Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 276: Return of fantasy dance (on)

When the figure appeared in the eyes of everyone, the South China Sea, the dancers, and the snow, were shocked.

In any case, they can’t think of who they are.

This is a person who can make the South Sea Sayādaw and the dancing snow clear.

"Red! What do you mean by this!"

When the figure entered the scene, looking at this figure, the South Sea Sayādaw looked gloomy and gloomy.


Yes, the person who is coming at this moment is not who is red and who is it?

Once upon a time, the red, the South China Sea, the dance, the snow, these three people are the best sisters.

They follow the true God together and travel all over the world together. They are brothers and sisters, they do not divide each other.

However, because of the eternal battles of thousands of years ago, the three people parted ways.

On that day, the South China Sea Sovereign is still fresh in memory.

On that day, War Wangu is hitting the level of true God.

Before that, the dance of the snow, the South Sea Sayādaw and the Red Mei have gone through a series of things and gained the trust of the war.

More importantly, this war has affected the true God this time, no one knows.

That is the breakthrough between epiphany!

At that time, the dance of Qing Xue and the South Sea Sayādaw had already planned to use the war to resurrect the true God.

As long as they are smashing the key to breaking through the real God, they will be hit hard and brought to the land of the bones, and their plans will be successful.

However, at the most critical time, the red hair has changed.

She actually shot to help the war, and helped the war to withstand the killing of the South Sea Supreme.

At that moment, it was also doomed to the failure of the plan of Nanhai Zun and others.

But how powerful has the war been? If a single blow fails, it is impossible to leave the opportunity for the South Sea Supreme and others!

In fact, it is also true!

Even the dance snow has hesitated.

That day, they failed.

Not only has the war been slain, but under the cover of the redness, under the hesitation of dancing snow, he successfully entered the level of the true God.

On that day, the war has seen everything.

After entering the level of true God, the South Sea Supreme, in the eyes of the war, is only an ant.

Fortunately, the war did not open the door. Instead, I saw the South Sea Sayādaw and the dancing snow on the face of the red.

However, the failure of that time was fatal. Even the South Sea Sayādaw and the dance snow are desperate.

Fortunately, in the near future, they received news that the war has entered the land of the bones, and it has disappeared since then!

The redness is also gone.

This made the South Sea Sayādaw and others see hope.

Otherwise, in desperation, I am afraid that only the South Sea Supreme will only die of death.

After getting this news, the South Sea Sayādaw and the dance snow adventure entered the core of the dead bones. They got the news of the war.

Unfortunately, the true God has not resurrected. Because the strength of the war is beyond the expectations of the true God.

This allows the South Sea Sayādaw and the dance to clear the snow can only wait, waiting for the next opportunity to come!

This is the time of thousands of years.

How many gods are waiting for this?

However, no one can walk to a sufficient height!

There is a battle in the sky. However, Warfare is wary of them!

Until the arrival of Wang Chen, this made the South Sea Sayādaw and others wait for hope again.

And red? After the fall of the war, it was disappeared, and once again, the trace of Chi Mei was discovered. It was a matter of thousands of years. The South Sea Sayādaw and the dance Qingxue saw the redness in the ancient times. In the Middle Ages, I also saw the redness.

Unfortunately, the crack between them has already appeared and is irreparable.

Under the cause of many reasons, the two sides are in the same way!

Until Wang Chen reached a sufficient height to let the South Sea Sayādaw and the dance snow see hope, within the battlefield, the dance snow and the South Sea Supreme hope to save the red. I hope that Chi Mei can help them and make up for it!

But Chi Mei refused.

The red hair left, the South Sea Supreme can not stop.

The strength of the red is not inferior to them! As long as Chi Mei does not participate in this matter, how is it?

However, the South Sea Supreme will never think of it anymore, and Chi Mei appears at this moment.

Will appear here.

She stared at the red and her eyes, and her eyes were cold.

"Oh... snow, eve, we met again!"

In the face of the questioning of the South Sea Sayādaw, Chi Mei does not care, still enchanting, still bright and moving.

She smiled and smiled, and her eyes seemed to be able to scream, and she greeted the dance and Xue Xiyue.

Is this another time after three years of reunion?

"Hey! I don't want to see you!"

Nanhai Zun, known as Lin Xiyue, said with a expressionless expression.

Lin Xiyue!

Yes, this is the real name of the South Sea Sayādaw.

"You want to help the Xingyue family? Help Wang Chen?"

Taking a deep breath, the South China Sea Sayādaw asked with no expression.

If it is a man? The South China Sea is not afraid! Today, he can't change the situation.

However, with a red-faced word, it is troublesome.

The strength of the redness is not inferior to oneself.

He is coming, enough to contain himself.

At that time... there will be a lot of trouble.

"Help Wang Chen? Maybe! I just want to do what I should do."

In the face of the cold words of the South Sea Supreme, but the red is not responding, she just looked at the distance, silent struggle, Wang Chen, who was extremely painful, glanced at the endless memories and concerns, muttered.

There seems to be some erratic thoughts, and it seems to be thinking about something.

At the beginning of the regret, Chi Mei had to make up.

The South Sea Sayādaw and the dance snow have been waiting for today. She is red, why not wait for this day in the dark?

Just, others don't know.

"It seems that we are going to be enemies?"

When I heard the words of Chi Mei, the South Sea Sayādaw was even more angry and laughed.

"Enemy? Maybe! This plan, I won't let it succeed!"

Red and firm said.

"Red! You are crazy! Have you forgotten? Forget how your life came in? Forget how to follow the true God. You forgot who gave you everything?"

The South China Sea Sacred Man is crazy about the general roaring.

She is still trying to save her.

"I haven't forgotten. I really haven't forgotten! So, I was willing to give everything, even life! But he fell, you know. He fell! Although he fell, but we are still working hard, aren't we?" How many years have we been working hard? We have lost ourselves! Until I saw the war, I found myself back! I know, the times have changed. The times have changed. We, maybe really wrong? I only I want to live the life I want to live! Some things, it’s over, shouldn’t come back, isn’t it? Xiyue, you are too persistent!”

Red and bitter smile.

When she said that she had a complicated look on her face, she said that the war was soaring, and the red-eyed eyes were obviously brightened, and there was a lot of glory. Perhaps this is the redness of life!

That is the real she!

It is a pity that the war has fallen. The feeling of redness has become somewhat suppressed.

She looked at Lin Xiyue and persuaded her.

The redness of this moment seems to converge on the past style, converges on the charm of the past, becomes calm, and becomes dignified. At this moment, she is more eye-catching than anyone!

This is the first of the three people!

"I am crazy? I don't! I don't have the wind! I am persistent, because I remember kindness, I remember him! And you? Why are you giving up? Because of war, you shouldn't have feelings with him! I advised you. Our existence is only because of the real God!"

In the face of the persuasion of the red, the South Sea Sayādaw shouted loudly.

"No! Our existence is because of ourselves! We can't forget the kindness, but we can't violate our will! You are so over, really happy? Maybe you are affectionate to the true God. I know that Qingxue knows But, what about us? We have not turned away from the true God! Did the snow really want this kind of life? Qingxue, you said!"

I ignored the crazy South Sea Supreme, took a deep breath, and looked at the snow.


In the face of the red-eyed eyes, the eyes of the dancing snow flickered, but they avoided the eyes of the red.

She did not answer. However, such silence is enough to illustrate a lot.

"Clear snow, are you crazy too? Don't forget you..."

The performance of dancing snow, let the red hair have some crazy. She shouted loudly at the dance.

"I know! I know what I should do!"

The dance snow whispered.

This is what makes Nanhai Zunzi feel relieved.

"Red Mei! You are going to talk nonsense. Today, no one can save Wang Chen! Today, you can't think about it! You two? Not enough to help him!"

The South Sea Sayādaw gnawed his teeth and shouted.

Tear the face, there is no last trace of scruples.

Under such circumstances, the South Sea Supreme is no longer left with love!

"They may have some difficulties with them. But there are us!"

It’s just a pity that today seems to be destined to be the day when the South Sea Sayādaw failed.

When the South Sea Supreme Master made up his mind to destroy the red and the moon, a cold snoring came.

Among the voids in the distance, there was another noise.

The two figures swiftly rushed in this direction. In the twinkling of an eye, it appears in the eyes of everyone!

These two figures are a man and a woman.

Especially the woman, the temperament dust, the shape is elegant, it seems that this person is not in this world!


These two figures appeared on the field. Under this time, the South Sea Supreme was pale.

Especially the woman who looked at the head, the South Sea Sayādaw’s eyes flashed endless taboos!

She seems to be in fear, seems to be hesitating, seems to be struggling!

How did this woman appear?

Why is she coming?

She is to help Wang Chen?

How can it be!

The South Sea Sayādaw finally felt that the situation was out of control.

The current situation has completely lost control, and it has completely exceeded the scope of the South Sea Sayādaw.

Especially the appearance of this woman, this makes the South Sea Sayādaw no longer laugh, let her seem to fall into the boundless abyss!


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