Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 841 Execution? You are not eligible!

Chapter 841 Victory without a fight

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Wu Yun clapped the dust on his hands.

Made a defiant gesture.

"Next, who will come."

At this moment, I have to say that this group of people who were just showing off their might were really drunk by Wu Yun.

Lin Youliao is the strongest among them, there is no doubt about that.

But Lin Youliao couldn't make a move in Wu Yun's hands.

This is so weird.

Not only them, but even that Teacher Liu was full of shock.

But they didn't understand, but Wu Yun's heart was like a mirror.

If these people can join Tianlong Academy, among the low-level forces, they must be the best in their respective forces.

However, not every outstanding person can be called a genius.

But not every genius can be called Tianjiao.

But Wu Yun is the arrogance of Tianjiao, a top-level figure.

There is more than one rank difference between them.

Coupled with his own combat experience and the triple cultivation that he has hidden.

Of course, if it is delayed for a long time, it may not be so easy to win.

However, relying on the speed, it was unexpectedly unexpected.

Defeat the enemy with one move, naturally.

This is also the reason why he dares to fight these thirty people alone.

After a while, no one spoke, but Lin Youliao, who was kicked off the platform, covered half of his face.

He said vaguely: "What are you doing, what are you afraid of? Come on."

As soon as these words came out, the remaining twenty-nine people all looked at each other.

It didn't take long for another person to come out.

Just listen to him say: "Don't be afraid, everyone, I don't know what means this kid has just used, let's not panic, no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person. We take turns one by one and consume all the energy to kill him."

When the words fell, I saw him take a few steps forward, ready to shoot.

And after listening to his words, those two dozen people obviously gained a lot of confidence.

But Wu Yun smiled faintly.

He knew that the fighting spirit of these people had begun to waver.

As long as you use some more means to beat the second person to the ground again, this battle will probably be won without a fight.

Suddenly, I saw the second person stepped forward a few steps, roared angrily, and pulled out his sword, about to shoot.

This time, Wu Yun was not passive.

One step ahead, a stride dashed over before he could do it.

A palm slashed at the man's chest.

And this person has the experience of Lin Youliao being defeated by one move just now, and he is well prepared.

He knew that Wu Yun could easily break their protective aura.

A spin, dodging Wu Yun's palm.

But in fact, Wu Yun was just a feint.

The real trick is the second trick hidden behind this palm, which melts the fire into the spirit.

But this man didn't know it.

Seeing that he turned so easily, he dodged Wu Yun's attack.

He even said complacently: "Hmph, Wu Yun, I thought you had much ability, but so, as long as you avoid your attack, what ability do you have?"

And the remaining twenty-eight people behind him also recovered from the fear of Lin Youliao being defeated.

But at this moment, suddenly I saw this man's face change.

Then he threw off the weapon in his hand, and his hands kept scratching on his body, as if something had invaded his body.

"Wu Yun, what the hell did you do, ah~~~"

He could have persevered originally, but he only persevered for that moment.

After a while, there was only a painful cry.

He collapsed on the platform, rolling over and over.

He cried out in pain, "Ah, it's so hot, it's burning me to death, my internal organs, my meridians, are going to be burned. Save me, save me quickly."

Everyone was surprised, what happened?

hot? How can it be hot?

Could it be that Wu Yun used poison?

At the same time, Mr. Liu was also suspicious, and rushed to the stage in a few steps.

He glared at Wu Yun and shouted, "Wu Yun, are you using poison?"

Wu Yun smiled, knowing that the time had come, with a single wave of his palm, he withdrew the power of the holy fire that had penetrated into this man's body.

As Wu Yun took back the power of the holy fire, the man also fainted.

Wu Yun said: "Poison? You can check his body, did I use poison? His own cultivation is unstable, and I was beaten to death."

"You didn't use poison, how could he suffer so much? He..."

Teacher Liu wanted to roar, but before he finished speaking, he looked down and saw that the disciple didn't groan any more, and had already fainted.

Although the expression is still painful, compared to just now, it is obviously different.

Then he immediately started to check his body.

The more I looked, the more surprised I became.

He didn't sense any signs of poisoning in this disciple, but it was as Wu Yun said.

There is nothing wrong with it except that the aura in the body is very chaotic.

This kind of situation is really like a situation of going crazy.

"Mr. Liu, if the inspection is over, please step back first, this battle is not over yet."

Wu Yun said lightly.

Then Teacher Liu looked up at Wu Yun, and then at the unconscious disciple.

Without talking, he took him away from the platform.

Seeing the two leave, Wu Yun looked up at the remaining twenty-eight people again.

Said: "Two, if you are not afraid of being beaten, come again!"

But at this moment, where did they still have the previous passion, the fighting spirit that had just recovered, was wiped out again with the defeat of the man just now.

They didn't dare to go forward, fear is only one aspect, and more, no one wants to be this early bird.

Now Wu Yun's strength is unknown, and the two of them with the highest cultivation base were both defeated by one move.

In their eyes, Wu Yun had already uttered wild words from his mouth, and was vulnerable to a single blow from the first-level boy of the Tianwu realm.

became an unfathomable person.

No one is willing to continue to be the first bird, and naturally no one will play again.

After about a quarter of an hour, Wu Yun smiled secretly.

The plan worked, it won without a fight!

He raised his head, looked at Teacher Liu, and said, "Teacher, I think I can announce the result."

That teacher Liu was stunned for a while, then looked at the twenty or so people who were gathered together and didn't dare to move.

With a sigh, he took the stage and said, "Today, Wu Yun made an exception and defeated 30 people by himself, and obtained the qualification to enter the Wood Spirit Valley alone. If there are still people who are not satisfied, he can take the stage to challenge."

It can be seen that this teacher Liu is not particularly satisfied with Wu Yun's victory. I hope someone can come out and press Wu Yun.

However, no one at the scene dared to challenge Wu Yun again.

Even the twenty or so people on the stage at the seventh or eighth level of the Heavenly Martial Realm dared not move.

Not to mention the group of second- and third-level disciples in the Tianwu realm who had just entered the stage.

"Wu Yun won today, you guys, come back tomorrow."

Mr. Liu said something a little annoyed, quite a bit hating that iron is not steel.

So many people were actually frightened by a Wu Yun.

Watching Wu Yun walk into the Wood Spirit Valley alone, everyone was stunned, not knowing what to say.

But one thing is certain, after today.

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