenly fell down.

A crisis broke out from his side.


I can't think too much, Qu Zhe's body shape has repeatedly exploded.

The speed of Wang Chen is actually beyond the imagination of Qu Ze, and even this moment makes Qu Ze scared.

Quze is very clear, his own blow, not only did not hurt Wang Chen, and did not even affect him.

This makes Qu Ze not surprised.

The crisis from the side of the body clearly told Qu Ze that Wang Chen was here.

This made Quze had to choose to retire.

"I still want to go."

Seeing that Quze exploded, Wang Chen’s figure suddenly appeared on the road of Qu Ze’s retreat.

There was a sneer in his mouth.

"go with."

I don't know when, Kun Kunding has been sacrificed by Wang Chen.

When the Kun Kun Ding came out, the mountains and rivers were stunned.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth are dull.

The horrible red light blooms and blooms. The Kunlun Ding is like a star, and it is suppressed.

A string of runes burst out, and the violent waves caused the entire Huanglong Mountain to fall into the boundless trembling.

Looking far away, Huanglongshan seems to be blasting at any time.

From a distance, the suppression of the Kun Ding Ding is the sun from the sky.

"How powerful is your strength, how can you improve?"

Feel the power of this piece, Qu Ze pupil shrinks.

There is no way to retreat. Qu Zeyi gnawed his teeth and went straight to the battle of Qiankun Ding: "I don't believe it, I want to compete with me in the middle of a small Chunyang."

If it was a year ago, at this moment, Quze would be frightened.

Because at that time, he was just rebuilt soon. At that time, Qu Ze, the strength was only close to the middle of pure Yang.

In the face of this blow, it is bound to be creepy.

But now.

Today, Wang Chen’s strength is to make Qu Ze very shocked.

However, relying on such strength, I want to kill him.


In the twists and turns of the hands of the soldiers, went straight to the Kun Ding.


Suddenly a roar burst.

Endless waves of wind swept over 10,000 meters.

This turbulent wave has passed, everything has turned into nothingness, and the whole world seems to collapse.

The boulevard collapsed and the heavens collapsed.

The void becomes a little bit of debris, drifting away.


The chaotic long river was torn.

乾坤鼎, under this attack, is also a sudden meal, the light dimmed a lot.

However, those runes are as if they have not been affected and continue to fall.




The next moment is the moment that belongs to Wang Chen.

At this moment, Wang Chen is the master.

Huanglongshan finally collapsed.

The endless rubble flew out, and the momentum was amazing.

Puff puff……

Among these man-made runes, Qu Ze’s figure suddenly vibrated.


Taking a step back, Qu Ze squirted a blood.


In succession, it was bursting out of the full five or six steps, and Quze’s mouth was bloody.

"Impossible, this is impossible... why... why is it so powerful."

Reluctantly stabilized his body shape, the hair of the hair is stunned.

He couldn't imagine how powerful this shot was.

However, Quze can be sure that this blow can sway a powerful pure Yang later.

And he, even if he is mastering the fourth layer of the Five Elements, is just barely resisting it.


Between Qu Zezheng, Wang Chen was once again plundering.


Take seven steps in succession.

Every step, Wang Chen seems to step on the core of the heavens and the earth, every step, let the mountains and rivers dim.

"Destroy the sun."

When Chen Kunding was sacrificed, Wang Chen was gaining momentum.

A blow to the sun, this moment has continued to be enough power.

The fire of the wood is blasting, and the body is turned into a furnace.

The reincarnation of the baby roars, the eight-door armor is opened, the spirit is full, the fire spirit child roars, and the sword tires that are integrated among the soldiers of Yuanli are now full of radiance.

Still not waiting for the power of Kun Ding to completely dissipate, Wang Chen is a sword falling.

This sword makes the whole world clouded.

This sword makes everything awkward.

This sword absorbs the breath of the heavens and the earth, and this sword ignites the breath of the body of Quze.

"Do not……"

Seeing that this sword fell, Qu Ze was finally feared.

"Great magical powers, this is a great supernatural power. Why do you have such great powers, non-God's top powers, and unrecognizable great powers, why are they on your body..."

As if I saw something incredible in general, Qu Ze was screaming and roaring.

The original Wang Chen, in the eyes of Qu Ze, is the ants.

It is a pity that this ants have escaped Quze’s pursuit twice.

This cockroach, in the land of squatting, makes Quze jealous and jealous.

Nowadays, this **** is growing up to be a giant elephant. This giant elephant is enough to make Qu Zhe's heart collapse and make him fearful.

"Get out of the way..."

Wang Chen's speed is very fast, and he can only let Qu Ze suddenly resist his hands in the roar.


The sword tires oscillated.

Still not waiting for the annihilation of a sword, the endless swordsmanship is the first to rag.

Among the snoring sounds, the gods in Quze’s hands trembled, and suddenly they broke into endless cracks.

Among the snoring sounds, Qu Ze suddenly found that the condensed atmosphere in his body began to scatter and could not concentrate.

At this moment, Qu Ze fears, he resentful.

If it wasn’t for the first pass as soon as possible, if it wasn’t for the first assessment, if he encountered a metamorphosis in the late stage of pure Yang, how could he be injured?

If not, how could he be so embarrassed?

Even if Wang Chen is strong, it will not crush him like this.

However, all this hate, all these grievances, how can this moment be.


A blow to the sun has fallen.

A crisp crash came.

The mountain river is wonderful at this moment.

The general wave of a stock has swept a million meters.

Even the middle-aged men and the old men in the distant battles stopped their moves and looked blank.

This crisp crash sound is like a slap in the heart of Quze.

His heart suddenly collapsed.


The soldiers in the hands blasted.

"Do not……"

The flesh and blood of Qu Ze’s body is endless.

This moment is the moment of crushing by Wang Chen.


The body is cracked and the blood is filled with rain.

The flesh and blood of the rehabilitator is so powerful.

However, this moment is turned into ashes.

The endless **** rains make the ruins of Huanglong Mountain seem thrilling.

The screams were covered up.

Quze’s body was completely cracked and opened.

That soul, suddenly escaping toward the distance: "Yan Chen, I can't spare you."

Qu Ze is not willing to roar.

His soul is twisted.

He is a god, he is a master, he is in the world, he is magnificent, his heart is higher than the sky.

However, at this moment, his heart collapsed and his momentum was shattered.

At this moment, Qu Ze is like a dog at home, only to growl.

"The chicken and the dog, dare to let go."

Seeing the soul of Qu Ze plucked out, Wang Chen looked cold.

With a wave of hand, the crack in the space appeared, and the endless fluttering flesh and blood was directly absorbed by Wang Chen into the battlefield of Shura. Even though it broke, it was also the flesh and blood of a **** rebuilder, which was enough for the Shura King to enjoy it.

As for the soul of the god.

With the thousands of ghosts, the heavens and the earth, where to hide.

In a twinkling of an eye, the powerful soul was dragged into the singularity.

This is a powerful **** of the gods, even if it is rebuilt, this soul is still the soul of the gods.

Wan Guiling, you need such a powerful soul.

The screams disappeared, the blood fog dispersed, and Wang Chen held a million ghosts, looking at the world with a cold eye and looking at this world.

He won.

And Qu Ze.

From then on, he will completely disappear into this world.

Perhaps, from the moment when he chose to be the enemy of Wang Chen, it was doomed to such an end.

Perhaps, when Wang Chen once got rid of Quze’s pursuit, Quze’s fate was destined.

A rebuilt master, this moment, turned into ashes and disappeared forever.

Heaven and earth, suddenly silent.


Seeing that Wang Chen won, at this moment, the two strong men in the distance contracted and sucked in a cold air.

They can't imagine what kind of combat power this is, and it will be such a horror.

Quze... This is the strongest who has been killed. He is the strongest of the five.


This is what everyone feels.

He is the biggest competitor.

It is precisely because of this that the old man and the middle-aged man will be so anxious.

It is too difficult for them to overcome the resurrection.

They must seize the opportunity and win the top spot.

In fact, they saw hope.

The moment they rushed out, the rebuilders didn't care.

They thought they had hope.

But now they know that this hope is illusory.

It turns out that there are stronger people.

One killed the existence of the reformer.

Do not.

It is not a kill, but a thorough crush.

This person is Wang Chen.

They know the Yanchen.

At this moment, watching Wang Chen, the two eyes are jealous and struggling.

"kill him."

I don't know how long it took, the two looked at each other and said quickly.

Killed this bastard.

Only then will they have the hope to stand out.

As the voice of middle-aged men fell, the old man focused on the head.

In an instant, it is a tacit agreement.

There is nothing more important than living here.

The most powerful enemy, since they can't fight, it can only be joined together.



The enemy of a long time has only eternal interests.

At this moment, the interests of middle-aged men and old people are tightly tied together.

They can only win if they join hands.


In the whistling sound of the wind, the two turned into a virtual shadow and went straight to Wang Chen.

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