Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 130: Spiritual Beast Controlling, Artifact Refining

Chapter 130 Divine Soul Controlling Beast Technique, Item Refining

At the entrance of the cave, Wu Yun stood still. Although the cave was not big, it was not small.

Irregular semicircle with a radius of five or six meters. Although this cave is at the bottom of the river, the river cannot flow into it.

This cave seems to be restricted by some people, blocking these rivers.

Wu Yun tried to touch it with his hands, but found that the human body was not in the way.

Stepping into the cave, it was very dry inside, and the soaked clothes on the body were steamed dry with aura.

Looking around, the inside of this cave is not too big, it seems to be formed naturally. There is a stone table, stone bench and stone bed in the cave, but it seems a little old.

Someone lived here a long time ago, I don't know if it was the ancestor of the Beast Control Sect.

The cave seemed to be ordinary, but when Wu Yun opened the Dongyou Demon Eye, two lavender rays of light shot out from Wu Yun's eyes.

Soon, the layout and size of the cave became clear at a glance.

Under the stone bed, Wu Yun found a brocade jade box.

Wu Yun approached the stone bed and took out the jade box. Two jade slips came into view.

Picking up the first jade slip, Wu Yun was stunned. This was actually the unique secret technique of the Beast Control Sect, the Beast Control Technique.

After flipping through it, I found that this beast-controlling technique is wonderful and infinite. There are two types of beast-controlling techniques, one is the soul-controlling beast, and the other is the sound-controlling technique.

Soul control of beasts requires the person who controls the beasts to cultivate a very powerful spiritual power. Most of the beasts cannot speak, so the communication between them mostly relies on spiritual power. Cultivation to more than Warcraft.

To the extent that one can cultivate the soul, one can control any realm of beasts.

The sound control technique is to play some specific music through some characteristic instruments, so as to control the Warcraft.

Of these two beast control techniques, the sound control technique is relatively much simpler, so the beasts that can be controlled by the sound control technique are mostly those of the martial arts realm. The technique can control the sea monsters, but that is the limit.

Different from Divine Soul Controlling Beasts, Divine Soul Controlling Beasts theoretically, as long as the spiritual power is cultivated to be strong enough, even Tianwu, Tianzun realm, and even higher cultivation level of Warcraft can also be controlled.

Moreover, at the end of the jade slip, the ancestor of the beast-controlling sect clearly forbids the descendants of the beast-controlling sect to practice the sound-controlling technique, which will bring harm to the world.

Wu Yun smiled and said to himself, "It's a pity that your descendants didn't take your words to heart."

Comparing this sound-controlling technique with the soul-controlling beast-controlling technique, it can only be regarded as one of the sorcerers that have gone the wrong way, with too many loopholes.

Isn't that what Yu Chengfeng used is the sound control technique? At this point, Wu Yun couldn't help thinking, "Even the young sect master of the animal control sect is using the sound control technique to control the magical beasts, and this spirit beast control technique has probably been lost in the beast control sect. Bar."

Wu Yun looked around and found out that this divine soul beast-controlling technique was too difficult to cultivate and had extremely high demands on the human body itself, but Wu Yun noticed one thing.

This so-called divine soul seems to have the same effect as his own martial arts shadow.

Thinking of this, Wu Yun might as well give it a try.

Immediately, he sat down with his knees crossed, and began to let go according to the introduction of the divine soul animal control technique and began to try to exercise.

The qi is scattered in the body, the spirit is concentrated in the heart, the soul is condensed in the brain, and the air is spirited...

Repeating the formula over and over again, Wu Yun only felt a clearer and clearer picture emerge in his mind, as if all his consciousness had converged on one point.

Wu Yun suddenly opened his eyes, his body didn't move, his spiritual energy didn't move, and a small gravel two meters away in front of him actually floated out of thin air.

"Is this spiritual power?"

At the same time, Wu Yun's originally nihilistic spiritual power began to gradually turn into a weak figure behind him.

"Mental power can be substantiated? Could it be that this is the so-called soul? But it's too weak, as if it will drift away at any time."

Wu Yun was a little dissatisfied with the weak figure behind him.

But at this moment, if there is a beast-controlling sect person by his side, I am afraid that even his eyes will fall out.

Substantial spiritual power, this is at least equivalent to a magical beast in the spirit martial realm, how many geniuses of the beast-controlling sect have spent their entire lives unable to condense even a single strand of spiritual power.

And Wu Yun actually condensed substantial spiritual power for the first time. Although it was weak, it was enough to sweep the existence of the entire thousand-year-old Beast Control Sect.

At this moment, Wu Yun suddenly had a whim, what would happen if he merged his martial spirit with this weak figure?

Thinking of this, I saw Wu Yun's thoughts move, and the shadow of the martial soul behind him instantly appeared.

This is a huge and clearly visible figure, poised and poised, with extraordinary aura, giving people a feeling of looking down on the world.

That is, the moment when the shadow of the god of war appeared, I saw that the weak figure that was originally condensed by Wu Yun's spiritual power immediately rushed over.

Soon, the two merged.

Wu Yun took back his martial soul and tried to use his mental power. As expected, his mental power was his martial soul at this moment, and his martial soul was his mental power.

In other words, in today's Wu Yun, his spiritual power is linked to his martial soul, which is equivalent to his cultivation. No matter what level Wu Yun cultivates, his spiritual power will also improve.

Today's Wu Yun, controlling a monster with the second level of true martial arts, is no problem, and even a stronger monster might not have any problem.

If the news of controlling the real martial arts beasts spreads, I am afraid that the entire beast-controlling sect will be shaken.

Now I am afraid that the only one who can control the real martial arts beast is the suzerain of the beast-controlling sect.

After comprehending this soul-controlling beast technique, Wu Yun directly sneered at the sound-controlling technique. Only those who couldn't cultivate spiritual power and souls would choose this kind of sound-controlling technique, which is close to sorcery.

After putting away the jade slip of animal control, Wu Yun opened the second jade slip.

Stunned again.

It's actually a long-lost artifact refining chapter in the Wilderness Continent.

Refining, this is a profound knowledge, and now there are not many people in the entire wild continent, and I am afraid that these refining masters are not very high, and they are all hidden in the top forces on those continents.

If Wu Yun can fully comprehend this artifact refining chapter and refine spiritual items, or even higher-grade weapons and armor, I am afraid it will be another news that shakes the world.

After putting these two things away, Wu Yun used Dongyou Demon Eye to take a closer look inside the cave, and there was nothing worth buying.

Exit the cave and continue down the riverbed.

I searched along the riverbed for several hours, but never found anything good.

Roughly calculating the distance, this place is probably several kilometers away from where Yuwenlie and the others were. There should be no danger if they go out from here.

On the river bank, Yu Wenlie and others went all the way down the river. There was no road ahead, and a bottomless waterfall in front of them blocked their way.

Li Jianwu said: "Senior brother, we are waiting here, no matter what, he must be dead."

He understands the danger in this river better than the few people present, so he has a bottom line.

In the river, Wu Yun searched forward for a while, looked up, stopped abruptly, and stopped moving forward, only to see a bottomless waterfall in front of the river cutting off the river, bottomless, as if leading to the river. The abyss deep in the heart of the earth is terrifying like hell.

If it falls, I am afraid that the Daluo Immortal will surely die.

Looking up at the water, he jumped and flew towards the shore.

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