Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 820 People die for wealth, can't let it go

Chapter 820 Darkness, blackmail

This year's round-robin competition was originally their stage, but they didn't expect Wu Yun to appear halfway through.

Steal all the limelight.

But the anger in my heart can only be endured.

Don't dare to do anything too outrageous, after all, the majesty of Tianlong Academy is still there!

If they want to save face, they can do it.

Only by defeating Wu Yun in the battle arena will get all the limelight back.

They originally regarded each other as the worst enemy.

But now, Wu Yun is regarded as their common enemy.

The four-star arena is over.

Starting tomorrow, it will be the last arena of this round-robin arena.

It will also compete for the first place in the overall list from the next five-star arena.

In the eyes of everyone, Wu Yun left the battlefield and returned to his residence.

Yuchibao's mood, he didn't know how to express it.

Everything seemed like a dream, although he saw Wu Yun's potential when he was in the Fire Dragon Sect.

But how could he have imagined that Wu Yun was able to do this.

Before, he said that the Fire Dragon Sect had dug up a treasure.

Now, he has changed his mouth, what the Fire Dragon Sect dug is not a treasure, but a god.

In just a few days, Wu Yun has helped him to accumulate 410 points from the Fire Dragon Sect.

And his Fire Dragon Sect has also directly become a four-star low-level training force.

Although these points are not particularly stable, if there is no decent genius in the Fire Dragon Sect for a long time to come.

These points will be gradually reduced manually.

But at least now, under the leadership of Wu Yun, the Fire Dragon Sect is brilliant.

unprecedented brilliance.

And will be even more brilliant!

Yu Chi Bao's gratitude to Wu Yun has reached an incomparable level.

He didn't even know how to thank Wu Yun, so he asked Wu Yun if he wanted his life, and he was willing to give his life to thank Wu Yun.

This also frightened Wu Yun, the old man was afraid that he was going crazy.

While Wu Yun and Yu Chi Bao were talking.

In the other room, Lin Zihan was also very happy.

Because it is getting closer and closer to Wu Yun's number one overall ranking.

If Wu Yun can really win the first place in the overall ranking, she can then enter the Tianlong Academy with Wu Yun to practice.

Now that it's actually not that important for where to cultivate.

She just wanted to be with Wu Yun. Her young and young girl's heart was completely convinced by Wu Yun's invincible aura.

She walked out of the room and was about to cross the corridor in the inn to find Wu Yun.

But all of a sudden it was dark in front of him.

In Wu Yun's room, it took a lot of effort to make Yuchi Bao calm down.

After Yu Chi Bao left, Wu Yun was the only one left in the room.

Wu Yun looked out the door, a little surprised.

On weekdays, at this time, Lin Zihan should come to him.

Why didn't you come today?

But it's alright if he didn't come, Wu Yun was afraid that this little girl would stick to him and kiss him a few times.

Although this feeling is very cool, but always feel that it is not appropriate to do so.

Shake your head and smile!

Just as Wu Yun was about to take out the reward he got from the four-star arena and let the Devouring Martial Soul refine it.

There was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the window.

Immediately after, a piece of jade slip was wrapped in aura, shot from the window, and attacked Wu Yun.


Wu Yun flew up, dodged Yu Jian's attack, and grabbed it with one hand.

Quickly looking out the window, I saw two black shadows rapidly moving away into the distance.

Wu Yun frowned, "Could it be that it was sent by Li Zicheng?"

After opening the jade slip, Wu Yun's expression suddenly changed.

The first time he rushed to Lin Zihan's room to take a look, and then immediately followed the breath, chasing the two shadows at the fastest speed, and dodged away.

On the jade slip, it was written that come quickly to the peach forest on the north side of Fengyun Town, if you dare to tell anyone, this little girl will die.

These two were Li Qing and Du Fei who were ordered by Li Zicheng to kill Wu Yun.

They had been lurking in the inn where Wu Yun lived for six days.

Because Long Xiao has been sending people to protect him secretly, he has not found a chance to do it for a long time.

As the days got closer and closer, there was only the last day left before the eight-day deadline given by Li Zicheng.

This time, in order to protect themselves, the two of them are desperate, let go and risk it completely.

While Yu Chi Bao was in Wu Yun's room with tears of excitement.

The two of them directly killed several secret sentries sent by Long Xiao to protect Wu Yun.

Although doing so, Long Xiao will know soon, but there is no other way.

Because he was afraid that he would miss Wu Yun, Long Xiao was disturbed, and he was unable to succeed.

They came up with a plan to kidnap Lin Zihan and lure Wu Yun out.

This will give them more time to kill Wu Yun.

Also, they can be sure.

Wu Yun had to take her with him even when he entered Tianlong Academy, so he could see that he definitely cared about her very much.

Therefore, as long as Lin Zihan is kidnapped, Wu Yun will definitely follow.

Sure enough, Wu Yun followed.

North of Fengyun Town, in the peach grove.

There may be people here during the day, but at night, there are no people here.

The so-called night black wind is high and no one is the place to kill people.

"Who are you? Let go of her!"

Ahead, the two had stopped in the peach grove. Wu Yun stood ten meters away and scolded angrily.

"Hey, boy, I have to admit that you have been attracting attention these days. With your talent, given time, I'm afraid you can really become famous, which is immeasurable."

"It's a pity that you offended the supervisor. We don't actually want to kill you that much, but if we don't kill you, we will have to die, so you must die!"

When they turned around, Wu Yun recognized them.

It turned out to be Li Qing, the leader of the Cannon Dragon Academy, and Du Fei, the leader of the High Wind Academy.

"Something comes to me, and it's not a skill to kidnap a little girl, but you are also proud of yourself."

Before ensuring Lin Zihan's safety, Wu Yun suppressed the anger and murderous intent in his heart.

"Come to you? Who doesn't know that Long Xiao is going to name and protect you now. If you don't use any means, you will go to Long Xiao to report the news later. Can you kill you?"

Li Qing said.

"Now that there is no one around, I can no longer inform Long Xiao, you can let him go."

Wu Yun continued to suppress his anger and said.

"Let it go? To tell you the truth, at the beginning, our plan was really going to be released, but now I see it, I don't want to let it go, this little girl is so tender, I suddenly thought of a more tormenting you. The way!"

Duffy said.

Li Qing also laughed lewdly, and then said sternly: "Wu Yun, you killed my disciples, and caused all my disciples to be killed by Li Zicheng, I must avenge this revenge, and simply kill you, It's definitely not enough to calm the anger in my heart, now I'm going to defile your little girl in front of you, and I want to see your pain and despair!"

"Hey Hey Hey……"

With that said, both of them laughed.

"Let go!"

Wu Yun's eyes were cold, and an icy murderous aura spread out from his body.

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