Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 1223 mistakes, past events

Chapter 1223 Who do you think I am?

Although Wu Yun was extremely puzzled by the man's straightforward answer.

But it didn't look bad for a while.

After all, in his opinion, if the other party wanted to hurt him, they would have done it long ago.

Perhaps he promised so readily at the moment, it should be a plot.

But since it is to demand from the other party, there is nothing too much to care about.

At least, the current situation is much better than Wu Yun's forcible intrusion into the Southern Border Clan.

Even then thank you.

However, at the moment when Wu Yun relaxed his vigilance.

Suddenly, I felt a pain in the center of my eyebrows.

It was as if something had penetrated into the body.

As soon as Wu Yun reacted, he felt a piercing pain that started from between his eyebrows and hit his entire body.

It seemed as if something was rapidly creeping through the meridians in his body.

"Oops, is it a Gu worm?"

Wu Yun panicked and whispered to himself, "Although I relaxed my vigilance just now, this guy can let the Gu worm directly penetrate my inextinguishable body. It seems that his Gu worm technique is really far away. Above the Saintess of the Southern Border."

Immediately, Wu Yun did not dare to slack off.

Hurry up to use the Supreme Martial God Art to suppress.

At the same time, the Holy Green Spirit Fire also rushed towards the squirming thing.

Under the double suppression of the Supreme Martial God Art and the Holy Green Spirit Fire, the thing that was wriggling in his meridians seemed to slowly stop moving.

Gradually, the pain gradually disappeared.

After everything subsided, Wu Yun raised his head and asked, "What do you mean? Why did you attack me?"

"Hehe, Wu Yun, look who I am!"

I saw the man slowly lift the black cloth on his face.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Yun almost vomited.

Even, subconsciously took a few steps back.

It was terrible, he had never seen such a horrific scene.

It's not a person's head at all.

No, or rather, this is not the head a normal person should have at all.

His facial features are still there, and so is his head.

But the whole thing looks like it was put together.

His entire head seemed to be forcibly sewed up after being shattered.

It's really disgusting.

But what really made Wu Yun unacceptable was not his broken and sewed head.

It's the thing in his head.

The man's celestial cover is empty.

An arm-thick, maggot-like creature was wriggling in his head.

In other words, the man's brain is empty, and this maggot-like creature replaces his brain and controls his behavior.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Yun was stunned for a moment.

However, he soon recalled this face.

He remembered who this man was.

No wonder he was so familiar with the Southern Continent and the Beast Control Sect.

No wonder when he heard the word Wu Yun before, his body trembled violently.

This person is none other than the young master of the Beast Control Sect.

Jade rides the wind.

And his head was smashed by Wu Yun himself.

"you are still alive!"

Wu Yun asked in a deep voice.

"Alive, I naturally live."

"Back then, you killed my wife and smashed my head in the village of Miaojiang, but who knew that the sky would not kill me, I was rescued by an expert from the southern border, who resurrected me with the technique of Gu insects, and he gave me I have a new life, and it has taught me a new way of cultivation."

"Wu Yun, I have imagined countless times in my dreams that when you appear in front of me, you will be smashed to pieces by me, but in the past few years, due to constraints, I cannot leave the southern border. It's miraculous to see you here!"

Yu Chengfeng's voice was sharp and he gritted his teeth.

"Since you recognized me a long time ago, why didn't you do it in the first place? With your cultivation and your Gu insect technique, this place is your home again, and you should be sure to kill me."

Wu Yun tried his best not to look at Yu Chengfeng's head, it was too disgusting.

He wanted to know why Yu Chengfeng didn't do it before.

"Hmph, of course I recognized you long ago, even if your face turned to ashes, I still remember that I really wanted to kill you directly, but I suddenly changed my mind again, I'm going to use the Gu worm technique. Control you, I want you to stay by my side forever, be my dog, and follow my orders."

Yu Chengfeng sneered.

"If you want to kill me, I won't refute it, but if you want to control me, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

Wu Yun said lightly.

"Difficult? Oh, if I'm not sure, why would I tell you so much?"

Yu Chengfeng said coldly, "Wu Yun, I know you have many unpredictable abilities, but you can only use them when you are prepared."

"In order to let you relax your vigilance, I have talked so much nonsense with you, but at this moment I have successfully planted the incarnation of my life Gu in your body, do you think I have the confidence to control you?"

"Yu Chengfeng, you are still too conceited. It's not that you have never fought against me. Don't you know that there is a holy fire in my body?"

Wu Yun took a slight step back and placed his finger on the storage ring to prevent Yu Chengfeng from making another sudden attack.

This Gu insect technique was unpredictable, and he had to be highly vigilant.

"Holy fire? Oh, yes, your holy fire can burn out most of the Gu worms, but that is my life Gu worm, and it's just an incarnation. Do you think your holy fire can make a difference?"

Yu Chengfeng sneered and said, "Do you think that your holy fire just burned out my life Gu incarnation? Do you think it no longer exists? Oh, everything is under my control."

Suddenly, Wu Yun's face changed suddenly.

Indeed, he thought that the Gu worm that had entered his body had been destroyed by his holy fire.

However, the pain that had disappeared suddenly came back like a tidal wave.

And, this time, the pain came straight up.

That thing was moving towards his mind quickly.

Wu Yun instinctively drives the Supreme Martial God Art and Shengqing Linghuo to suppress it.

However, he suddenly discovered that his body was no longer under his control.

Not even able to speak.

The Supreme Martial God Art is no longer under his control.

He wanted to take back control of his body, but found it impossible.

Suddenly, Yu Chengfeng's voice came from his ear.

"come over!"

Wu Yun did hear it, and he resisted it with all his might.

However, his body involuntarily walked towards Yu Chengfeng.

"Oops, my body is controlled by his life Gu!"

At this moment, Wu Yun really panicked.

But what reassured Wu Yun was that he was still able to maintain a clear mind.

This should not even Yu Chengfeng know.

And this is probably the only way Wu Yun can survive in this situation.

But he has to move fast.

He must think of a way to solve the dilemma as soon as possible.

Now that his body is out of control, if Yu Chengfeng wants to do anything to him later, he can't resist at all.

Even if Yu Chengfeng dug out his heart, he could only watch helplessly.

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