Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 184: Inflammation returns

Chapter 97o is coming...

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, the whole holy pool shook violently. Tbsp;

The energy is crazy, and the holy pool suddenly becomes violent.

The energy is going to the body of Wang Chen with a degree that is not more than a few times before.

And Wang Chen’s body, like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbs this energy.

"Sister of Xiner..."

Standing on the edge of the holy pool, waiting for a long time, suddenly saw this scene, Bai Ling suddenly nervous, looking towards Liu Xinyan.

Liu Xinyan, at this moment, the brow is locked, revealing a trace of worry, his eyes staring at the holy pool, for fear that Wang Chen will have a minute pool here.

The sudden change made her bite her lips and worried. what's the problem? Early on, there will suddenly be such a change. What happened to Chen Ge’s body?

Liu Xinyan does not know, Bai Ling certainly does not know.

"Chen will be fine!"

When I heard Bai Ling’s worried voice, Liu Xinyan said, Shen Sheng said.

The eyes are staring at Wang Chen, and I dare not have the slightest shift.

Wang Chen’s side, at this moment, there are nine violent energy vortices, and these energy vortexes are swiftly moving toward Wang Chen’s body!

A purple ray of light emerged from Wang Chen’s body and vacated.

This energy, at this moment, seems overbearing and full of the majesty of the king.


In the worries of Liu Xinyan and Bai Ling, suddenly a roar rushed into the sky and shook the sky.

After this angry roar, the purple light is even more, directly covering the entire space!

"What happened?" Hearing the sudden roar of the monster, Bai Ling’s face changed even more, and asked Liu Xinyan eagerly.

"Is it?!" and Liu Xinyan has a slight change in his face. The next moment, the incredible exclamation.

It is it! That's right, it must be it! This roar made Liu Xinyan think of something.

Yinyue! The roar of Yanyue, between vaguely, Liu Xinyan thought of the Yanyue around Wang Chen.

Yes! This time, I didn't see Yanyue! That is the demon of Chen Ge, the demon of the brother of Chen, how could not be around Chen Ge. However, where is it hidden, why is this moment...

Think of this, Liu Xinyan frowned slightly, and there was a bit of doubt, showing a trace of worry.


When Liu Xinyan was surprised, the screams came from one after another, shaking the world.

The sound of roaring is not so powerful!

The purple light continues to spread, with Wang Chen as the center, all over the place. In the twinkling of an eye, Wang Chen, who is shrouded in it, is even hard to see.

The holy pool is rolling, the energy is surging, and the madness is boundless.

"Chen, I am coming back, hahaha, I am coming back!"

In the mind of Wang Chen, there was a burst of cheers coming from now.

Yes, it’s cheers! Yanyue, Yanyue is coming back.

When I heard the excited voice of Yanyue, Wang Chen’s heart jumped and was even more excited.

Yinyue, it really is it, it is coming back, I don’t know much earlier than Wang Chen expected.

It took seven or forty-nine days, but now it took less than seven days, and the month of inflammation will return.

In the three days, after staying in the holy pool for three days, Wang Chen absorbed the energy to the saturation point. He not only broke through the level of the fourth-order martial arts, but also broke through to the fifth-order martial arts. The level of strength, all the way to the level of the sixth-order martial arts. At this point, Wang Chen has reached the limit.

Of course, during these three days, he not only gained two levels of strength, he gained more of the remaining benefits.

The improvement of the power of the blood, the strengthening of the body, the purity of the true power, the power of the gods... All of this is the benefit that the holy pool brings to Wang Chen.

So, the benefits that Shengchi brings to Wang Chen are unimaginable. Such a benefit, in the future, he will certainly be able to clearly feel, and, inexhaustible.

And at the moment after three days, when Wang Chen reached a critical point in his body and could not hold on, he suddenly heard the sound of Yanyue, letting Wang Chen help it absorb the energy of the holy pool. , cast the body. Then, the scene of the present appeared.

Now, Wang Chen introduces the endless energy of the holy pool into the body, and then is quickly absorbed by the inflammatory moon, condensing the body.

Under this endless energy, Wang Chen can clearly feel the presence of Yanyue constantly strengthening, and his breath is constantly strengthening.

The excitement of Yanyue came from Wang Chen’s heart, which made Wang Chen very excited.

Yinyue, it’s finally coming back. At this moment, how excited is Wang Chen’s heart?

When I heard the excitement of Yanyue, Wang Chen was crazy to introduce energy into the body to help Yan Yue Wang Chen's last casting!


In the holy pool, the liquid rolls over, and the unparalleled, it makes people look shocking.

With the constant use of energy, the next moment of purple light covering the core of the secret, gradually transform into a purple monster! Like a tiger like a lion, it is unparalleled.


This illusion is roaring and shocking.

"This is..."

Seeing the illusion of this monster, Bai Ling’s eyes widened and exclaimed! At this moment, she still doesn't know what happened. What exactly is going on? Why is there a change now?

And Liu Xinyan is frowning, yes, it’s Yanyue. Although it changes a lot, it’s definitely an inflammation month.

Where is it, what is it doing now?

Liu Xinyan is full of doubts.

Wang Chen, who was wrapped in purple light in the center of the holy pool, Liu Xinyan took a deep breath and could only wait quietly!

"Chen Ge, what are you doing?" Liu Xinyan muttered in his heart.

The passage of time, Liu Xinyan and Bai Ling looked nervously at the situation inside the holy pool.

And within the holy pool, Wang Chen is suffering from the energy of terror. I don't know how long it took, the voice of Yanyue came again: "Chen, I have enough energy, hahaha, enough, I am coming out!"

With the help of the holy pool, Yanyue soon had enough energy to say excitedly to Wang Chen.

When you heard the moon, Wang Chen jumped his heart and knew that the most crucial moment came.


The next moment, just listen to Wang Chen and drink lightly. Then, his whole body jumped and jumped out of the holy pool.

At this moment, Wang Chen finally left the holy pool.

And at the beginning of the month, Wang Chen of the holy pool, the body did not fall to the ground, but the eyes closed tightly, quietly suspended in midair and very different.

The purple light is pervasive, wrapping Wang Chen in the middle.


Under a roar, the purple light around Wang Chen’s body gradually condensed into the body of a monster, and it was extremely powerful.


The snoring came in succession, and the ears of Liu Xinyan and Bai Ling were very painful. The two women quickly quit two steps toward the rear, revealing a dignified look.

The purple phantom floating in Wang Chen’s hand gradually solidified, and after the group, it seemed to be a substantial existence.

In the sound of giant cymbals, an invisible breath is filled with openness, so true.

"Worms, really a monster!"

As the figure condensed, Bai Ling’s heart was shocked.

He actually condensed the monster from the body, what is going on? What a shock is Bai Ling at the moment.

Finally, after the purple body behind Wang Chen condensed, the purple light disappeared and converges.

Wang Chen gradually returned to the ground.

At this moment, there is a real scary beast behind Wang Chen.

Not high, about a meter long, about two or three meters in length! It’s purple, like a tiger like a lion, it’s fierce!

The more important thing is the body of this monster, like a purple crystal, not like flesh and blood.

Besides the body of the monster, covered with purple crystals, it is covered with a mighty armor!

Yes, it’s the armor, and it’s blended with the body of the monster. It’s natural.

The purple light is flashing, so good!

This monster is actually... Condensed armor, what is going on here?

This is what makes Bai Ling deeply shocked. What is the representative of the beast? It seems that Bai Ling thought of something incredible, widened his eyes...

And Liu Xinyan, is looking at this monster, thoughtfully nodded, complex expression, as if thinking of something in general, a little more vigilance.


The enchanted monster is roaring!

This life is full of the spirit of the king, proclaiming the return of the king.

After the activity, the monster, gradually quieted down, and the arrogant atmosphere gradually converges.

The next moment, within the secret world, fell into silence! It seems that everything has never been born.

Quiet, quiet at this moment, it seems so awkward.

Wang Chen, is standing in front of the monster, quietly watching the monster, there is a mysterious look in the eyes, the body is slightly shaking!

The gradual, his mouth, revealing a smile, constantly zooming in.

And the beast, this moment, is also a deep look at Wang Chen, the body is also slightly trembling, wheezing, with a hint of excitement. In the eyes, the purple light shone.

"Chen... I am back!"

After a moment, the beast finally said.

The mouth spit people's words, this is the ability of the seventh-order monsters, which means that this monster is at least stepped into the ranks of the seventh-order monsters.

The voice fell, and the beast slowly came to Wang Chen's side, grinding the body of Wang Chen, revealing a touch of kindness.

In a word, it is very simple. At this moment, it is to make Wang Chen’s body shake, and his heart is over the sea. He is so excited that he can’t speak.

"Yinyue, you are back!"

After a long time, Wang Chen’s body trembled a little, and then took a deep breath and said.

The voice fell, leaned over, and gently stroked the body of the monster: "You, finally come back!"

When I touched the flaming moon in front of me, I felt the real feeling. Wang Chen was shaking and excited.

Yinyue, this moment is finally returned, the king of the beast, this moment, finally announced his return.

After leaving Wang Chen for a year, Yan Yue appeared again in front of Wang Chen. Can this make Wang Chen not excited?

[In the serial, please pay attention...]



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