Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 905: Wild vision, goal

"Is the warrior's business handled?"

Wang Jia, watching Wang Chen returning, Sun Yifan revealed a smile.

After leaving for half a month, Wang Chen returned to the Wang family again, which made Sun Yifan breathe a sigh of relief.

When Wang Chen returned, he represented not only the emboldenedness of the Wang family, but also the fact that the things on the other side of the war were settled.

From now on, the Wang family will have a strong and solid ally.

"Handle it!"

When he heard the words of Sun Yifan, Wang Chen said.

“What new discoveries are there over there?”

Perceived the frown of Wang Chen, Sun Yifan looked awkward.

Judging from the performance of Wang Chen at this moment, it seems that this trip to the war is not so simple.

"The warrior, this beach water is deeper than we think. I am afraid, we are caught in a whirlpool!"

Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

During this trip to the war, Wang Chen discovered a lot and solved many mysteries.

However, it gave birth to a hint of jealousy.

As if, this piece of heaven and earth is a whirlpool.

A huge conspiracy is brewing.

Judging from the news from the warriors, there has always been an invisible hand that drives everything.

Originally, Wang Chen thought that he could get rid of his fate. However, at this time he discovered that he was still in control of the invisible hand.

This makes Wang Chen very uncomfortable. Let his heart be extremely heavy.

"what happened?"

Sun Yifan jumped in his heart and quickly asked: "Is there any problem with the warrior!"

"The problem is not the warrior. I am afraid... the inheritance of the true God, there is a problem!"

Wang Chen thoughtfully.

Yes, the warrior is no problem. At the very least, Wang Chen was able to determine this for the time being through his own observations.

However, he was surprised to discover that the inheritance of the true God is a huge problem.

This seems to... hides a huge secret.

"I will figure this out. The warrior also wants to figure it out."

Wang Chen sighed: "The highest battlefield, can give me the answer!"

This answer can only be found in the highest battlefield.

Perhaps, as the warriors say, what Wang Chen lacks is only the last remnant of the king. If you can find the remnant of the gods, blend together, and refine the remnant of the gods in your hands, and let all the souls and their souls perfectly blend together, you can find what you want. answer.

"Highest battlefield!"

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Sun Yifan took a deep breath.

What is the problem with the inheritance of the true God? This makes Sun Yifan really hard to imagine.

You must know that the inheritance of this true God is one of the greatest reliances of Wang Chen. If there is a problem in this area, the consequences can't be imagined!

To treat this matter, Sun Yifan had to be serious.

"Are you going to leave?"

Sun Yifan asked in a deep voice.

"Yes! It's time to leave!"

Wang Chen muttered, his eyes had some erratic.

The battle of the warriors turned out to make Wang Chen’s mood more and more heavy.

"After seven days, I will leave!"

Wang Chen added.

"Seven days? So urgent?"

Sun Yifan's face was dignified.

"The pressure of Heaven has grown bigger and bigger! Recently, I can clearly feel the call of the highest battlefield!"

Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

So anxious to leave, Wang Chen wants to uncover the happy answer as soon as possible, and wants to uncover all the secrets as soon as possible. This is one reason.

However, another reason is because the pressure of the heavens has forced him to choose to leave.

Otherwise, Wang Chen will become the second Lord, or the ancient ancestor of the Dragon Pavilion.

That pressure, Wang Chen can not resist.


"Where! Now things have come to a close, you will not have too much problem when you leave. On the battlefield side, you don't need to worry. With the participation of the tyrants, with the full support of Zhu Jia and Liu Jia, the holy mountain will not There is a problem. What's more, I believe that the Xingyue family is also on our side. The Bai family and the Xuanwu family will not be embarrassed with us. This day, it can't change!"

Sun Yifan indulged in a moment and said this time the power distribution with Wang Chen.


For Sun Yifan's narrative, Wang Chen seems calm.

All this is just expected.

For the battlefield, Wang Chen is not worried. There is Sun Yifan sitting in the town, Wang Chen does not need to worry about anything.

"So good! If this is the case, the battlefield will be handed over to you!"

Under the swaying lights, Wang Chen looked at Sun Yifan seriously.

What is the burden of the great Wang family handed over to Sun Yifan? Wang Chen is clear!

"Reassured! I have been prepared since I came to the Wang family. Over the years, I have seen the sky I have never imagined. Since I have already soared in this sky, I will not allow someone to break my wings!"

Sun Yifan’s eyes flashed in the cold.

"Who are you going to take with?"

In a tone of voice, Sun Yifan asked about it.

Wang Chen is leaving. However, Wang Chen is not likely to leave alone.

On the highest battlefield, that is a place full of danger. There, Wang Chen has no advantage at all.

He needs help.

Within the Wang family, Wang Chen intends to leave with whom?

This is what Sun Yifan cares about.

"For the time being, I don't plan to leave. I will leave directly with my eldest brother. There will be several ancestors with us on the battlefield to enter the high battlefield with us!"

Wang Chen said.

This is something that Wang Chen has already thought about.

With Wang Chen’s strength, stepping into the highest battlefield is still not sure. What about ordinary people?

Liu Xinyan can't leave, because Liu Xinyan wants to pursue something, Wang Chen is clear.

The strength of madman and others is still a little worse.

Only Wang Yan and Wang Chen are the best choices to leave.

At the very least, both of them have the ability to protect themselves.

At the very least, the two of them took the lead to enter the high battlefield and could rank the highest battlefield.

"Just you and your brother?"

Wang Chen’s answer is obviously to make Sun Yifan strange.

He locked his brows and his face became more and more dignified.

"No, don't forget, the ancestors of the warriors are not ordinary people!"

Wang Chen squinted at the ancestors who thought of the warriors.

"What's more, I am afraid that only those who have left me will only be these people! Four families, four holy places, even the devils and the orcs, some people should leave!"

Wang Chen said thoughtfully.

The situation on the battlefield has stabilized.

For many strong people, they have not pursued their stay on the battlefield.

These people are left behind, or to help their homeowners and sects to win the most benefits. Or, those who stay, are in pursuit of the king of the king.

Now, the battlefield situation is stable, and those who want to fight for the interests of the strong, the fight for, have won. Unable to fight, they left, it is useless! As the Wang family stabilized the situation, the discerning eye can see that at least for a few decades or even a hundred years, this situation cannot be changed. In this case, what is the use of these people? They will enter the high battlefield!

And those who want to pursue the Word of God? They are either qualified to step onto this avenue.

Or they have been impossible to get in this battlefield.

They must also enter the high battlefield.

Therefore, Wang Chen is very clear that in any case, it is impossible to leave him alone.

The situation on the battlefield will be a truly new era after they leave.

"Also! This time, I am afraid that many people will leave!"

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Sun Yifan nodded in agreement.

"Do you need to communicate with them?"

Sun Yifan indulged in a moment and asked Wang Chen.

Since it is not just that Wang Chen has left, then Wang Chen needs to contact these people. This is also the concern of Sun Yifan.

"Alright! I will handle this in these few days!"

Wang Chen had already thought about everything and said it directly.

After talking with Sun Yifan again, Wang Chen left Sun Yifan's study.

Few people know that on the day when Wang Chen returned, in this study, Wang Chen and Sun Yifan have already set the tone for the future development of the Wang family.

No one will believe that Wang Chen and Sun Yifan have been laid out a hundred years later. Their conversation has laid the solid foundation for the Wang family!

"Is it gone? I didn't expect it, so fast!"

Until Wang Chen left the study and disappeared into the line of sight, Sun Yifan sighed and muttered to himself.

There was a complicated look on his face.

The difference between Tian Xuan and the mainland is vivid.

The item is left behind.

The distinction between the highest battlefields is now in sight.

And this time, the people left will be themselves.

This is the way they are going.

"Tian Xuan mainland, the battlefield! It is already under our control, and it will be our back garden in the future. The highest battlefield... The owner, I look forward to the day you are in the world!"

After a moment of silence, Sun Yifan flashed a mad look in his eyes.

Isn't this their pursuit?

Things that I couldn’t imagine before, now they are doing it step by step, and it’s a step closer to success!

The king is in the world, commanding the Three Realms!

The highest battlefield, battlefield, Tianxuan mainland, if one day, Wang Chen can open up the three boundaries, their Wang family, is really the peak.

On that day, Wang Chen will truly replace the true God.

Sun Yifan believes that that day will come. And, soon!

"I will lay a solid sacrifice for you!"

With an endless hunger, Sun Yifan’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, muttering.

As if for a moment, his body is full of strength: "I will not allow anyone to destroy our plans. I will not allow us to move forward, there are any roadblocks! All that will be regarded as an enemy by me. I will ruthlessly eradicate! No matter who he is!"

Then, Sun Yifan’s eyes became cold.

Wang Chen opened up the world, he guarded the mountain river for Wang Chen. Why not? This is the glory of Sun Yifan!


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